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Terms for subject Earth sciences containing Congress of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
American Congress of Surveying and Mapping美国测量和制图会议
Congress of Industrial Organizations工业组织会议
Geological Congress of Southeast Asia东南亚地质大会
International Association of Professional Congress Organizers国际专业会议组织者协会
International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology国际石炭纪地层学和地质学会议
International Congress of Ecology国际生态学会议
International Congress of Radiology国际辐射学会议
International Congress of Soil Science国际土壤科学会议
International Congress of Survey国际测量大会
International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology国际系统与进化生物学会议
International Organizing Committee of World Mining Congresses世界矿业大会国际组织委员会
Joint Economic Committee of Congress国会联合经济委员会
Library of Congress国会图书馆
Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses国际航海会议常设委员会