
Terms for subject Business containing Combined | all forms | exact matches only
all-funds combined balance全部基金综合余额
combined account总账
combined account合并账户
combined account联合账户
combined accounting statement汇总会计报表
combined activity联合动作
combined arrangement综合安排
combined assessment总合评价
combined assessment of system系统的总合评价
combined attributes综合属性
combined balance sheet-all fund合并资产负债表所有基金
combined bill of lading联运提单
combined budget share合并预算份额
combined buffer stock and export quota arrangement缓冲储存和出口限额合用办法
combined capacity of freight traffic货运量综合容纳吞吐能力指港口、泊位、货场、仓容等综合承受能力
combined carriage of goods货物联运
combined carrier联运承运人
combined certificate of value and origin产地合并证明
combined certificate of value and origin产值
combined cost ledger联合成本分类账
combined curve of demand and supply需求与供给综合曲线
combined data综合数据
combined data matrix联合数据矩阵
combined demand总合需求
combined demand and supply curve需求与供给综合曲线
combined energy束缚能
combined energy结合能
combined entry复合分录指分录中有多借多贷,一借多贷或一贷多借
combined error组合误差
combined estimated relation组合估计关系
combined estimates of correlation相关的组合估计
combined exchange综合交易所
combined exhibition综合展览
combined exhibition and sale综合展销
combined exhibition and sale department展销部
combined financing联合贷款即优惠贷款与商业贷款相结合
combined form联合单证
combined game组合博弈
combined harvester康拜因
combined harvester联合收割机
combined income and related earnings statement损益与盈余留存合并计算书
combined income and surplus statement合并收益与盈余表
combined index综合指数
combined index number综合指数
combined index variable综合指数变量
combined industrial and commercial tax工商统一税
combined leverage effect联合杠杆效应
combined loss总损失
combined machine tool组合机床
combined manufacturing process混合式制造过程
combined mark复合商标
combined mark联合标志
combined maximum marginal tax rate最高综合边际税率
combined median组合中位数
combined motion联合动作
combined nuclear steam and gas turbine核动力汽轮机和燃气轮机联合动力装置 (power plant)
combined offer联合发价畅销与滞销货搭配出售,联合发价
combined ordered set联合有序集
combined overhead rate混合间接费用分摊率
combined policy统保单
combined policy联合保险单
combined pricing联合定价法
combined process control联合过程控制
combined production corporation联合生产公司
combined quota share and surplus reinsurance成数、溢额联合分保
combined quota share and surplus reinsurance treaty成数、溢额联合分保合同
combined quotation合并报价
combined random variable组合随机变量
combined rate联运费率
combined ratio组合比率
combined ratio estimate组合比率估计
combined regression time-series model组合回归时间序列模型
combined schedule of bonds payable by funds各种基金应付债票合并明细表
combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by fund各种基金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表
combined scoreboard综合评分牌
combined sewerage system合流治理污水系统
combined shipment合并装运指目的地及受货人相同,并使用两张以上信用证的货物合并装运
combined single liability合一责任限额
combined statement of cash receipt and disbursement现金收支汇总表
combined statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支汇总表
combined statement of c.ash receipts and disbursements-all funds现金收支汇总表—所有基金
combined statement of income and earned surplus损益与公积金合并计算表
combined statement of income and surplus收益盈余汇总表
combined statement of revenues-estimated and actual general and special revenues funds估计岁入、实际普通岁入基金和特种岁入基金合并表
combined status合并状况
combined steam and gas turbine汽轮机和燃气轮机联合动力装置 (power plant)
combined study综合研究
Combined Systems Test联合系统检验
combined systems test stand联合系统检验站
combined tariff system联运运费制
combined through transport多形式联运
combined trade mark联合商标
combined trade restrictions限制竞争协议
combined trade-mark联合商标
combined traffic联合运输
combined transformation组合变换
combined transport联合运输联运指联合水运、公路、铁路或空运,运送货物至目的地
combined transport联合运输
combined transport bill of lading国际运协联运提单
combined transport of passenger旅行联运
combined transport operator联运承运人
Combined Trust Fund联合信托基金
combined value of commodities商品复合体价值
combined ventilation system混合式通风系统
deposit combined account综合存款账户
FIATA combined transport bill of lading协会联合运输提单
industry agriculture and trade must be combined to bring producers and sellers together工农贸结合、产销见面
installed generating sets with a combined capacity of装机容量
subsidiary ledger combined with book of original entry日记分类账