
Terms for subject Agriculture containing Community | all forms | exact matches only
abyssal community深海底群落
animal community动物社会
areal of community群落分布区
azonal community隐域群落
carbon budget of plant communities植物群落碳积存
climatic climax community气候演替极顶群落
climax community安定群落
climax community演替顶极群落
closed community闭群落
coefficient of community相同度系数
community antenna television line extender公用天线电视线路扩展器 (CATV line extender)
community antenna television main line amplifier公用天线电视主线放大器 (CATV main line amplifier)
community automatic exchanger公用自动交换机
community garden社区菜园
community on-line intelligence system团体联机情报系统
community organization for cropping集体生产组织
community organization for cropping农业生产组织
community pasture公有牧场
community phenomenon共有现象
community property公共财富
community site群落之地
community site群落位置
community transpiration群落蒸腾量
crop community作物群体
crop community作物群落
cultural community栽培群落
desert plant community荒漠植物群落
development of the rural community农村区社发展
European Agricultural Community "greenpool"欧洲农业共同体"绿色联营"
extra-regional community区外群落 (communitas extraregionalis)
grass community草本群落
halophytic community盐生[植物]群落 (communitas halophyticus)
imagery of plant community植物群落显像术
intrazonal community隐域生物群落
lichen community地衣群落
littoral community潮线间群落
littoral community近岸群落
local community地方社团
local community当地社区
mantle community林缘灌木群落指藤本植物组成群落的总称
Mediterranean community of evergreen oak地中海常绿栎树群落
mesophyte community中生植物群落 (mesophytocommunitas)
Milk Industry Association of the European Community欧洲共同体乳业协会
multilayered plant community具多层植物群落
neighboring community邻近村社
neighboring community邻近政区
neighboring community邻近群落
neighbouring community邻近政区
neighbouring community邻近村社
neighbouring community邻近群落
one-variety community单一品种组合
perennial plant community多年生植物群落 (phytocommunitas perennis)
photosynthesis of a community群落[的] 光合作用
plant community map植物群落图
prairie community北美高草原群落
prairie community普列里群落
primitive community原始群落
reflectivity of crop community作物群体反射性
respiration of plant community植物群落呼吸
rural community农村{区社}
sandhill community沙丘群落
secondary community次生群落
seminatural community半天然群落
sociocultural community worker社区社会文化人员
species community of plant or animal动植物种群
statistics of community群落统计[学]
stenochoric community窄域分布群落
stratified community分层植物群落 (communitas stratifius)
subtidal community潮线下群落
temporary plant community短期植物群落
Union of Community Organizations for Cropping农业生产组织联合会
unproductive plant community非生产性植物群落
whole community production整个群落生产[量]
woody plant community木本群落
zonal community显域群落