
Terms for subject Environment containing Consumer | all forms | exact matches only
consumer behaviour An observable pattern of activity concerned with the purchase of goods and services and susceptible to the influence of marketing and advertising strategies消费者行为 (与购买商品和服务有关的显著行为模式,其易受市场行销和广告策略的影响。)
consumer goods Manufactured products intended primarily for personal use by individuals or families and classified as either durables or non-durables, depending on length of use生活消费品 (个人或家庭用于私人用途的制品,依使用时间的长短可分为耐用品或非耐用品。)
consumer group A collection of persons united to address concerns regarding the purchase and use of specific commodities or services消费者团体 (一群团结一致的人,关切有关购买与使用某种特定日用品或服务的行为。)
consumer information Factual, circumstantial and, often, comparative knowledge concerning various goods, services or events, their quality and the entities producing them消费者信息 (关于各种货物、服务、或事件,对于其品质与其生产单位的实际、详细及比较的知识。)
consumer product Economic good that directly satisfies human wants or desires消费品 (直接满足人类需求或渴望的经济商品。)
consumer protection Information disseminated or measures and programs established to prevent and reduce damage, injury or loss to users of specific commodities and services消费者保护 (为了避免与减少特定日用品与服务所造成的危害或损害所做的资讯宣传、方法与计划。)
Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service美国保护消费者与环境健康处
consumer waste Materials purchased, used and discarded by the buyer, or consumer, as opposed to those discarded in a manufacturing process消费性废弃物 (顾客或消费者所购买、使用并抛弃的物质,相对于工业制造过程中抛弃的物质。)