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American Standard Code for Information Interchange《美国信息交换标准法》
Aquatic Animal Health Code水生动物卫生守则
Code of Conduct for Aquaculture Products水产养殖产品管理准则
Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries负责任渔业行为守则
Code of Conduct on the Right to Adequate Food充足食物权行为守则
Code of Ethics for International Trade in Food国际食品贸易伦理准则
Code of Hygienic Practice for Canned Fruit and Vegetable Products水果和蔬菜罐头产品卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables including Edible Fungi脱水水果蔬菜包括食用菌卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Desiccated Coconut椰子粉卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Dried Fruits干果卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Foods for Infants and Children婴幼儿食品卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables新鲜水果和蔬菜 卫生操作规程
Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Meat鲜肉卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Game野味卫生规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Groundnuts Peanuts花生卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Meat肉类卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products乳和乳制品卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Molluscan Shellfish软体鱼贝类卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Poultry Processing禽类加工卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Precooked and Cooked Foods in Mass Catering大众餐饮业预烹调和烹调食品卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Processed Meat and Poultry Products加工肉禽制品卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Refrigerated Packaged Foods with Extended Shelf-Life延长货架期的冷藏包装食品卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Spices and Dried Aromatic Herbs香料及干化芳香植物的卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters天然矿泉水采集、加工和销售卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street Foods Regional Code - Latin America and the Caribbean街头食品制备和出售卫生操作规范区域规范——拉丁美洲及加勒比区域
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Processing of Frog Legs蛙腿加工卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Products of Aquaculture水产养殖产品卫生规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Food in Bulk and Semi-Packed Food散装食品和半包装食品运输卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Foodstuffs in Bulk and Semi-Packed Foodstuffs散装食品和半包装食品运输卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for Tree Nuts坚果卫生操作规范
Code of Practice and Manual of Procedures for Consideration of Introductions and Transfers of Marine and Freshwater Organisms海洋和淡水生物引进和转移操作规范和程序手册
Code of Practice Concerning Source Directed Measures to Reduce Contamination of Foods with Chemicals为减少食品受化学品污染而针对污染源采取措施的操作规范
Code of Practice for Canned Fish鱼罐头操作规范
Code of Practice for Cephalopods头足类动物操作规范
Code of Practice for Control of the Use of Veterinary Drugs兽药使用管理操作规范
Code of Practice for Crabs蟹类操作规范
Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products鱼和水产品操作规范
Code of Practice for Fresh Fish鲜鱼操作规范
Code of Practice for Frozen Battered and/or Breaded Fishery Products冷冻挂浆和/或拌粉水产品操作规范
Code of Practice for Frozen Fish冷冻鱼操作规范
Code of Practice for Lobsters龙虾操作规范
Code of Practice for Minced Fish Prepared by Mechanical Separation机械分割加工鱼糜的操作规范
Code of Practice for Quality Inspection and Certification of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables新鲜水果蔬菜质量检查和认证操作规范
Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries休闲渔业操作规范
Code of Practice for Salted Fish咸鱼操作规范
Code of Practice for Shrimps and Prawns小虾和对虾操作规范
Code of Practice for Smoked Fish熏鱼操作规范
Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to reduce Dioxin and Dioxin-like Contamination of Foods预防和减少食品和饲料中二恶英和类二恶英多氯联苯污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Introduction and Transfer of Marine and Freshwater Organisms海洋和淡水生物引进和转移行为守则
Code of Practice for the Introduction of Exotic Species外来物种引进行为守则
Code of Practice for the Operation of Radiation Facilities for the Treatment of Foods国际食品辐照设备应用推荐操作规范
Code of Practice for the Packaging and Transport of Tropical Fresh Fruit and Vegetables热带新鲜果蔬包装与运输操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanuts预防及减少花生中黄曲霉毒素污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination in Tree Nuts预防和减少木本坚果中黄曲霉毒素污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Dioxin and Dioxin-like PCB Contamination in Food and Feeds预防和减少食品和饲料中二恶英和二恶英类多氯联苯污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Inorganic Tin Contamination in Canned Foods预防和减少罐头食品中无机锡污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Lead Contamination in Foods预防和减少食品中铅污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Ochratoxin A Contamination in Wine预防和减少葡萄酒中赭曲霉毒素A污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Patulin Contamination in Apple Juice and Apple Juice预防和减少苹果汁和其他饮料中苹果汁配料的棒曲霉素污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Patulin Contamination in Apple Juice and Apple Juice Ingredients in other Beverages预防和减少苹果汁和其他饮料中苹果汁配料的棒曲霉素污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Tin Contamination in Canned Foods预防和减少罐装食品中锡污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Production, Storage and Composition of Mechanically Separated Meat and Poultry Meat Intended for Further Processing用于进一步加工的机械分割肉和禽肉的生产、贮藏和混合操作规范
Code of Practice for the Reduction of Aflatoxin B1 in Raw Materials and Supplemental Feedingstuffs for Milk-Producing Animals降低产奶牲畜饲料原料与辅料中黄曲霉毒素B1含量操作规范
Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding优质动物饲料操作规范
Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Antimicrobial Resistance最大限度减少和控制抗菌素抗药性操作规范
Code of Principles Concerning Milk and Milk Products奶和奶制品原则规范
Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels渔民和渔船安全准则
Code on General Principles of Food Hygiene食品卫生一般原则行为规范
Consultation on the Application of Article 9 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean关于在地中海地区实施粮农组织《负责任渔业行为守则》第9条的磋商会
Draft Code of Practice for Regulation, Introduction and Transfer of Exotic Species外来物种管理、引进和转移规范草案
European Code for Inland Waterways《欧洲内河航运法》
IMO Code of Safety渔民和渔船安全准则
International Code of Conduct for Plant Germplasm Collecting and Transfer植物种质收集与转让国际行为守则
International Code of Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants栽培植物命名国际规范
International Code of Practice for Ante-Mortem and Post-Mortem Judgement of Slaughter Animals and Meat屠宰动物和肉的宰前宰后鉴定国际操作规范
International Code of Practice for Crabs国际螃蟹操作规范
International Code of Practice for Radiation Processing of Food辐照食品加工国际操作规范
International Code of Practice for Radiation Processing of Food食品辐射处理国际规范
International Code of Practice for Smoked Fish国际熏鱼操作规范
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code《国际海运危险品货物规则》
International Safety Management Code《国际安全管理规则》
Interregional Programme of Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries渔业守则计划
Interregional Programme of Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries协助发展中国家执行《负责任渔业行为守则》区域间计划
Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products粮农组织/世界卫生组织奶及奶制品原则规范政府专家联合委员会
OIE Aquatic Code水生动物卫生守则
Open-ended Technical Committee of the Council on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries理事会负责任开放性技术委员会
Planted Forests Code人工林准则
Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables预切水果和蔬菜操作规范拟议草案
Recommended International Code of Practice for the Processing and Handling of Quick Frozen Foods速冻食品加工和处理国际推荐操作规范
Recommended International Code of Practice: General Principles of Food Hygiene国际推荐操作规范:食品卫生总则
Regional Code of Practice for Reduced Impact Forest Harvesting in Tropical Moist Forest in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲及加勒比地区潮湿热带林采用减少影响采伐方法的区域准则
Rome Declaration on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries关于实施负责任渔业行为守则的罗马宣言
Technical Consultation on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries《负责任渔业行为守则》技术磋商会
Voluntary Code of Conduct for the Production and Utilization of Bioenergy生物能源生产和利用自愿行为守则