
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing Cost | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated cost recovery system加速成本回收制
at factor cost要素成本
capital cost资本费用
capital cost资本成本
carrying cost of inventories存货存储成本
comparative cost advantage相对成本优势
comparative cost advantage比较成本优势
compensatory financing of fluctuations in the cost of cereal imports粮食贷款
compensatory financing of fluctuations in the cost of cereal imports谷物贷款
compensatory financing of fluctuations in the cost of cereal imports谷物进口成本波动补偿贷款
cost accounting成本会计
cost-benefit analysis成本效益分析
cost effect成本效应
cost effectiveness成本效益
cost & freight成本加运费价
cost inflation成本通货膨胀
cost inflation成本推进型通货膨胀
cost, insurance and freight成本加保险费和运费价格
cost, insurance and freight到岸价格
cost, insurance, freight成本加保险费和运费价格
cost, insurance, freight到岸价格
cost of capital资本费用
cost of capital资本成本
cost of carry持有成本
cost of living adjustment生活费用调整
cost of living allowance生活费用补贴
cost-of-living index生活费用指数
cost pricing成本定价
cost-push inflation成本通货膨胀
cost-push inflation成本推进型通货膨胀
cost recovery成本回收
current cost accounting时价会计
current replacement cost重置成本
domestic resource cost国内资金成本
embodied cost编入成本
embodied cost纳入成本
exchange cost汇兑成本
foreign exchange cost汇兑成本
full cost pass-through成本全部转移
historic cost原始成本
historic cost历史成本
historical cost原始成本
historical cost历史成本
implicit cost推算成本
implicit cost隐含成本
implicit cost推定成本
imputed cost隐含成本
imputed cost推算成本
imputed cost推定成本
information cost信息成本
issuance cost发行费用
issuance cost发行成本
issue cost发行费用
issue cost发行成本
labor cost劳动力成本
landed cost到岸成本、价格
low-cost housing低成本住房
marginal cost pricing按边际成本定价
nonlabor cost非工资成本
nonlabor cost非劳动力成本
normalized unit labor cost标准化单位劳动成本
offshore cost境外成本
offshore cost国外成本
onlending cost转贷成本
opportunity cost机会成本
original cost原始成本
original cost历史成本
payroll cost s工资成本
promotional cost促销成本
promotional cost推销费
promotional cost促销费
replacement cost重置成本
same-day, no cost SDR loan没有成本的同日借还特别提款权的安排
same-day, no cost SDR loan特别提款权贷款安排
social cost社会成本
start-up cost开办费
transaction cost交易成本
transfer cost转移成本
unit labor cost单位劳动力成本
unit labor cost-based real effective exchange rate以单位劳动力成本为基础的实际有效汇率
user cost使用成本
wage cost s工资成本