
Terms for subject Sports containing Court | all forms | exact matches only
all court全场
angle of court球场四角
arbitration court裁判委员会
area of the court场地面积
away court客方场地
away court客场
beaten earth court土地球场
cement court水泥球场
change courts交换场地
change of courts交换场地
codeball in the court墙弹球运动
competition court竞赛场地
concrete court混凝土场地 (squash)
court awareness场上意识
court covering守住全场
court craft场上技艺
court handball墙手球
court manner临场作风
court of arbitration for sport体育仲裁法庭
court referee临场裁判员
court sense场上意识
covered court室内场地
enter the court进场
enter the court出场
entoutcas court砖屑场地
entoutcas court快干场地
get back to centre court返回中场 (squash)
grass court草地球场
half-court line半场线 (squash)
half-court line中线
home court advantage主场优势
lawn tennis court草地[坪]网球场
lob cross court对角高软球 (squash)
move in the court【犍】场上的移动
on-court warm-up场上准备活动
on court warm-up场内准备活动
open court无人防守的地区
open court空当
opponent's court对方场区
out court场外地区
out-court area场外地区
out of court line界外线 (squash)
playing court运动场
playing court田径场
quarter court¹⁄₄场 (squash)
server's left half court发球员的左半区
server's right half court发球员的右半区
service court【犍、网、羽】发球区
The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道
toss for service and end of court抛硬币选择发球权或场区
training court练习球场
walk off the court退场表示抗议等
walk off the court退场以示抗议
wood court木制场地 (squash)
wooden court木板场地