
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing Cost | all forms | exact matches only
additional cost附加费用
additional cost附加费
attendance cost保养费
bridging cost桥梁造价
budget cost预算费用
building cost建筑造价
capital construction cost基本建设费
comparative cost比较造价
construction cost建筑造价
construction cost工程费用
construction cost工程费
construction management cost施工管理费
control cost管理费
cost estimation估价
cost estimation概算
cost of a project工程成本
cost of bridge桥梁造价
cost of building造价
cost of building工程造价
cost of capital construction基本建设费
cost of construction工程费
cost of design设计费
cost of fundamental construction基本建设费
cost of haulage土方运距费
cost of material材料用费
cost of upkeep维修费
curing cost养护费
engineering cost工程费用
estimated cost account预算成本计算
fabrication cost制造费用
fabrication cost制造费
final cost of engineering工程决算
first cost初期投资
heavy cost巨大费用
independent cost独立费用
indirect construction cost间接工程费
indirect cost间接费
labour cost工费
low-cost road简易公路
maintenance cost养护费
material cost材料用费
operating cost运营费
overhead cost间接费
reconstruction cost重建费用
repair cost修理费用
running cost运转费用
total cost总造价