
Terms containing Coniferous | all forms | exact matches only
agric.boreal coniferous belt北方针叶林带
agric.boreal coniferous forest北方针叶林
desert.bright coniferous forest明亮针叶林 (即松 (Pinus) 林和落叶松 (Larix) 林)
earth.sc.brown coniferous forest soil棕色针叶林土
ecol.cold temperate coniferous forest寒温性针叶林
ecol.coniferous and broadleaved species针阔叶树种
environ.coniferous forest A forest type characterized by cone-bearing, needle-leaved trees. They are generally, but not necessarily, evergreen and relatively shallow-rooted. Since they grow more rapidly than most broad-leaved trees, conifers are extensively planted as a source of softwood timber and pulp. They are tolerant of wide-ranging climatic conditions, of many different types of soil and of considerable differences in terrain. Thus, they are found from the polar latitudes to the tropics, on most types of soils (especially, thin acid soils) and from mountain summits to coastal environments针叶林 (以生长球果的针叶树为特征的森林类型。通常是长绿且相对浅根的。因为比大多数阔叶树生长的较快,针叶树广泛地被种植,以作为软木材与木浆的来源。针叶树能够耐受广泛的气候条件,许多不同类型的土壤,以及地理上相当重大的差异性。于是,从极地纬度到赤道,大多数类型的土壤(特别是薄的酸性土壤),以及从山峰到海岸环境,都能发现的到针叶林的踪迹。)
hydroel.st.coniferous forest针叶林
tech.coniferous forest针叶树林
tech.coniferous forest region针叶林带
anim.husb.coniferous plant松柏科植物
agric.coniferous plant松柏科植物 (planta conifera)
forestr.coniferous sawnwood针叶锯材
ecol.coniferous seedling针叶树苗木
tech.coniferous timber针叶树材
environ.coniferous tree针叶树
tech.coniferous tree松类树
forestr.coniferous trees球果类植物 Coniferae
forestr.coniferous trees松柏类植物 Coniferae
agric.coniferous type松柏科型 (typus coniferus)
environ.coniferous wood针叶林
archit.coniferous wood针叶树材
life.sc.coniferous wood针叶材
agric.coniferous wood松柏科材
shipb.coniferous wood松柏科木材
desert.coniferous woodland针叶林
agric.dark coniferous forest阴暗针叶林
desert.dark coniferous forest暗针叶林
agric.deciduous coniferous forest落叶针叶林
ecol.degradation coniferous forest退化针叶林
life.sc.evergreen coniferous forest常绿针叶林
agric.evergreen coniferous tree常绿针叶树 (evergreen conifer)
tech.frigid-temperate coniferous climate寒温带针叶林气候
wood.mechanical coniferous pulp针叶树机械纸浆
wood.mechanical non-coniferous pulp机制非针叶树木浆
desert.mixed coniferous broad leaved forest针阔叶混交林
ecol.subalpine coniferous forest亚高山针叶林
ecol.sub-alpine dark coniferous forest亚高山暗针叶林
desert.subtemperate coniferous forest寒温性针叶林
desert.subtemperate coniferous forest寒温带针叶林
desert.subtropical coniferous forest亚热带针叶林
desert.temperate broad-leaved and coniferous mixed forest温带针阔混交林
desert.temperate coniferous forest温带针叶林
desert.temperate coniferous forest温性针叶林
wood.unbleached coniferous sulphate pulp未漂白的针叶树牛皮纸浆
tech.wood of coniferous tree针叶树木材
archit.wood of coniferous trees针叶树木材