
Terms for subject Finances containing Crisis | all forms | exact matches only
ad hoc crisis management特殊危机管理
address the current crisis应对当前危机
aggressively counter the impact of the global financial crisis积极抵御全球金融危机的冲击
anti-crisis mechanism抗危机机制
Asian economic crisis in 19971997 年亚洲经济危机
Asian financial crisis亚洲金融危机 (1997 - 1998)
avert a debt crisis避免债务危机
avoid future crises避免将来再发生危机
banking crisis银行业危机
be in deep crisis深陷危机
be pulled out of the financial crisis从金融危机中被解救出来
build firewalls to avoid contagion of crisis构筑防火墙,避免危机蔓延
contain the financial crisis遏制金融危机
control the spread of the financial crisis遏制金融危机蔓延
coolly respond to the impact of the global financial crisis沉着应对国际金融危机冲击
cope with the global financial crisis应对全球金融危机
cope with the international financial crisis应对国际金融危机
counter the global financial crisis应对全球金融危机
counter the international financial crisis应对国际金融危机
countries at the centre of the sovereign debt crisis深陷主权债务危机的国家
countries seriously affected by the crisis遭受危机严重影响国家
crisis countries受危机困扰的国家
crisis management mechanisms危机处置机制
crisis of 1997-19981997-1998 年的危机
crisis of capitalism资本主义危机
crisis of globalization全球化危机
crisis of international economy国际经济危机
crisis of international finance国际金融危机
crisis summit危机峰会
curtail the global financial crisis抑制全球金融危机
deal with financial crisis应对金融危机
deal with the fall-out from the financial crisis处理金融危机影响
deal with the global financial crisis应对全球金融危机
deal with the international financial crisis应对国际金融危机
deal with the repercussions of the eurozone crisis应对欧元区危机的冲击
debt crisis债务危机
deepen the crisis加剧危机
deepening eurozone crisis不断加深的欧元区危机
deeper impact of the international financial crisis国际金融危机深层次影响
disproportionality theory of crisis比例失调危机论
earnestly draw lessons from the ongoing financial crisis认真总结这场金融危机的教训
ease the liquidity crisis缓解流动性危机
effectively deal with the financial crisis有效应对金融危机
effectively ward off the impact of the global financial crisis有效应对国际金融危机冲击
end the debt crisis结束债务危机
escalating crisis愈演愈烈的危机
Euro area's debt crisis欧元区债务危机
European sovereign debt crisis欧洲主权债务危机
Europe's sovereign debt crisis欧洲主权债务危机
Eurozone crisis欧元区危机
Eurozone debt crisis欧元区债务危机
Eurozone sovereign debt crisis欧元区主权债务危机
expand at rapid pre-crisis rates以金融危机之前的增长率快速扩张
face deep economic and banking crises面临严重的经济和银行业危机
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission金融危机调查委员会
Financial Crisis Inquiry Report金融危机调査报告
financial crisis risk金融危机风险
financial crisis theory金融危机理论
fiscal and trade-balance crisis财政和贸易平衡危机
food-price crisis粮食价格危机
foreign exchange crisis外汇危机
formulate a strong and systemic response to the crisis制定一项强有力且系统化的危机对策
get through the crisis度过危机
global credit crisis全球信贷危机
grapple with a sovereign bond crisis苦苦应对一场主权债务危机
Greek debt crisis希腊债务危机
heave the eurozone out of its debt crisis带领欧元区走出债务危机
impact of the US financial crisis on China美国金融危机对我国的影响
implement the package plan for dealing with the global financial crisis实施应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划
improve crisis management mechanisms完善危机处置机制
international economic crisis国际经济危机
international monetary crises国际货币危机
lay the blame for the crisis on...将危机归咎于…
liquidity crisis流动性危机
liquidity crisis周转危机
liquidity crisis清偿危机
management of the eurozone crisis欧元区危机治理
measures to halt the crisis危机应对措施
mechanism to resolve financial crises金融危机解决机制
mitigate the impact of the crisis减轻危机的影响
outbreak of the financial crisis金融危机的爆发
overcome crisis克服危机
overcome the crisis走出危机
path out of the crisis走出危机
permanent anti-crisis mechanism永久性抗危机机制
play a key role in crisis response在应对危机中发挥重要作用
post-crisis economic stimulus package后危机时代的经济刺激措施
post-crisis world后危机时代的世界
pre-crisis average危机前平均水平
pre-crisis levels危机前水平
prevent future crises预防未来的危机
public finance crisis公共财政危机
rebound from the financial crisis摆脱金融危机
regional crises地区性危机
resolve debt crisis解决债务危机
resolve the crisis解决危机
resolve the financial crisis解决金融危机
respond to the global financial crisis应对全球金融危机
respond to the global financial crisis处理金融危机影响
respond to the impact of the global financial crisis应对国际金融危机冲击
respond to the international financial crisis应对国际金融危机
ride out the global financial crisis走出全球金融危机
rise to the challenge of the financial crisis应对当前金融危机的挑战
root causes of crisis危机根源
savings and loan crisis储蓄与贷款危机
severe impact of the global financial crisis国际金融危机严重冲击
shake off the impact of the financial crisis摆脱金融危机的影响
sovereign crisis主权危机
spark a financial crisis触发一场财政危机
spread of financial crisis金融危机蔓延
spreading international financial crisis不断蔓延的国际金融危机
stem the crisis in the eurozone遏制欧元区危机
stem the financial crisis遏制金融危机蔓延
stop the crisis escalating阻止危机恶化
stop the spread and development of the financial crisis遏制金融危机扩散和蔓延
strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention在防范危机上加强合作
subprime crisis次贷危机
subprime-lending crisis次贷危机
subprime-loan crisis次贷危机
subprime-mortgage crisis次贷危机
survive the global credit crisis渡过全球信贷危机
systemic financial crisis系统性金融危机
tackle the crisis化解危机
temporary crisis mechanism临时性危机机制
theory of monetary and economic crisis货币经济危机论
threat of sovereign-debt crises主权债务危机的威胁
tide of credit crisis信贷危机浪潮
tide of economic crisis经济危机浪潮
tide of financial crisis金融危机浪潮
tide of monetary crisis货币危机浪潮
tide of subprime crisis次贷危机浪潮
times of crisis危机时期
U.S. subprime crisis美国次贷危机
weather the crisis安渡危机
weather the financial crisis渡过金融危机
western financial crisis西方金融危机
world economic crisis世界性经济危机
worsening of the crisis危机恶化