
Terms for subject Securities containing Cost | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal cost原始成本
absorbed cost分摊的成本
acquired net assets over cost收购净资产
adjusted original cost调整后的原成本
after-tax cost税后成本
agency cost代理成本
all in cost发行成本
all in cost全部成本
allocated cost配置成本
alternative cost recovery system备用成本回收体系
amortization cost摊销成本
amortization cost折旧成本
appraisal cost估算成本
assets or cost basis acquisitions以资产或成本为基础的收购
assignment cost转让成本
assumed cost interest假定成本利息
at current cost按现价
at current cost按时价计算
at factor cost按成本要素计算
at one's cost某人出资
attributable cost应占成本
available cost能控制的成本
average cost of capital资本平均成本
avoidable cost可免除的成本
benefit-cost ratio method效益一成本比率
building cost index建设成本指数
bunched cost综合成本
bunched cost混合成本
buying cost收购成本
calculation of cost成本计算
capital construction cost statement基本建设成本报表
capital cost基本建设成本
capital cost allowance资本成本减免额
capital cost recovery资本成本收回
capitalizable cost可资本化的成本
capitalized total cost资本化成本
carrying cost资本成本差额债券和存款利息与借贷成本的差别
choosing between carryover and cost basis选择转人下期或选择成本计人方式
clearance cost清算成本
committed cost已担负的成本
committed cost已承担成本
common firm-wide cost整个公司共同成本
compliance cost依法费用
component of cost成本的组成
concept of cost relevancy成本关联性概念
constant cost saving节省固定成本/定额成本
constant opportunity cost不变的机会成本
contributing cost activity成本分摊活动
controllable cost可控制的成本
cost absorption成本消化
cost absorption成本计人
cost accounting data base成本会计数据基础
cost accounting regulation成本会计规则
cost accumulation成本积累
cost addition成本增加
cost after split-off剥离后的成本
cost an arm and a leg价格高昂
cost and freight成本和运费
cost application成本运用
cost approach成本方法
cost approach to value成本计价法
cost assessed target成本评估指标
cost attach成本吸收
cost attach成本附加
cost averaging平均成本法
cost basis成本基准制
cost benefit analysis成本效益分析 (CBA)
cost benefit ratios成本效益比率
cost carried down成本结转
cost carried forward成本结转
cost difference成本差别
cost for judicial proceeding诉讼成本
cost funding资金成本
cost inefficiency成本低效
cost input成本投人
cost less depreciation折旧后的价值
cost manual成本计算手册
cost mark成本暗码交易商用
cost marketing销售成本
cost memo成本通知书
cost method of investment投资的成本法投资算作成本,股息算作收益
cost of activity行动成本
cost of asset acquisition财产收购成本
cost of bonds债券成本
cost of borrowing借贷成本
cost of capital资金成本率
cost of cover弥补成本
cost of credit protection保护信用成本
cost of credit protection信用风险成本
cost of depreciation折旧费用
cost of equity股本成本
cost of financing融资费用
cost of floatation融资成本
cost of floatation发行成本
cost of fund index基金成本指数
cost of funds融资成本
cost of funds index基金成本指数
cost of funds index swap基金成本指数互换
cost of goods sold售货成本
cost of limited partner capital有限合伙资金成本
cost of non-comparable products不可比产品成本
cost of reproduction再造成本
cost of risk风险成本
cost of risk风险代价
cost of sale售货成本
cost of tender结算费用期货合同结算时全部关联费用
cost offset成本冲销
cost or market whichever is lower成本和市价孰低法
cost-or-less principle成本或低于成本的原则
cost per thousand CPT每千次成本网上广告千次点击成本
cost per thousand每千个单位的成本 (CPT)
cost performance成本绩效
cost plus percentage cost成本加成本百分比
cost-plus pricing成本加利润定价法
cost plus pricing成本加成定价法
cost pool成本集合
cost/price dynamic成本/价格作用机制
cost recovery period成本回收期
cost-related rent成本关联租金
cost risk成本风险
cost tradeoff成本交替置换
cost variance成本差额
cost-volume-profit analysis成本一销量一利润分析
count the cost估算成本
deferred capital cost延期资本成本
deferred cost延期成本
delivery against cost成本交割
depletion cost损耗成本
depreciable cost应计折旧价值
depreciated cost折余价值
depreciated cost贬值的成本
depreciated replacement cost折旧重置成本
depreciation by fixed percentage of cost固定成本百分比折旧
depreciation by percentage of original cost原始成本百分比贬值
depreciation changing percentage of cost less scrap残值变化百分比贬值
depreciation-unit cost method<-> 单位成本折旧法
determination of cost确定成本
differential cost pricing差异成本定价
direct cost allocation直接成本分摊
direct input cost直接投人成本
discrepancy of cost成本的差异性
disposal price of treasury shares cost basis按成本计算库存股的出售价格
distribution cost advantage分配成本益处
distributive cost分配的成本
divisional cost单位成本
dollar-cost averaging按成本平均投资
effective cost of refinancing再融资的有效成本
effective interest cost有效利率成本
employment cost index雇佣成本指数
estimated cost预计成本
estimating the cost估算成本
excess of cost of securities over ket value证券成本超过市价
excess of cost of security over book value证券成本超过账面价值
excess of cost over net assets acquired买价高于所购净资产价值
excess of net assets acquired over cost收购净资产价值超过成本
execution cost成交价
execution cost执行成本
explicit bankruptcy cost现付破产成本
explicit bankruptcy cost显见破产成本
explicit cost由生产要素价格决定的成本
explicit cost显见成本
financing cost savings融资成本的节省
finished cost已完工成本
floatation cost证券发行成本
floatation cost筹资成本
floatation cost债券发行费
floating cost股票发行成本
flotation cost发行债券的成本
frictional cost摩擦成本盯住指数投资,投资组合的实际收益率低于所盯指数收益率的部分
full cost pricing全部成本定价法
full cost recovery收回全部成本
full cost recovery收回全额成本
fully allocated cost全部分摊成本
fully distributed cost全部分配成本
fund raising cost基金筹集费
funding cost集资成本
general administration cost总管理费
hard cost硬成本
hedging cost套期保值成本
hidden cost隐性成本
historic cost套牢成本
historical cost套牢成本
historical cost历史最高价格
historical-cost statement按历史成本编制的报表
holding cost持有成本
hypothetical cost假设成本
identifiable cost可识别的成本
impact cost冲击成本
implicit bankruptcy cost隐性破产成本
implicit interest cost隐含利息成本
implied cash cost隐形的付现成本
imputed cost推算的成本
imputed cost估算的成本
including synergies and cost cuts包含协同与成本削减
increment cost of debt债务增量成本
incremental cost and benefit增加的成本和利益
incremental cost of borrowing增量贷款的成本
incremental cost of capital增加资本成本
incremental external cost增加的外部成本
incremental opportunity cost增量机会成本
incurred cost已发行成本
inferiority cost劣势成本
in-house program cost内部项目成本
input cost投人成本
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants成本和管理会计师协会
integration cost整合成本
integration cost整体成本
interest charged to cost计人成本的利息
interfund cost基金同业成本某基金公布投资组合,其他基金可节省研发成本选择相似组合
internal cost price structure内部成本价格结构
joint cost共同成本
last invoice cost method最后进价法
last invoice cost method最新进价法
law of diminishing cost成本递减法则
lease acquisition cost租赁收购成本
least total cost最低总费用
loan closing cost贷款结算成本
long run cost长线成本
long run cost长期成本
low-cost credits低息信贷
low-cost index tracker低成本指数追踪型基金
low of cost or market成本与市场价孰低法
lower of cost or market成本与市场价孰低法在资产负债表中,披露有价证券投资价格时,在投资成本与市场价两者中选价格低者进行公布
market impact cost市场冲击成本
market timing cost市场时机成本
moderate cost收费适中
modified accelerated cost recovery system改进加速成本回收系统
modified accelerated cost recovery system改进加速成本收回系统
monitoring cost监督成本
net cost of spread利差净成本
net financing cost融资净成本
net interest cost净利息成本
net uncovered cost未收回成本净额
on cost按固定成本
operational cost control经营成本控制
opportunity cost择机代价
opportunity cost of capital资金的机会成本
option cost期权成本
out of pocket cost实际费用
out of pocket cost直接成本
over absorbed cost超额分摊成本
over absorbed cost过量吸收成本
over cost经营成本超支
overall cost总体成本
overrun cost超额成本
overrun cost超额费用
overrun cost超支成本
owning cost占有成本
period cost定期成本
pessimistic cost悲观成本
political cost hypothesis政治成本假说
predetermined cost system预定成本制
principle of matching cost with revenue成本收人配比原则
pro forma cost预计费用
probable cost大约的/可能的费用
profit-to-cost ratio成本利润率
prospective cost basis预期成本基础
prudent investment cost standard谨慎投资成本标准
pure cost of circulation净流通费用
quasi cost准成本
real time cost即时成本
rearrangement cost资产重新安置费用
rearrangement cost资产重新安置成本
recorded cost已计成本
recurring cost经常性成本
redemption cost赎回缓冲
redemption cost偿还成本
regulatory cost监管成本
relevance of cost成本的相关性
relocation cost转移成本
repatriation cost资本退还成本
replacement cost替代成本
replacement cost accounting更新成本会计
replacement cost value重置成本价值
risk hedging cost风险对冲成本
risky cost风险成本
round turn transition cost完整交易成本
scheduled cost计划预定成本
security for legal cost诉讼费担保
sell below cost赔本出售
selling and administrative expense charged to cost计人成本的销售及管理费用
set up cost设定成本
set up cost开业成本
settling up cost了结成本
setup cost开办成本
setup cost创业资金
shortage cost短缺成本
social opportunity cost of capital资本的社会机会成本
specific order cost system特别委托成本制
spreading fixed cost分散固定成本
stairstep cost阶梯成本
stairstep cost梯级成本
standard cost and fee in exchange交易所收费标准
standing by cost准备费用
standing cost不变成本
start-up cost起动成本
start-up cost创业成本
statistical cost control统计成本控制
stepped cost阶梯成本
stock obsolescence cost股票陈旧成本
stock obsolescence cost股票过时成本
stranded cost失去回报的投资
sunk cost沉淀成本
sunk cost已付成本
swap cost互换费用
switching cost转换成本
the lower of cost and market成本与市价孰低原则
theory of comparative cost比较成本说
theory of comparative cost相对成本理论
three-year cost recovery rule三年成本收回规则
time cost of options期权的时间成本
timing cost时效成本
total cost of realization变现费用总额
traceable cost直接费用
transaction cost efficiency交易成本效率
transfer cost运输费用
transfer in cost转人成本
true interest cost债券实际利息成本
true interest cost实际利息成本
true interest cost真实利益成本
unabsorbed cost未被成本吸收的成本
unabsorbed cost未被分摊的成本
unabsorbed cost未归人成本
unavoidable cost无法避免的成本
uncontrollable cost不可控成本
underlying cost相关成本
underutilization cost未充分利用成本
underwriting cost承销费用
unit cost basis按单位成本计算
unit cost basis单位成本制
unleveraged cost of equity非杠杆股本成本
upfront cost预付成本
user cost of capital资本使用者成本
valuation at cost按成本估值
valuation at cost按其成本计价
valuation at lower of cost or market成本价与市场价孰低计价
valuation of opportunity cost机会价格估值
valuation of opportunity cost机会成本评估
value at cost按成本计值
variability of cost变动性
variability of cost成本的可变性
variable cost pool可变成本积累
variation from norm cost定额成本变化
volume-cost-profit analysis量本利分析交易量・成本・利润分析
weighted average cost of capital资本加权平均成本
wholesale cost证券批发成本
workout cost结算成本
zero cost collar零成本双限合约
zero cost collar零成本上下限合同
zero cost forward band无成本远期临界限
zero cost option无成本期权
zero incremental cost零成本增加
zero incremental cost无增加成本