
Terms for subject Economy containing Cost | all forms | exact matches only
absolute cost纯粹费用成本
absolute cost绝对生产费
absolute cost of production绝对生产费用
absolute cost of production绝对生产费
absolute difference in cost成本绝对差异
absorbed overhead cost已分摊的间接费用成本
accelerated cost recovery system美国加速成本回收制
accelerated cost recovery system美国成本加速回收制
accomplishment/cost procedure完成/成本规程
accounting cost记账 (会计成本)
accounting cost control会计成本监督 (控制)
accounting cost control会计成本控制
acquisition cost原始价值
acquisition cost购置取得成本
actuarial cost methods保险统计费用法
additional cost追加费用
additional cost额外成本
adjusted acquisition cost调整后采购成本
administrative cost行政费
administrative cost行政开支
advance in the cost of living生活费用上涨
advance in the cost of living生活费上涨
advance on the cost of production生产费用的上涨
advance on the cost of production生产费的上涨
All cost and expenses of actions by Part A shall be paid by Part B甲方的全部诉讼费用应由乙方承担
alternative cost择-成本机会成本,替换成本
alternative cost valuation替换成本评估
American Association for Cost Engineers美国成本核算工程师协会
amortization schedule of low cost and short lived articles低值易耗品摊销分配表
an assumed cost假定成本
an obsolescence cost废弃成本
an outlay cost实支成本
an outlay cost支出成本
an outlay cost付现成本
annual cost calculation年成本计算
annual cost method年金法
annual cost method年费用法
annual-cost method of comparison年成本比较法
annual cost of capital资金的年成本
annual expected loss cost年度期望损失费用
annual holding cost年持有成本
annual holding cost年储存成本
annual maintenance cost年度维修费用
annual operating cost年经营总成本
annual ordering cost年订购成本
annual ordering cost年订货成本
annual production-cost年生产成本
annual shadow capital cost年影子资本成本
annual stock-out cost年缺货成本
application rate of overhead cost间接费或管理费分摊率
apply factory overhead cost to products制造费用摊入产品
assigned cost过户成本
assumed shelter cost假定的住房费用
assumptions of cost analysis成本分析的假定
attained-age normal cost method达龄正常费用法
average annual cost年平均费用
average commodity cost商品平均成本
average commodity cost平均商品成本
average cost平均成本
average cost curve平均成本曲线
average cost flow assumption库存进出平均成本的假设
average cost of oil exploration石油勘探平均成本
average cost of production平均生产成本
average cost pricing平均成本定价法
average manufacturing cost平均制造成本
average prime cost平均主要成本
average quality cost平均质量成本
average total cost总平均成本
basic cost原始价值
basic salary cost基本工薪费用
basic shop cost基本制造成本
bill the shipment at cost按成本计收货价
bona-fide cost真正的成本
budgeted cost预算费用
budgeted cost of work performed已竣工程预算成本
budgeted cost of work scheduled未竣工程预算成本
carrying cost日常开支
carrying cost囤积成本
carrying cost资产折旧成本
China Cost Research Society中国成本研究会
cleared cost, insurance, freight cleared到岸价格加结关费用价格 (货价、保险费、运费和结关费用价)
compliance cost税务执行费用
constant cost固定成本 (fixed cost)
constant cost固定费用 (fixed cost)
constant cost不变费用
constant cost不变成本 (fixed cost)
constant cost industry成本不变工业
constant cost industry不变成本产业
constant cost supply费用不变供应
constant marginal cost固定边际成本
constant opportunity cost机会成本不变
constant opportunity cost不变机会成本
controllable cost可控成本
count the cost盘算一下
count the cost事前权衡利害得失
crash cost速成费用
crash cost应急成本
crash cost突击施工成本
current cost时【市】价
current-cost accounting现行成本会计
current cost accounting现行成本会计
current cost control现行成本管理
current cost of supplies目前供应成本
debris clearing cost清除残损物的费用
decremental cost减少成本
decremental cost减支成本
decremental cost减量成本
deferred cost递延支出
degressive cost递减费用
departmental job order cost accounting部门分批成本会议
departmental process cost system部门综合成本核算制度
depreciated original cost折余原始成本
difference of absolute cost绝对成本差
differential cost and revenue差别成本和收入
direct and indirect process cost直接与间接的分布成本
direct expenses cost直接费用成本
direct labour cost直接生产成本
direct labour cost variance直接人工成本差异
direct manufacturing cost直接制造成本
direct material cost variance直接材料成本差异
direct operating cost直接作业费用
direct operation cost直接营运成本
direct operation cost直接操作费用
discontinuous cost function非连续成本函数
discretionary cost选择性成本
discretionary cost自定成本
discretionary fixed cost决择性固定成本
displacement cost代替成本
displacement cost更新成本
displacement cost替代成本
displacement of cost替代成本
disposal of treasury shares on cost basis按成本计算库存股的出售价格
disposition of cost variance成本差异调整
distribution cost推销成本
distribution cost accounting经销成本会计
distribution cost allocation经销成本分摊
distribution cost analysis经销成本分析
distribution cost analysis推销成本分析
distribution of overhead cost间接费成本分摊
distributive cost配销成本
division cost部门成本
dollar-cost averaging美元成本平均法
downtime cost停工费用
downtime cost时间损失费
earnings or cost approach所得或成本
efficiency cost效率费用
electric cost电费
empirical studies of cost schedules成本表列的经验或实况研究
employment cost雇用费
engineering cost设计费用
engineering economic cost analysis工程经济成本分析
equal cost contour curve等成本曲线
equal cost line等成本线
escapable cost可节省的成本
ex ante cost-centre accounting scheme预计成本项目计算办法
ex ship's hold cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸轮船仓底交货价 (货价、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价)
ex works cost工厂交货价
expected annual stockout cost期望的年脱销费用
expected total operating cost预计总操作费
expenditure cost支出成本
external cost负外部性
fabricating cost制作装配成本
factorial cost estimating method因子估算法
factory burden cost工厂间接费成本
factory cost制造〔生产〕成本
factory cost全厂一般费用
factory cost生产成本
factory departmental cost report部门生产成本报告
factory supplies cost工厂消耗品成本
farm production cost农产品成本
flat cost直接成本
fully variable cost完全变动成本
general & administrative cost总务及管理费用
general cost-benefit models一般成本一效益模式
halve the production cost使生产成本降低一半
h.c. 1. high cost of living高生活费
high-cost commodity高成本商品
holding cost存货保管费用
holding cost储备成本
identifying cost of alternative鉴别备选方案成本
identity of least-cost figures of firms, in pure competition纯粹竞争中各厂商最小成本的相等
identity of long-run cost & supply schedules长期成本与供给表列的相等
identity of short-run marginal cost and short-run supply schedules短期边际成本和短期供给表列的相等
If the goods are proved to be defective, you should replace or repair them immediately at your cost如这些货物经证实确有缺陷,你方应立即更换或修理,费用由你方负担
individual cost price个别生产费用
job cost一批工作成本
job cost estimating工作成本估计
job cost sheet工作费用单
job cost sheet工作成本单
joint cost goods共同成本产品
joint cost goods连带成本物
joint cost product联产品
joint cost product联合成本的产品
land cost土地费
landed cost地产成本
landed cost卸岸成本
landed cost土地成本
local cost现场现金开支
logic of cost成本的逻辑
management indirect cost间接管理费
management indirect cost管理间接费
manpower cost劳动力价值
marketing cost推销成本
marketing cost营业费
marketing cost销售费用
marketing cost account营业费账户
marketing cost index销售成本指数
match cost with revenue成本与收入配合
maximum allowable cost最高允许费用
maximum cost ratio最大成本比
maximum economic finding cost最大经济发现成本
maximum output for a given cost一定成本的最高产值
method of fixed percentage on cost成本定率法折旧
motor vehicle running cost机动车日常费用
motor vehicle running cost汽车行李费
multiple product cost system多种产品分组成本制
multiple-product cost system多种产品成本制度
National Association of Cost Accounts全国成本会计人员协会
National Association of Cost Accounts全国成本会计师协会
national income at factor-cost因素成本的国民所得
net incremental cost净增量投资
new cost item无代价项目
nominal cost of money货币名义成本
nominal cost of money货币票面成本
noncontrollable cost不可控制之成本
operating cost转运费用
operating cost营业费
operating cost system营业成本制度
opportunity alternation cost机会替换成本
opportunity alternative cost机会成本择一成本,时机代价
opportunity cost of capital资本的机会成本
opportunity cost of capital资本机会成本
opportunity cost of value机会成本值
opportunity cost value机会成本价
optimum least cost schedule优先最少费用工期
organization cost written off摊销的开办费
origin of cost items成本分项来源
outlay cost发生成本
outlay cost支出的成本
packing cost包装费
paid cost已付费用
period and short run cost curves时间与短期成本曲线
period cost周期性开支
period cost计期费用
period cost期间费用
period cost当期成本
planned cost计划费用
planned cost计划开支
policy cost政策性成本
pollution abatement cost与环境保护有关的费用
prior service cost前期服务费
probable cost大约的费用
purport the increase of cost意味着成本的提高
rate of cost reduction成本降低率
rate of profit based on the cost of production盈利率
rate of profit based on the cost of production生产成本利润率
rate of returns over cost收益报酬超过成本率
relation of cost to price成本对价格的关系
relation of price to average cost价格对平均成本的关系
relation of price to cost价格对成本的关系
reliability, cost and schedule可靠性、成本和调度
reliability-cost arrangement耐久费用分摊
reliability-cost trade-off analysis可靠性与费用权衡分析
resource accounting and cost allocation资源计算和成本分配
rig cost钻机折旧费用
rig cost钻机成本
risked cost风险费用
risked cost风险成本
ROI versus changes in investment cost收益率与投资变动关系
rule of cost or market成本与市价孰低的规则
Sales cost just includes the day-to-day expenses销售费用只包括日常开支
saving in investment cost投资费用的节省
sell at less than cost蚀本出售
sell below cost亏本出售
separable fixed cost可分固定成本
set up and ordering cost准备与订购成本
single press cost system单成本制
social benefit/cost analysis社会效益费用分析
social benefit/cost analysis社会效益成本分析
social benefit/cost analysis社会利得成本分析
social cost社会的成本
social opportunity cost社会机会成本
social or opportunity cost社会或机会成本
social overhead cost经济社会基本设施成本
Sometimes buildings are built under lumpsum and cost-plus contracts有时候,一些建筑物是照一次总付合同及成本加佣金合同建造的
split a common cost普通成本分配
staff cost工资费用
stair-step cost梯级成本
stair-step cost阶梯成本
startup cost启动费用
startup cost启动成本
subjective cost主观成本
Such national publicity is absolutely necessary and will be carried out next month at the cost of the company此种全国性的宣传绝对必要,且于下月进行,费用由公司承担
summary of cost of finished products成品成本汇总表
sunk cost旁置成本
tangency of average revenue average cost curves平均收入与平均成本的相切
tax on cost成本税
tax on cost原价税
tax-paid cost完税后成本
technical cost proposal技术费用建议
the absorbed cost已分摊成本
the absorbed cost已归入成本
the absorbed cost已吸收的成本
the absorption cost全部成本
the absorption cost吸收成本
the actual acquisition cost实际取得成本
The additional cost is also included in the quoted price额外费用也包括在报价内
the adjusted acquisition cost调整后的购置成本
the aggressive cost inflation过分的成本膨胀
the allocable fixed cost可分摊的固定费用
the amortized cost摊提成本
The annual depreciation of buildings is about 2% on the estimated cost of construction建筑物的年折旧率大约是估定建筑费的2 %
the appraisal cost鉴定成本
the appraisal cost鉴定费用
the approximate cost约计成本
the approximate cost近似成本
the assessed cost摊派的费用
the average-unit-cost method平均单位成本法
the avoidable and unavoidable cost可避免与不可避免成本
the avoidable fixed cost可避免的固定成本
the benefit to cost relationship受益和成本之间的关系
the boarding cost膳食费
The building maintenance cost information service Ltd房屋维修造价情报公司
the capital recovery cost资本还原成本
the committed capacity cost约束性固定费用
the committed capacity cost折旧费
The company's annual report said it had benefit from its cost saving measures公司年度报告指出,该公司已从节约开支措施中获益
The contract provides that we shall undertake to replace and repair the damaged goods at our cost合同规定我方应承担更换或修理毁损货物,费用由我方负担
the cost analysis成本分析
The cost of beer bottles has been included in the sale price and such bottles are not to be returnable啤酒瓶的价格包括在销售价之中,这种瓶子是不需退回的
the cost of cost estimates估算的费用
The cost of designing the house considerably exceeds our calculations房屋设计费大大超过我们的预算
The cost of preparation of the exhibition is to be at our expense准备展览会的费用由我方承担
The cost of the bike is in the vicinity of RMB ¥450自行车的价钱是 450人民币左右
The cost of the shipping totals up to RMB ¥15.000装运费总计达人民币 15.000 元
the cost of wear and tear损耗费
the cost-of-living allowance生活费用津贴
The cost-of-living index has increased by 10.5% this year今年的生活消费指数增长了10.5%
the cost relevant to alternative choice与决策方案有关的成本
The cost shall be evaluated for production of the article on large scale大规模生产该项产品的成本应予评定
the cost structure成本结构
the cost transfer费用的划拨
the difference on cost of material材料成本差
the engineering analysis of cost成本的技术分析
the excessive cost超额成本
the expected actual standard cost预期实际标准成本
the expediting cost追查成本
the expediting cost加速费用
the expired cost已耗成本
the farm cost农场生产成本
the finished cost已完工成本
the finished cost加工成本
The fixed prices shall be changed appropriately to compensate the supplier for any increased cost对规定价格须作些适当改变以补偿供应商由于成本增加而造成的损失
the floatation cost筹资成本
the floatation cost发行证券成本
the function cost职能成本
the inbound cost运入成本
the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants美国成本和工厂会计师协会
the man-hour cost人时成本
the marketing cost analysis营业费分析
the material cost原料成本
the matrix formulation for cost allocation成本分配矩阵公式
the merchandise price below cost亏损商品
the minimal resource cost最低资源成本
the minimization of transportation cost运输成本最低化
the mixed cost混合成本
the mobilization cost工地设施费用
the mobilization cost动员费用
the monitoring cost控制成本
the motivation cost control事前成本管理
the natural classification of cost按成本的性质分类
the non-absorbable incremental cost不能匀支的增加费用
the non-constant cost非固定资本
the non-controllable cost不可控制的成本
the non-convertible cost不可变现的成本
the non-incremental cost非增量成本
the non-inventoriable cost不能列入存货的成本
the non-operating cost非营业成本
the non-operational cost非业务费用
the non-recurring cost临时性费用
the non-recurring cost偶生成本
the non-storable cost不可储存的成本
the object cost目标成本
the opportunity cost取舍成本
the opportunity cost机会成本值
the opportunity cost替代成本价值
the opportunity cost机会成本
the original cost to date现值
the out-of-pocket cost直接费用
the out-of-pocket cost付现成本
the out-of-pocket cost实际成本
the out-of-pocket cost现金支付成本
the outright cost全部费用
the outright cost全部成本
the overcarrying cost结转下期费用
the overhead cost间接成本
the overhead cost营业成本
the past cost过去成本
the penalty cost违约成本
the perfection standard cost完全标准成本
the predetermined cost预计成本
the predetermined cost预定成本
the predetermined cost accounting预定的成本计算
the preparatory cost准备工作成本
the preparatory cost准备成本
the prevention cost预防费用
the probable cost估计成本
the probable cost大约成本
the proforma cost预计成本
the psychological cost心理成本
the, pure claim cost净赔款成本
The real cost of the new product has gone up by 2%新产品的实际成本已上升了2%
the rearrangement cost资产重新安置成本
the rearrangement cost重新安装成本
the recent cost最近成本
the recorded cost账面成本
the recorded cost记录成本
the recoverable cost可收回成本
the recurrent cost经常成本
the recurring cost经常成本
the recurring cost续生成本
the redistributed cost再分配成本
the reinstallation cost重新安装成本
the representative cost代表性成本
the reproduction cost复制再生产成本
the residual cost残余成本
the reversal cost反向成本 (method, 法)
the rework cost返工成本
the rework cost charged to job记入批次产品的返工成本
the risk cost风险成本
the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Building Cost Information Service皇家测量师学会房屋造价情报所
The sales volume increased during the cost-cutting period减价期内,营业额增加了
the saving in investment cost投资费用的节省
the scheduled cost计划成本
the scheduled cost预定成本
the selling and administration cost推销及管理成本
the semi-fixed cost半固定成本
the semi-variable cost半可变成本
the separable cost单独成本
the separable cost可分成本
the setup cost设置成本
the shipment and delivery cost运送成本
the shop cost出厂价格
the shop cost车间成本
the shortage cost缺货成本
the should-be cost应计成本
the shutdown cost停工成本
the single cost system单一成本制
the social overhead cost社会基础设施费用
the spiralling cost螺旋上升的费用
the spread between borrowing cost and lending rates借款与放款率间的差幅
the stand-by cost休闲成本
the stand-by cost准备费用
the stand-by cost固定成本
the start-up cost筹办费
the start-up cost开办费用
the step variable capacity cost阶梯式变动能量成本
the step-down order in cost allocation成本分摊中的逐项减少次序
the sunk cost旁置成本
the sunk cost隐没成本
the sunk cost已支付成本
the target cost标准成本
the target cost目标成本
The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement按照本协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费
the territorial analysis of distribution cost推销成本的地区分析
the theoretical cost of living理论生活费
the total expected cost期望总成本
the traceable cost直接成本
the traceable cost可追溯的成本
the transportation cost运输成本
the unamortized issuance cost of borrowing债券借款的未摊销发行费用
the unexpired cost未到期成本
the unexpired cost未耗成本
the unexpired cost未抵消成本
the unrecovered cost未能收回的成本
the utilized cost已利用成本
the valuation at cost or market成本与市价孰低估价法
the warehousing cost存仓费
tooling cost刀具加工〔模具制造〕 成本
unavoidable contractual fixed cost不可避免契约性固定成本
unavoidable cost固定成本
unavoidable cost无法减省的成本
uncontrollable cost无法控制的成本费用
value at cost按费用定值
value at cost成本定值
value at cost费用价值
value is the relation of production cost to effectiveness价值是生产费用对效用的关系
variable cost变劝成本费用,可变成本 (expense)
variable cost可变的成本
variable cost of production可变生产成本
variable factory overhead cost可变间接费用
variable operating cost可变劳动费用
variable ordering cost变动发单成本
vehicle operating cost车辆营运费
volume-cost-profit relationship本-利-量关系
warehouse cost仓栈费用
weighted average cost of capital加权平均资金成本
Which party will pay for the cost of replacement n.?哪方支付换货费?
working cost经营费用
workload and cost schedule工作量和费用计划
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