
Terms containing Client | all forms | exact matches only
exhib.a client name客户名
proj.manag.A networking and communications server provides naming and routing services to clients on the network联网和通信服务器在网络上为客户提供命名和路由服务
China, lawabsorb funds of the clients吸收客户资金
textileaccept jobs with materials supplied by clients接受客户来料加工
China, lawaccounts as opened for the client客户开立的账户
busin.acquire for clients受委托招揽
busin.acquire for clients赢得顾客
ITactive client现用客户系统
securit.adequate client order充足的客户交易指令
el.advanced client environment先进客户环境
exhib.advertising client广告客户
busin.agence-client relationship主顾关系
adv.agency-client relations广告代理商与客户的客户关系
interntl.trade.agency-client relationship主顾关系
proj.manag.Another such example arose in the design of a report generator for one of our clients这里有一个例子是我们为客户设计的报表生成软件
econ.Any balance remaining was soon paid to the client所剩下的差额立即付给了客户
comp., net.Archie clientArchie 客户程序
econ.As our clients are pressing us for prompt delivery, we have to call on you to void by the agreement由于我方客户催促迅速交货,务请你方按协议办事
busin.assemblage of parts and components supplied by clients来件装配
tech.assembling parts supplied by clients来件装配
commer.assembling with components supplied by clients来件装配
busin.assets held for clients代管资产
securit.assets held for clients为客户代管资产
fin., brit.Association of Private Client Investment Managers Stockbrokers私人委托投资经理和股票经纪人协会
fin.audit client查核顾客
busin.audit client审计客户
busin.auditor-client relations审计师与客户关系
tech.availability of client fund可利用的委托人基金
econ.Be sure not to disclose the name of the investigator to your clients while you are passing this report on to them在你们将此报告转交客户时,请务必不要泄露调査人的名字
proj.manag.Because this feature complies fully 'with the NNTP protocol, users can use any newsreader client to participate in newsgroup discussions由于此功能完全遵守 NNTP 协议、因此用户可以使用任何新闻阅读器客户端来参与新闻组讨论
comp., net.BootP server/client引导协议服务器/客户机
proj.manag.Both client and server operations move the document downward客户端和服务器操作都使文档向下移动
securit.broker-to-client automated linkage经纪人对客户自动联络
tech.bulk client主要用户
fin.cash client现金客户
securit.casual client散户
securit.casual client散客
ITcharacter-based client基于字符的客户软件
econ.client acceptance test用户验收测试
ITclient access license客户访问许可协议
fin.client account客户账户
securit.client account委托人账户
el.client accounting system客户会计系统
proj.manag.client adviser业主顾问
telecom.client affecting failure用户影响故障
libr.client agent客户代理方式
agric.client agent客户代理
fin.client agreement客户协议书
proj.manag.client agreement客户协议
securit.client agreement委托人协议书
corp.gov.client alignment用户协调
telecom.client application客户应用程序
interntl.trade.client approval顾主批准
ITclient area客户区
securit.client asset客户资产
fin.client assets客户资产
textileclient bill客户账单
busin.client bill code客户账单编码
adv.client briefing客户简报
avia.client change notice用户变更通知
fin.client collateral客户抵押品
busin.client concerned当事人
tech.client concerned有关当事人
proj.manag.client confidentiality客户保密的责任
fin.client confidentiality客户保密责任
adv.client conflict广告公司与客户间的客户冲突
fin.client contract客户合约
securit.client contract客户合同
securit.client contract客户协议
adv.client database management客户数据管理
adv.client director业务主管
adv.client director客户总监
IMF.client due diligence money laundering了解客户
IMF.client due diligence money laundering对客户予以适当的注意
ITclient end node客户终端节点
comp., net.client error客户端错误
adv.client executive客户主管
comp., MSclient extension用戶端擴充功能 (A category of customizations that enable configuration of client extension controls)
comp., MSclient extension control用戶端擴充功能控制項 (A user interface control that can be added to Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity forms and within the application toolbar or navigation area of an entity form. These controls are configured in XML within ISV.Config and are designed to allow the inclusion of functionality from another web application within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. There are three types of client extension controls: Menu Items, Buttons, Entity Form Navigation areas)
tech.client full responsibility买方负全责
interntl.trade.client furnished services &materials顾主提供的工作与材料
cryptogr.client hello客户问候消息
fin.client identity information客户身份信息
securit.client identity rule客户身份识别规则
el.client information control system客户信息控制系统
el.client information system客户信息系统
agric.client interface委托接口
agric.client interface客户接口
fin.client ledger委托人分户帐
fin.client ledger客户总账
interntl.trade.client ledger委托人分户账
fin.client ledger委托人总分类帐
tech.client ledger顾客总账
econ.client ledger受托人总分类账
tech.client ledger委托人分账户
tech.client ledger客户分户账
tech.client ledger委托人总分类账
adv.client list客户名单
fin.client management客户管理
fin.client mandate客户授权范围
fin.client margin客户保证金
securit.client margin客户押金
proj.manag.client money客户款项
securit.client money rule客户资金条例
tech.client network雇主网
ITclient/network model客户机/网络模式
el.client network server客户网络服务器
fin.client offset claim account客户保证金对销账户
securit.client order客户交易订单
fin.client order客户委托
securit.client order委托人指令
agric.client-oriented extension以客户为本的推广
adv.client-oriented strategy客户导向战略
securit.client pitch向客户推销
adv.client planning客户策划
agric.client platform客户平台
el.client position network客户所在地网络
securit.client priority客户为先的原则
fin.client priority客户优先原则
securit.client priority客户指令优先
securit.client privacy sufficiently safeguarded受到充分保护的客户私隐
ITclient process客户机进程
fin.client profile客户状况
securit.client profile委托人情况
securit.client profile客户背景
multimed.client program客户机程序
exhib.client rapport融洽的客户关系
adv.client relations客户关系
adv.client relations development客户关系开发
adv.client relations maintenance客户关系维护
adv.client relations management客户关系管理
adv.client rough待客户认可的草图
econ.client's account受托人账户
busin.client's account委托人账户
tech.client's adjusting entries客户调整分录
securit.client's adjusting entry客户调整分录
securit.client's agreement客户合同
fin.client's agreement客户协议书
securit.client's agreement客户协议
proj.manag.client's approval业主的批准
fin.client's authority客户授权
fin.client's ledger客户分类账
proj.manag.client's personnel业主的职员
tech.client's personnel业主职员
proj.manag.client's property业主的财产
proj.manag.client's representative业主的代表
tech.client's representative业主代表
fin.client's staff委托人的职员
busin.client's staff委托人职员
tech.client's written representations客户签署意见
spaceclient satellite买方卫星
adv.client satisfaction management客户满意度管理
corp.gov.client satisfaction survey用户满意度调查
securit.client secrecy law客户保密法
fin.client securities客户证券
fin.client securities and collateral客户证券及抵押品
securit.client segment客户类别
securit.client segment客户群
el.client/server mode客户机/服务器模式
ITclient/server客户机 / 服务器
agric.client server客户服务器
commun., railw.Client/ Server客户机/服务器
ITclient/server architecture客户机/服务器体系结构
securit.client server architecture客户服务器结构
proj.manag.client/server architecture客户/服务器体系结构
multimed.client/server architecture客户机/服务机体系结构
telecom.client/server communication客户-服务系统通信
telecom.client/server communication客户 -服务器通信
telecom.client/server computing客户-服务器计算
el.client server computing客户服务器计算
ITclient/server computing客户机/服务器计算
telecom.client/server computing客户-服务系统计算技术
multimed.client-server computing客户机-服务机共同计算
ITclient/server computing feature客户机/服务器计算特点
el.client/server computing model客户机/服务器计算模型
comp., net.client/server framework客户机/ 服务器架构
ITclient/server model客户机/服务器模型
ITclient/server network客户机/服务器网络
el.client/server open development environment客户机/服务器开放开发环境
ITclient/server protocol客户机/服务器协议
cryptogr.client-server setting客户端服务器设置
ITclient/server structure客户机/服务器结构
el.client/server switching hub客户机/服务器交换集线器
ITclient/server system客户机/服务器系统
multimed.client-server systems客户机/服务器系统
corp.gov.client service客户服务
el.client service for Netware网件客户服务
el.client services agent客户服务代理
IMF.Client Services Division客户服务处
fin.client settlement客户结单
securit.client settlement客户结算
comp., net.client-side application客户端应用程序
comp., net.client-side attacks客户端攻击
ITclient-side caching客户方高速缓存
comp., net.client-side certificate客户端认证
proj.manag.client-side image maps客户端图像映射
ITclient-side image maps客户端图像映像
multimed.client-side image maps客户端映射图
comp., net.client-side interceptor客户端拦截器
comp., net.client-side plugins客户端插件
ITclient-side program客户端程序
comp., net.client signal fail客户端信号失效
proj.manag.client statement客户结单
securit.client statement证券交易客户结单
comp., net.client strategy routing客户端策略路由
ITclient stub客户桩
ITclient stub客户存根
securit.client suitability客户适合期货交易的条件
el.client system客户系统
commun., railw.Client Terminal用户终端
tech.client terminal system顾客终端系统
tech.client terminal system用户终端系统
ITclient tier客户端层
comp., net.client tier component客户层组件
el.client-to-client protocol客户-客户协议
China, lawclient whose identity is unclear身份不明的客户
ITclient window客户窗口
proj.manag.client witness业主现场代表
ITclient workstation客户工作站
econ.Clients always ask us to see to it that all the goods are well packed客户总是提醒我们注意,所有货物都应妥善包装
securit.clients' commissions客户佣金
proj.manag.clients fund客户资金
fin.clients' fund客户资金
securit.clients' funds客户资金
China, lawclients' interests用户利益
tech.clients property业主财产
securit.clients' rights in securities客户证券所有权
comp., net.cloud client computing云客户端计算
exhib.code of client客户代码
fin.common client共同客户
telecom.common client interface公共用户接口
telecom.common client interface公共客户接口
proj.manag.conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement业主咨询工程师标准服务协议
tech.conditions of the client/consultant model services agreement业主咨询工程师标准服务协议书
proj.manag.contractual commitments with the client对业主的合同承诺
securit.contrary to client's will违反该客户
securit.control client assets控制客户资产
fin.corporate clients公司客户
busin.credit balance on clients' account客户存款
busin.credit balance on clients' account客户帐户贷方余额
securit.crown jewel client王冠客户
securit.crown jewel client最重要客户
comp., MScustom client control自訂用戶端控制 (A custom control authored by a user or a third-party software vendor in Windows Forms applications)
el.data access client数据接人客户机
China, lawdata for clients' identity客户身份资料
securit.deceiving clients欺骗客户证券交易中
telecom.design and evaluation service for clients面向用户的设计和评估服务
el.direct client to client客户间直接通信
telecom.directory client agent目录客户代理程序
multimed.directory client agent目录客户代理
proj.manag.discretionary client全权委托客户
securit.discretionary clients全权委托交易的客户
securit.discretionary clients全权委托投资客户
China, lawdistinguish a client's identities客户身份识别
China, lawdistinguish the identity of the client识别客户身份
el.DTM LAN emulation client动态同步传送模式局域网仿真客户机
securit.embezzling clients' assets侵吞客户的财产
comp., MSEnterprise Voice clientEnterprise Voice 用戶端 (A voice client that is part of the Enterprise Voice solution from Microsoft; for example, Lync or Office Communicator)
China, lawentrustment of the client客户委托
China, lawentrustment of the client客户的委托
fin.excluded clients豁除客户
securit.excluded clients除外客户
fin.existing client现有客户
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家组会议
comp., net.fat client胖客户机
proj.manag.fat client胖型客户机
telecom.fat client多功能客户机客户机承担大部分数据处理
multimed.fat client肥客户机
ITfat client model月E[胖]客户机模型
comp., net.fat client model胖客户机模型
securit.financial capacity of client客户的财力
avia.flight test client/server system飞行试验客户/服务器系统
proj.manag.FTP clientFTP 客户程序
ITFTP client ftp客户程序
China, lawfund of a client客户资金
comp., net.game client游戏客户端
comp., net.Gopher clientGopher 客户
comp., net.government affairs client政务客户端
securit.group of related margin clients关联保证金客户小组
tech.hand a project to client工程移交给甲方
securit.handle clients' orders处理客户的委托订单
securit.handle clients' orders处理客户交易指令
econ.He sent the client a wire, saying the order would be delivered next month他给客户发了电报,告知下月发货
econ.He spent 5 days in the U.S.A., visiting the clients in Los Angles他在美国呆了五天,拜访洛杉矶的客户
securit.high net worth client高资产值投资者
securit.high net worth client巨额大户
comp., net.HTTP clientHTTP 客户端
comp.IBM is committed to offering its clients choices with open virtualization and Linux-based solutions. IBM致力于为客户提供开放的虚拟化选择及基于 Linux 系统的解决方案
econ.If clients order much more from us, our stocks will be reduced greatly如果客户向我方下更多订单,我方存货将大大减少
tech.illegal client acts客户的不法行为
fin.in the best interests of the client符合客户的最佳利益
China, lawin the name of a client假借客户名义
securit.inactive client不活跃客户
fin.individual client个人客户
China, lawinfringe the clients' interests侵犯用户利益
el.installable client driver可安装的客户驱动程序
fin.institutional client机构客户
proj.manag.insurance of client's property业 主财产的保险
tech.insurance of client's property业主财产保险
avia.inter-client communication conventions manual客户程序间通信规范
mil., air.def.Internet client station因特网客户工作站
securit.investment client投资客户
proj.manag.jobbing on client从顾客身上赚价
securit.jobbing on clients赚客户钱
securit.keeping information confidential for the accounts opened for clients为客户开设的账户保密
IMF.know your client了解客户
IMF.know your client对客户予以适当的注意
el.LAN client control manager局域网客户端控制管理程序
ITLAN emulation client局域网仿真客户站
ITLAN emulation client局域网仿真客户机
el.LAN emulation client identifier局域网仿真客户标识符
el.LAN-desk client manager局域网控制台客户管理器
busin.lawyer-client relationship律师与委托人的关系
securit.leakage on client privacy客户隐私泄露
tech.liability of client业主责任
proj.manag.liability of the client业主的责任
proj.manag.liability of the client委托人的责任
securit.life-bans from the securities industry of person misappropriating client assets终身禁止挪用客户资产者重返证券业
telecom.local client本地客户程序
proj.manag.major client大户
securit.major client主力大户
securit.major client主力
securit.major client主要客户
cryptogr.management client管理客户平台、架构
proj.manag.margin client展客户
securit.margin client保证金客户
tech.mass client大量顾客
telecom.messaging client客户传报程序
telecom.messaging client消息收发客户程序
proj.manag.messaging client通信客户
multimed.messaging client消息客户端程序
comp., MSMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Office client configuration wizardMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Office 用戶端設定精靈 (The wizard that configures the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office Client)
China, lawmisappropriate funds of a client挪用客户资金
securit.misappropriating client assets挪用客户资产
securit.misappropriating the securities entrusted by clients挪用客户委托的证券
China, lawmislead clients误导用户
China, lawmisuse any funds or securities of a client挪用客户的资金或者证券
comp., net.mobile client agent移动客户代理
econ.Most clients feel great hesitancy about accepting last year's manufactures大多数客户对接受去年的制品有很大顾虑
el.MPOA clientATM 网上运行多协议客户机
oilmulti-client survey area多用户勘探区域
el.multiprotocol over ATM clientATM 网上运行多协议客户机
el.Netware Unix client网件 Unix 操作系统客户
comp., net.news client新闻客户
comp., net.news client新闻阅读器
el.next hop client下一跳客户机
securit.non-client order非客户委托证券公司内部人士如经理、董事等自己账户的委托
securit.non-client order非客户指令
tech.non-audit client非审计客户
fin.non-borrowing margin client无借款保证金客户
securit.non-borrowing margin clients无借款保证金客户
proj.manag.Now re fresh on your FTP client and you should now see your files listed!现在刷新你的
tech.obligation of client业主义务
China, lawobligation of distinguishing the client's identity客户身份识别义务
proj.manag.obligations of the client业主的义务
securit.obtaining clients' standing authority获得客户常设授权
fin.omnibus client account综合户口
securit.omnibus client account综合客户账户
fin.omnibus client sub-account综合分户口
proj.manag.On the client computer, SQL Native Client must be installed and configured to use a network protocol enabled on the server在客户机中、必须安装 SQL Native Client 并将其配置为使用服务器中已启用的网络协议
commer.One of our clients contemplates placing a large order for Chinese textiles我们的一位客户打算递送一份购买中国纺织品的大订单
fin.on-line client网上客户
fin.on-line client在线客户
securit.online client网上客户
securit.on-site client现场客户
el.open client开放式客户机
securit.option client's agreement期权客户协议书
busin.originate with one of the clients由客户提出
commer.Our client won't accept forward shipment我方客户不接受期货
commer.Our clients are interested in chemical products generally我方客户一般对化工产品感兴趣
econ.Our clients often got in direct touch with our head office我们的客户经常与我们的总公司直接联系
econ.overcareful clients过分谨慎的客户
securit.overseas client海外客户
securit.overseas client境外客户
securit.overtake interests of clients凌驾于客户的利益之上
securit.per-client re-pledging limit按每名客户计算的再抵押限额
China, lawperform the obligation of distinguishing clients' identities履行客户身份识别义务
fin.personal banking clients个人银行客户
securit.pooling of clients' securities客户证券集合安排
exhib.potential client潜在顾客
securit.potential client潜在客户
busin.prepared by client委托人编造
fin.private bank clients私人银行客户
securit.private client services私人客户服务
China, lawprivately accept any entrustment of a client私下接受客户委托
tech.processing materials supplied by clients来料加工
commer.processing of materials provided by foreign clients来料加工
textileprocessing raw materials on client's demands来料加工
oilprocessing with client-suppl ied designs来料加工
commer.processing with materials supplied by foreign clients来料加工
commer.processing with the samples supplied by clients来样加工
securit.professional client专业客户
econ.Profiteers extract money from a client投机商从顾客那里刮钱
securit.prohibiting misappropriation of client's transaction clearing funds禁止挪用客户交易结算资金
proj.manag.prospective client潜在客户
securit.prospective clients准客户
securit.prospective clients潜在客户
China, lawprotect the lawful rights and interests of the client维护委托人的合法权益
comp., net.push client推送客户器
multimed.push client推送客户软件
fin.qualifying client合格的客户
securit.qualifying client合格客户
interntl.trade.recommend to client向雇主推荐
textileregular client经常客户
interntl.trade.regular client常年委托人
interntl.trade.regular client常年客户
commer.regular client老客户
el.remote access client远程访问客户
securit.renewal of client authority客户授权延期
exhib.repeat clients回头客
textilerestrict client对顾客限制
interntl.trade.restrict client顾客有限制
busin.restrict clients限制顾客客户
securit.restriction on receiving or holding of client assets对接收或持有客户资产的限制
proj.manag.retail client散客
securit.retail client零售客户
securit.retail client散户
fin.retail clients散户
fin.rolling balance cash client滚存结余现金客户
securit.segregated named client account独立记名客户账户
securit.separate client分散的顾客
securit.separate client独立客户
proj.manag.separate client account独立客户账目
econ.serve the clients with good service为顾客提供优质服务
telecom.server push/client pull服务器推出 /客户机拉人技术
securit.short selling of securities on behalf of clients代客沽空
securit.short selling of securities on behalf of clients代客户卖空证券
telecom.skinny client小型客户机
securit.standing client instruction持续有效的客户指示
securit.statement of client information客户信息表
securit.supervise clients' trading behavior监督客户交易行为
securit.target client目标客户
econ.The clients are very anxious to get your offers and samples客户切望得到你方的报价和样品
econ.The clients refused to accept the defective goods客户拒收有缺陷的货物
proj.manag.The employee at the home office can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine在家办公的员工可以通过电话和传真与国外客户很好地交流
proj.manag.The high performance collapsed backbone uses layer three switching. Network redundancy are provided to clients and servers这个高性能的折叠网络使用了三层交换、为客户端和服务器提供网络冗余
econ.The salesman called on one of his best clients today该推销员今天拜访了一位最佳客户
econ.The seller agrees to sell said patented articles solely and exclusively to our clients卖主同意惟一地、专门地向我方客户销售所说的专利品
econ.The works manufactured all types of electric products for their local clients该工厂制造向本地客户提供的各种电气产品
O&G. tech., tech.These crystallizers are manufactured from 300-grade stainless steel and can be availed by our clients in different specifications Our clients can avail chemical plant crystallizers at competitive prices这些结晶器由300系列不锈钢制成,有不同的规格可供客户选择。我们的客户能以极具竞争力的价格购买到化工结晶器
econ.They cant come to a decision until they have talked with their clients在与客户商谈之前,他们还不能作出决定
telecom.thin client弱功能客户机处理任务由服务系统执行
ITthin client瘦客户
proj.manag.thin client瘦客户端
multimed.thin client瘦客户机
comp., net.thin client computer瘦客户机电脑
comp., net.thin client computing瘦客户计算
comp., net.thin client/fat server瘦客户 /胖服务器
comp., net.thin client mode瘦客户机模式
ITthin client/server瘦客户机/服务器
securit.third party client contracts第三方客户合同
China, lawthreaten clients恐吓用户
telecom.three-tier client/server三层客户 /服务系统
ITthree-tier client/server三层客户机/服务器结构
telecom.three-tier client/server三层客户器/服务器结构
multimed.three-tier client/server三层客户机/服务器结构
fin.top margin client前列保证金客户
securit.top margin client位于前列的保证金客户
ITtwo-tier client/server两层客户机/服务器结构
telecom.two-tier client/server两层客户机/服务器结构[系统]
comp., net.two-tier client/server两层客户机/ 服务器
multimed.two-tier client/server两层客户器/服务器结构
fin.uniform cash client's agreement统_现金客户协议书
securit.uniform client's agreement证券 客户协议
fin.uniform margin client's agreement统一保证金客户协议书
el.universal Netware client通用网件客户机
ITUnix clientUnix 客户机
proj.manag.Use a File Transfer Protocol FTP client to upload the site folder and index file to the location of your choice使用文件传输协议 FTP客户端将站点文件夹和索引文件上传到所选的位置
econ.value-added multi client products多用户产品附加值
vet.med.veterinarian client-patient relationship兽医-客户-病畜关系
China, lawviolation of the entrustment of the clients违背客户的委托
fin.walk-in client街客
exhib.walk-in client店堂顾客相对网络顾客
fin.walk-in client自荐客户
securit.walk-in client主动客户
commer.We have eventually come to terms with our client我方与客户最终达成交易
econ.We have obtained your address from our client and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations我们通过客户获悉贵公司地址,现特去函与你公司建立业务关系
commer.We have several clients interested in your products我们有几家客户对你方产品感兴趣
busin.We have sold a lot of rubber gaskets for you in England and were one of your long-term clients. 1 would suggest you give us more favorable terms on payment我们在英国为贵公司卖出了很多橡胶垫片,我们已经是贵公司的老客户了。请给我们些更加优惠的付款条件
proj.manag.We offer a One-Stop Online Service to help our clients set up their own website本公司提供一站式网上服务、 让客户能够快速建立网站并开展业务
econ.We will gear up our production to meet the needs of our clients我们将增加生产以适应我方客户的需要
comp., MSWeb client網頁用戶端 (A computer that uses a Web server)
cryptogr.web scenarios clients网络场景里的客户端
proj.manag.When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server当该代理服务器接收到响应时、它将结果发送回客户端、如同它是初始服务器一样
ITWhois clientWhois 客户机程序
proj.manag.whois client一个客户端程序
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