
Terms for subject Business containing Court | all forms | exact matches only
administrative court行政法院
Appeal Court上诉法院
appear before the court出庭
appear before the court到庭
appellate court受理上诉的法院
arbitral court仲裁院
bank court银行理事会
Bankruptcy Court破产案法庭
branch court分庭
branch court分院
collegiate court合议庭
collegiate court system合议庭制度
commercial court商事法庭
county court法院
county court地方法院
court charge审理费
court charge诉讼费
court cost审理费用
court cost诉讼费用
court debate法庭辩论
court document审理记录
court notice法院通知书
court of account会计法庭
court of arbitration仲裁庭
court of arbitration仲裁法院
court of bankruptcy破产法院
court of civil jurisdiction民事审判庭
court of claim索赔法院
court of claim申诉法院
court of customs and patent appeal关税及专利权上诉法院
court of equity衡平法庭
court of exchequer经济法庭
court of final instance终审法院
court of first instance一审法院
court of judicature法庭
court of judicature法院
court of justice法院 (law)
court of last resort终审法院
court of law法庭
court of second hearing二审法庭
court of second instance二审法庭
court record法庭记录
court seized of the case受理案件法院
court summon法院传票
customs court海关法庭
customs court海关法院
day in court出庭日
decision of the court法院判决
decree of court法院判决
domestic court本国法院
equity court衡平法庭
finance court财政法庭
full court合议庭
inferior court下级法院
labor court劳资争议法庭
law court法庭
leave of court法庭准许
Permanent Court of Arbitration海牙常设国际仲裁法庭
police court违禁罪法庭
tax court税务法庭
winding-up under the supervision of a court法院监督下的清理