
Terms for subject China containing Clean | all forms | exact matches only
anti-corruption efforts and the promotion of clean government反腐倡廉
build a contingent of public servants who are politically reliable, professionally competent and clean and honest and have a good work style建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、清正廉洁、作风优良的公务员队伍
build a just, transparent, hard-working, efficient, honest, upright and clean government that follows a well-defined code of conduct建设一个行为规范、公正透明、勤政高效、清正廉洁的政府
build clean government廉政建设
clean and disinfect清洗消毒
clean and efficient清洁高效
clean and upright清正廉洁
clean coal technology洁净煤技
clean energies清洁能源
clean technique清洁工艺
clean utilization of coal煤炭清洁利用
clean vegetables净菜
diligent and clean government勤政廉政
disseminate clean coal technology推广洁净煤技术
honest and clean清正廉明
honest, upright and clean government清正廉洁的政府
intensify efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government加大反腐倡廉力度