
Terms for subject Project management containing Cost | all forms | exact matches only
absorption cost完全成本
acceleration cost加速施工费
accumulation cost累计成本
actual additional cost实际附加成本
actual cost实际成本 (AC)
actual cost of work performed已完工作实际成本
adjustment for changes in cost对费用变动的调整
allowable cost允许成本
analysis of cost variance成本差异分析
And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything对于我、作为一个服务提供商、如果交易成本很高、我就不能在一个小时内给客户提供一辆汽车
anticipated approved cost预计可批准的费用
applied direct cost实际直接成本
at cost按成本计算
at factor cost按生产要素成本计算
at factor cost按要素成本计算
at the lower of cost or market按成本或市价孰低计价
average cost of land production增辟土地平成本
average cost per unit平均单位成本
back stopping cost支助费用
back-stopping cost资助费用
base cost基准费用
base cost estimate基本费用估计
base cost estimate基本成本估计
benefit cost study收益-成本分析
break-even cost盈亏平衡费
budget and cost control预算与成本控制
budgetary and cost control预算与成本管制
budgeted cost of work performed已完工作预算成本
budgeted cost of work scheduled计划工作预算成本 (BCWS)
building cost index建造成本指数
capital cost建设费用
capital cost建设成本
capitalizable cost可资本化成本
carrying cost of inventory库存置存成本
cash cost现金成本
cash cost直接费用
certified cost engineer注册成本工程师
change in cost费用变更
claim cost components索赔款的组成部分
claim for extra cost额外费用索赔
Clear this check box to accrue the actual cost edits to the end of the actual duration of the task若要累算到任务实际工期结束为止的实际成本编辑结果、 请清除该复选框
clearance cost清拆成本
Company only receives the medicine cost price for the supplying basic medical services公司提供基本医疗服务、 公司仅收取药品成本价
compensation of additional cost附加费用的补偿
constant cost不变本体
construction cost control施工成本控制
construction cost estimating施工成本预算
contingency cost应急费
contingency cost不可预见费
contract of cost and expense监督开支合同
cost accounting-overview成本会计总观
cost and commitment成本与承诺费
cost and commitment program成本与承诺费用计划
cost and freight离岸成本加运费
cost and insurance离岸成本加保险费
cost and percentage contracts成本加百分比合同
cost-and-fee contract成本加酬金合同
cost-and-fee contracts成本加费用合同
cost-and-volume relationship成本一数量关系
cost benefit成本收益
cost-benefit evaluation成本效益评价
cost-benefit ratio成本效益比
cost-benefit study成本效益研究
cost-book company以成本账原则组成的公司
cost breakdown detail成本分类细则
cost ceiling最高成本
cost code system成本编码系统
cost competitiveness成本竞争力
cost consultant成本咨询顾问
cost contribution成本分摊
cost convention原值成本法
cost effectiveness经济效益
cost impact analysis成本影响分析
cost input投人资金
cost, insurance and freight保险费加运费
cost, insurance and freight成本
cost, insurance, freight and commission成本、保险费、运费加佣金
cost, insurance, freight and war-risks成本、保险费、运费加战争险价
cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold到岸轮船舱底交货
cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold成本、保险费、运费加船舱底交货
cost, insurance, freight, landed到岸价格加卸货费
cost, insurance, freight, landed成本、保险费、运费加卸货费
cost, insurance, freight, liner terms到岸价格加班轮条件
cost, insurance, freight, liner terms成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件
cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle成本、保险费、运费加吊钩下交货价
cost leadership strategy成本领先战略
cost management information system成本管理资料系统
cost monitoring费用监测
cost of an asset资产成本
cost of bond担保成本
cost of capital资金成本
cost of fire protection防火费用
cost of good sold已售商品成本
cost of goods sold产品销售成本
cost of insurance保险费
cost of issue发行股份费用
cost of issue招股费用
cost of money资金的成本
cost of overhaul大修费用
cost of repatriation遣散费
cost of safety program安全计划费用
cost of set-up开办费
cost of site security现场安全费用
cost of suspension暂时停工费用
cost of transmitting传送费用
cost of upkeep维护费用
cost-of-living allowance生活津贴
cost-of-living index生活指数
cost-oriented pricing成本导向定价法
cost overrun费用超支
cost planning费用计划
cost plus award fee contract成本加酬金合同
cost plus incentive-fee contracts成本加奖金合同
cost plus percentage-of-cost contract成本加成本百分率合同
cost plus profit成本加利润
cost-plus-fee contract成本加酬金合同
cost plus-fixed-fee contract成本加固定费用合同
cost-plus-fixed-fee contract成本加固定酬金合同
cost-plus-fluctuating-fee contract成本加浮动酬金合同
cost-plus-incentive-fee contract成本加奖金合同
cost-plus-percentage-fee contract成本加定比酬金合同
cost-plus-upset-maximum contract成本加固定最大酬金合同
cost-push inflation成本推动的通货膨胀
cost-recovery basis收回成本的原则
cost reductions降低成本产品
cost reimbursement费用补偿
cost reimbursement-and-fee contract成本加酬金合同
cost-related charges依成本而定的收费
cost-related fee依成本而定的收费
cost reports成本报表
cost-sharing formula成本分摊公式或准则
cost target contract成本目标合同
cost to the revenue政府减少的收人
cost to the revenue政府收人的损失
cost variance成本偏差
cost-volume-profit analysis成本、数量、利润分析
court cost诉讼费
demolition cost拆除费
demurrage cost滞期费
Depreciated cost calculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation claimed from the original cost of an asset折余成本、已折旧成本计算方法为从资产原来成本中扣除折旧额
Detailed and accurate sales data can help to reduce stock level and thus the operating cost详尽与准确的销售资料将有助于减少存货、 以降低营运成本
detailed cost详细费用
determination of cost成本厘定
direct method of allocation of cost成本直接分摊法
disallowed cost拒付费用
discharge cost装卸费用
disposal cost清理费用
distributable cost可分摊的成本
domestic resources cost国内资源成本
Early estimates suggested that the economic cost alone might be grievous早期的估计数字显示、 人们认为光是经济损失可能就相当严重
elements of cost费用要素
equipment cost estimating施工机械费预算
equivalent annual cost method年值当量法
escalation cost涨价后的费用
estimated cost预算价
estimated cost预计费用
exchange cost换汇费用
exchange cost换汇成本
extraordinary cost临时费
fabrication cost装配成本
fabrication cost制造成本
factory cost制成本
financing cost集资费用
fixed-percentage-of-cost method成本定率折旧 (of depreciation)
forecast final cost预计最终成本
freight forward cost货物发运费用
full cost price十足成本价
full year cost全年费用
full year cost全年经费
gang cost班组费用
Greater weight has to be assigned to the gas price increase than to the cost of cars increase必须给汽油价格增长分配以比汽车价格增长较大的权数
gross domestic product at factor cost按生产要素成本计算的本地生产总值
guaranteed maximum cost contracts最高限价担保合同
guaranteed maximum cost contracts最高成本限价合同
head office cost总部费用
home office cost公司本部费用
How much will your risk management strategies cost you?你的风险管理战略费用是多少?
idle cost窝工费用
If no actual duration has been entered, the actual cost is placed at the beginning of the task如果未输入实际工期、则实际成本将放置在任务的开始
improvement cost改建费用
improvement cost改进成本
increased cost增加的费用
incurred cost招致的费用
indirect material cost间接材料费用
initial approved cost批准的控制估算 (IAC)
input cost投人资源成本
insurance and freight cost成本、保险费加运费
irrelevant cost不相关成本
job cost journals工程成本日记账
job cost ledgers工程成本分类账
job cost records工程成本账
job cost records工程成本记录
job overhead cost工程管理费
labour and material cost index劳工及材料成本指数
labour cost工人费用
labour cost工人价格
land cost element土地成本因素
landed cost到岸成本
landed cost抵岸价格
law cost讼费
legal cost讼费
life-cycle cost生命周期成本
local cost本地成本
local cost financing国内费用筹措
low-cost defender低成本防御型
low-cost position低成本地位
lump sum cost一次性支付
lump sum cost一次性支出
measurement and cost reimbursement检测分期付款合同和成本加酬金合同
measurement and cost reimbursement contract测量与成本补偿合同
method of fixed percentage on cost成本固定百分比折旧
net cost费用净额
non-recurrent cost非经常费用
normal cost正常费用
notional annual salary cost at mid-point按薪级中点估计的年薪开支
notional cost名义成本
notional cost估计费用
notional mid-point cost估计的中点费用
operating cost运作成本
operation and maintenance cost操作和维修费用
operation cost运营成本
out-of-pocket cost实际开支成本
overall cost leadership全面成本领先
package cost包装费用
pollution prevention cost环境保护费
predicated cost预计成本
predictability of cost成本的可预料性
prime cost进货价
prime cost plus fixed fee主要成本加固定酬金
prime cost plus percentage fee主要成本加定比酬金
process cost加工成本
project cost工程项目费用
provisional cost临时成本
purchasing cost购货成本
quality and cost based selection基于质量和价格的选择
recurrent cost经常费用
reimbursable cost可补偿费用
reinstatement cost复原费用
relevant cost有关费用
replacement cost迁建费用
reproduction cost重置成本
research and development cost研究开发费
revenue cost收益成本
revenue cost收人成本
scheduled cost of work工作计划成本
set-up cost生产准备费用
set-up cost开办费用
site overhead cost现场管理费
social cost社会代价
staff on-cost员工间接费用
staff on-cost职员附加费用
standby cost休闲维持成本
startup cost筹备费用
startup cost开办成本
stockout cost缺料成本
storage cost仓储费
The conventional law firm billing system is a form of cost-plus pricing, which is considered wasteful律师事务所最常见的定价策略是成本加成定价、通常被认为是不经济的
The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则
total cost of realization变现的费用总额
transaction cost analysis交易成本分析
transportation cost运输费用
unescapable cost不可避免的成本
unit cost单位生产的成本
unit cost basis以单位成本为基础
value at cost成本值
volume-cost-profit analysis量本利分析
wear cost of tyre轮胎磨损费
work cost budget工程成本预算