
Terms for subject General containing Committee for | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Committee for Air Navigation and Ground Organization空中导航与地面设施委员会
Committee for Co-ordinating of Cathode Ray Tube Development阴极射线管发展协调委员会
Committee for Economic Development经济幵发委员会
Committee for Economic Development of Australia澳大利亚经济开发委员会
Committee for Environmental Conservation环境保持委员会
Committee for International Program in Atmospheric Sciences and Hydrology国际大气科学及水文学计划委员会联合国所属的
Committee for Oil Pipe Line油管委员会
Committee for Television Transmission电视广播委员会
Committee on Radio for Civil Aviation〔国际〕民航无线电〔通信〕委员会
Consultative Committee for Nuclear Research核能研究咨询委员会欧洲理事会所属的
Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction地震预知联络会日本
European Committee for Concrete欧洲混凝土委员会
European Committee for Future Accelerators欧洲未来加速器委员会欧洲核子研究组织所属的
European Information Committee for Lt-wt Facades欧洲轻质面墙情报委员会
Interdepartment Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Publications部际国外出版物收集委员会
Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences部际大气科学委员会
International Committee for Studies of Bauxites, Oxides and Hydroxides of Aluminium国际铝土矿、氧化铝及氢氧化铝研究委员会
International Committee for the Correlation of Scientific Symbol, Units and Nomenclature国际科学符号、单位及术语相互关系委员会 (IUPAP 所属的)
International Joint Committee for Tall Buildings国际高层建筑联合委员会
International Organization for Standardization Technical-Committee国际标准化组织技术委员会
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics国家航空咨询委员会美,N.A.S.A. 的前身
National Committee for Aeronautics国家航空委员会
National Committee for the Development of Scientists and Engineers国家科技人员发展委员会
Radio Technical Committee for Aeronautics航空无线电技术委员会
Radio Technical Committee for Maritime Service海运业无线电技术委员会
Special Committee for Technical Information技术情报专门委员会
Special Committee for the International Geophysical Year国际地球物理年专门委员会国际科学联盟理事会所属的
Standing Committee for the Study of Scientific Principles of Standardization〔国际标准化组织〕标准化科学原理研究常务委员会 (ISO)