
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing Compression | all forms | exact matches only
allowable compressive stress of concrete in local compression局部承压时混凝土的容许压应力
arch compression拱压力
area ratio of compression flange to gross section受压翼缘与毛截面的面积比
axial compression轴向受压
axial compression test轴向压力试验
axial compression test轴压试验
axially loaded compression member轴向受压杆
beam with compression steel双筋梁
bearing compression stress parallel to grains顺纹承压应力
bending compression弯曲受压
bending compression and eccentric compression弯曲受压及偏心受压
bending compression strength弯曲抗压强度
bending stress in compression flange压力翼缘中的弯曲应力
bottom compression flange箱梁压力翼缘
buckling stress of column under combined axial compression and lateral pressure轴向压力和侧向压力下柱的屈曲应力
built-up compression member组合压杆
central compression中心压缩
central compression中心受压
circular local compression area圆形局部承压面积
clear distance from neutral axis to compression flange中性轴至受压翼缘的净距
coefficient of elastic non-uniform compression弹性非均匀压缩系数
coefficient of elastic uniform compression弹性均匀压缩系数
combination of compression and shear压力与剪力的组合
component of compression分压力
compression area受压面积
compression bar压杆
compression bar受压钢筋
compression bar with eccentricity偏心受压杆
compression-bend combined member压弯组合杆件
compression by concentrated forces受集中力压缩
compression chord压力弦杆
compression chord受压弦杆
compression coefficient压缩系数
compression component分压力
compression-crushed zone挤压破碎带
compression diagonal受压斜杆
compression edge压力边缘
compression face受压面
compression fault挤压断层
compression fiber压力纤维
compression fiber受压纤维
compression fissure挤压裂缝
compression flange压力翼缘
compression flange受压翼缘
compression flange stiffened longitudinally纵向加劲的受压翼缘
compression flange stiffened transversely横向加劲的受压翼缘
compression flange width压翼缘宽度
compression flange width受压翼缘宽度
compression force line pressure line压力线
compression fracture压裂
compression in extreme fiber of member subjected to bending受弯杆最外纤维中的压力
compression intensity压力强度
compression layer压缩层
compression member受压杆件
compression member of truss桁架受压杆
compression modulus of elasticity弹性压缩模量
compression of arch rib拱肋压缩
compression of upper flange上翼缘压力
compression parallel to grain顺纹受压
compression parallel to grain平行木纹的压力
compression perpendicular to grain横纹受压
compression perpendicular to grain横纹压力
compression perpendicular to grain of timber垂直木纹的压力
compression plate压力板
compression reinforcement压力钢筋
compression reinforcement抗压钢筋
compression resistance抗压
compression splitting test压裂试验
compression strain压应变
compression strain受压应变
compression strength of cast-iron铸铁抗压强度
compression stress受压应力
compression stress perpendicular to grain截纹压应力
compression stress wave压应力波
compression web压力腹板
compression zone压力区
computing axial compression force计算轴向压力
concentrically loaded compression member受集中荷载的压杆
concrete compression strength混凝土受压强度
consolidated drained triaxial compression test固结排水三轴压缩试验 (CD-test)
consolidated slow compression test固结慢压试验
consolidated-undrained triaxial compression test固结不排水三轴压缩试验 (CU-test)
consolidation slow compression test固结慢压试验
cross-grained compression横纹压力
diagonal compression斜向压力
direct compression直接压力
distance between centres of tension stress and compression stress应力中心距
distance from extreme compression fibre to centroid of compressive reinforcements最远受压纤维至受压钢筋重心的距离
eccentric compression偏心压力
eccentric compression member with ring section环形截面偏心受压构件
eccentric compression pier with circular section圆形截面偏心受压桥墩
eccentricity of compression force line压力线偏心距
effective length of compression member压力杆的有效长度
effective length of compression member压杆的有效长度
effective length of compression members of trusses桁架受压杆件的计算长度
effective length of truss member under axial compression轴向压力作用下桁架杆件的有效长度
elastic compression loss弹性压缩损失
elastic compression of arch ring拱圈弹性压缩
elastic compression of concrete混凝土弹性压缩
external compression force外压力
flexural compression stress弯曲压应力
flexure due to axial compression纵向弯曲
flexure produced by axial compression纵向挠曲
free contact radial compression between roller rocker and plate辊轴摇轴与平板自由接触的径向受压
hydrostatic compression静水压力
immediate compression force瞬时压力
immersion unconfined compression test浸水无侧限抗压试验
increment of compression force压力增量
initial compression初始压缩
intensity of compression of live load活载压力强度
isotropic compression各向同性压缩
joint compression接缝压缩
laced built-up compression member缀合式组合压杆
laced compression member缀合压杆
large accentric compression大偏心受压
lateral compression侧向压缩
lateral compression侧向压力
lateral unsupported length of compression flange受压翼缘侧向自由长度
local compression局部压缩
local compression stress局部承压应力
local compression stress局部压应力
longitudinal compression reinforcement纵向压力钢筋
loss due to elastic compression弹性压缩损失
member in compression受压杆件
member subjected to both axial compression and bending stresses承受轴向压应力和弯曲应力的杆件
member subjected to compression plus biaxial bending受压且双向弯曲的杆件
member with full section subjected to compression全截面受压的杆
member with full section under compression全截面受压的杆
original compression curve原始压缩曲线
plane compression strain test平面压缩应变试验
plate compression element板压力单元
pure compression纯压
radial compression when hinge axle is placed on bearing of cast steel hinge铰轴放在铸钢铰轴颈上时的径向受压
ratio of compression压实比
ratio of half of width of compression flange to thickness受压翼缘半宽与厚度之比
ratio of tension to compression拉压比
ratio of web area to compression flange area腹板面积与受压翼缘面积之比
rectangular plate with three edges simply supported and one edge free under nonuniform compression不均匀压力作用下三边简支,一边自由的矩形板
resistance factor for compression抗压系数
secondary compression次压密
secondary compression index次固结指数
secondary compression member次压力杆
simple compression单纯压力
slenderness ratio of compression member压杆的细长比
small eccentric compression小偏心受压
stability of compression member压杆稳定
steel compression member钢压杆
stiffened compression flange加劲受压翼缘
strength of compression抗压强度
stress-strain curve under compression压缩应力-应变曲线
tension and compression fatigue test拉压疲劳试验
tension-compression fatigue limit拉压疲劳极限
thaw compression融化压缩
three-dimensional compression三向压缩
time-compression curve时间-压缩曲线
transversely stiffened compression flange横向加劲压力翼缘
twice the distance from the neutral axis to the inside face of the compression flange中性轴至受压翼缘内侧的距离的两倍
unbraced compression chord未支撑受压弦杆
unconfined compression strength无侧限抗压强度
uniaxial compression轴向压力
uniaxial compression单轴向压力
uniaxial compression test单轴压力压缩试验
uniform compression均匀压力
unstiffened compression flange未加劲的受压翼缘
upward compression向上压力
velocity of compression wave压缩波速
welded compression bar with box-crosssection焊接箱形截面杆件