
Terms for subject Commerce containing Commerce | all forms | exact matches only
American Commerce Manual美国商业指南
Association of British Chambers of Commerce英国商会协会
Association of Chamber of Commerce of Ireland爱尔兰商会协会
Banque Francaise du Commerce Exterieur法国对外贸易银行 (Paris, 巴黎)
be authenticated by the chamber of commerce由商会认证
captain of industry and commerce工商界巨头
carry on commerce with a country与某国通商
Centre de Commerce Internationale国际商业中心
chamber of commerce商会亦缩为 C of C
Chamber of Commerce of London伦敦商会
Chamber of Commerce of the United States美国商会
Chambre de Commerce de Paris巴黎商会
Chambre de Commerce Francaise法国商会
Chambre de Commerce Internationale法语国际商会
China Industry and Commerce Trust and Investment Corporation中国工商信托投资公司
commerce and navigation商业与航海
Commerce binds the two countries together贸易把两国联合在一起
Conference des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Development联合国贸易发展会议亦用 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
department in charge of industry and commerce工商管理部门
Department of Commerce商务部
detail of commerce详细商情
effets de commerce商业票据
enlarge the foreign commerce of the country扩大国家对外贸易
fonds de commerce营业资本
huge vessels for overseas commerce用于海外贸易的大型商船
Indian Chamber of Commerce印度商会
International Commerce Commission美国国际商务委员会
interstate commerce美国 州际贸易
Interstate Commerce Commission美国州际商业委员会
Journal of Commerce美国,英国商业日报
Ministry of Commerce中国商业部
Nepal Chamber of Commerce尼泊尔商会
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce荷兰商会
ocean commerce远洋贸易
ocean commerce海上贸易
Organisation Internationale du Commerce国际贸易组织
Organisation Mondiale du Commerce联合国世界贸易组织
Paris Chamber of Commerce巴黎商会
passive commerce间接贸易
Place an embargo on ships and commerce禁止通商通航
private commerce私营商业
recognized authority on commerce公认的商业权威
relationship between agriculture and commerce农商关系
relationship between industry and commerce工商关系
Rules for the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration国际商会仲裁法院仲裁规则
Singapore International Chamber of Commerce新加坡国际商会
Spanish Supreme Council of the Official Chamber of Commerce Industry and Navigation西班牙工商业和航海业最高正式商会
The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的人进行仲裁
The Industry and Commerce Bureau licensed him as an individual seller工商管理局发给他个体营业执照
traite de commerce条约
treaty of friendship, navigation and commerce友好、航海与通商条约
tribunal de commerce商事法庭
Union Francaise du Commerce Extérieur法国对外贸易联合会
United Chamber of Commerce马来西亚商会联合会
United States Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce美国国内国外贸易局
United States Chamber of Commerce美国商会