
Terms containing Clean | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A neat and clean environment and good service are needed in enjoying Western-style food西餐通常要求有整洁卫生的环境和全面优质的服务
gen.Activated clay can be used to help clean up oil spills活性黏土可用于清洁溢油
avia.aerodynamically clean良好气动力外型的
refrig.air clean hood层流罩
pack.Are there tacky roller clean machines in front of the laminator?压膜机前是否有粘尘滚轮清洁机器?
refrig.aseptic clean room无菌净化室
ecol.Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate亚太清洁发展和气候新伙伴计划
gen.atomically clean surfaces原子级清洁表面
tech.banker's clean bill不抬头的银行票据
tech.bio-clean room生物洁净室
tech.blow a well clean喷射洗井 (用清泥浆)
tech.broom clean竣工清场交付
tech.casting clean-up铸件清理
tech.chemically clean surface化学净化表面
refrig.classification of clean room洁净室空气洁净度等级
tech.clean acceptance无条件接受
tech.clean acceptance不附保留条件的承兑
securit.clean advance无担保贷款/垫款
tech.clean aggregate清洁骨料
tech.clean aggregate清洁集料
tech.clean aggregate洁净集料
tech.clean aggregate洁净骨料
ecol.clean air清洁空气
tech.clean air纯洁空气
avia.clean air洁净空气
tech.Clean Air Act空气清洁法
tech.Clean Air Act空气净化法
ecol.Clean Air Act清洁空气法案
refrig.clean air act净化空气作用
tech.clean air manifold净化空气总管
tech.clean air outlet净化空气出口
ecol.clean air package清洁空气罐
gen.clean air package洁净空气封装
tech.clean air policy空气清洁政策
avia.clean air system清洁空气系统
avia.clean airfoil干净翼型
tech.clean annealing光亮退
tech.clean ash清炉除灰
ecol.clean atmosphere天然大气
ecol.clean atmosphere洁净大气
gen.clean away擦去
tech.clean back拉结石外露端
tech.clean back光洁石面
securit.clean balance sheet低负债资产负债表
nautic., tech.clean ballast清洁压载水
nautic., tech.clean ballast清洁压载
shipb.clean ballast pump清洁压载泵
nautic., tech.clean permanent water ballast pump专用清洁压载泵
nautic., tech.clean ballast tank清洁压载水舱
tech.clean bench清洗台
tech.clean bench除尘台
tech.clean bench净化操作台
tech.clean bench净化台
refrig.clean bench洁净工作台
tech.clean bil清单
tech.clean bil清洁票据
tech.clean bil不随货押汇票
tech.clean bil光票
tech.clean bil信用票据
securit.clean bill光票 (CB)
securit.clean bill清洁汇票 (CB)
securit.clean bill信用票据 (CB)
tech.clean bill of exchange普通汇票
tech.clean bill of health无疫健康证明书
tech.clean bill of health无疫证书 (船只)
tech.clean bill of lading清洁提
tech.clean bill of lading不附带条件的提单
tech.clean bill of lading单纯提单
tech.clean bill of lading洁净提单
securit.clean bill & white paper光票和白票
tech.clean blast全部爆破
avia.clean bomb干净弹
avia.clean bomb"净形"炸弹
tech.clean bond清洁公债
securit.clean bonds清洁公债
securit.clean bonds无背书公债
multimed.clean boot净化启动
tech.clean bottom干净海底 (没有危险物、礁石等)
tech.clean breach浪扫全舱面
tech.clean break无火花断路
gen.clean broke一文不名
gen.clean broke身无分文
tech.clean by laminar flow层流净化
gen.clean card清洁牌
tech.clean cargo清洁货物
tech.clean cargo完整货物
tech.clean cargo好货
tech.clean cargo净货
tech.clean charter清洁租船合同
avia.clean/check sensor清洁/校验传感器
tech.clean circulation干净循环
ecol.clean coal technology洁净煤技术
tech.clean coast安全海岸 (指没有沉船或暗礁等)
tech.clean color纯洁色
tech.clean colour纯洁色
gen.clean copy誉清稿
gen.clean copy清楚的原稿
tech.clean core净堆芯
tech.clean corridor清洁走廊
tech.clean corridor洁净走廊
securit.clean credit无条件信用证
tech.clean credit清洁信用
tech.clean credit纯信用证
tech.clean credit无条款信用书
securit.clean credit清洁信用证
desert.clean cultivation细致整地
desert.clean cultivation无覆盖播种
desert.clean culture细致整地
desert.clean culture无覆盖耕种
desert.clean culture无覆盖播种
tech.clean-cut separation确切分离
sport.clean-cut three to zero干净利索的 3 : 0
tech.clean-cut wood光洁木板
tech.clean-cut wood光洁木材
tech.clean cutting formation不黏钻头的地层
tech.clean cutting formation孔底清洁的地层
tech.clean cuttings清除岩粉
desert.clean data无错数据
tech.clean data output清机数据输出
securit.clean disciplinary record无纪律处分的纪录
tech.clean discontinuities无充填物的不连续面
tech.clean discontinuities无充填物的软弱结构面
tech.clean documents清洁单据
gen.clean down刷〔扫,擦〕下
gen.clean down彻底冲洗
gen.clean down清扫
securit.clean draft不附带条件的提单
nautic., tech.clean drains清洁泄放水
tech.clean drilling正常泥浆钻进
gen.clean effects无解说词的电视背景音乐
ecol.Clean Energy Expo China中国国际清洁能源博览会
ecol.clean energy-carrier清洁能源载体
tech.clean face cutting净材面锯切法
tech.clean fallow无草休闲地
desert.clean fallow绝对休闲[地]
avia.clean fin净形垂尾
tech.clean fire清炉除灰
securit.clean float/floating清洁浮动
tech.clean floating exchange rate清洁浮动汇率
tech.clean formation含泥很少的地层
geol.clean formation无泥质地层
ecol.clean fuel清洁燃料
tech.clean fuel oil tank清洁燃油舱
avia.clean fuel oil tank清洁燃油箱
bowl.clean game出色比赛
tech.clean gas净化煤气
tech.clean gas无尘煤气
tech.clean gas纯净气体
tech.clean gas洁净煤气
tech.clean gas outlet净化气出口
gen.clean gone消逝得无影无踪
tech.clean grind研磨均匀
tech.clean grind均匀的硏磨浆
avia.clean hardening光洁淬火
sport.clean hit干净利索的一击
tech.clean hole清洁钻孔
tech.clean hole punching干净穿孔
gen.clean house内部清洗
gen.clean house打扫〔整理〕房屋
ecol.clean industry清洁工业
multimed.clean install净化安装
tech.clean lattice净栅
avia.clean launch正确的发射
avia.clean launch成功的发射
tech.clean map无误差的地图数据
tech.clean material净料
tech.clean mining高回收率开采法
geol.clean-non-shale formation无泥质地层
avia.clean nozzle清洁喷嘴
gen.clean M of清除M上 〔内,里〕的N (N)
securit.clean off结清
securit.clean off清算
securit.clean off清偿
gen.clean off擦去
tech.clean off balance outstanding付清所欠余款
securit.clean off one's debt清偿债务
tech.clean oil透明油
tech.clean oil未加裂化油的油料
tech.clean oil无添加剂润滑油
tech.clean oil轻质〔透明,新〕油
tech.clean oil白油
tech.clean oil轻质石油
CNCclean oil轻质油
tech.clean oils轻质石油产品
ecol.clean oils轻质石油汽油,煤油等
tech.clean on board洁净装船
tech.clean on board bill of lading清洁装运提单
tech.clean on board bill of lading已装船清洁提单
shipb.clean on board ocean B/L清洁已装船海运提单
securit.clean on the print无中介交易无需经纪商作为委托人的交易
avia.clean operational weight净飞行重量
securit.clean opinion合格审计意见
securit.clean opinion无保留意见认为公司财务记录准确反映了公司实际状况的审计意见
avia.clean out清除口
avia.clean out清洗口
avia.clean out除净
gen.clean out花光
gen.clean out清扫内部
gen.clean out清除尘土
gen.clean out除掉
gen.clean out扫除干净
ecol.clean out清通口
avia.clean out整流的
avia.clean out使成流线形的
gen.clean out清洗
ecol.clean-out auger抽汲筒
ecol.clean-out clearance清除口净距
securit.clean out day抛售完成日
avia.clean-out fitting疏通接头
avia.clean-out line疏通管
ecol.clean-out plug清除口堵头
refrig.clean oven洁净烘箱
antenn.clean pattern无副瓣〔旁瓣〕方向图
tech.clean payment credit全部预支信用证
securit.clean payment credit支票付款信用证
securit.clean payment L/C支票付款信用证
tech.clean payment letter of credit全部预支信用证
tech.clean petroleum product轻质成品油
tech.clean plastic水晶胶
tech.clean polyester水晶胶
securit.clean price干净价格不含利息的证券价
securit.clean price trading净价交易
tech.clean producer gas净化发生炉煤气
ecol.clean products清洁产品
tech.clean proof付印样
comp.clean proof清件
avia.clean propellant洁净推进剂
tech.clean rain未污染雨水
tech.clean rain干净的雨水
avia.clean range无外挂物航程
avia.clean range净形航程
tech.clean reactivity新堆反应性
tech.clean reactivity净堆反应性
gen.clean reactor新堆
gen.clean reactor未中毒反应
tech.clean remittances of commercial paper不跟单汇兑
tech.clean river清洁河流
tech.clean river清水河 (流)
tech.clean rock纯岩石
tech.clean room绝尘室
tech.clean room供实验用的经消毒的房间
tech.clean room超静何
tech.clean room无尘室
tech.clean room清洁室
ecol.clean room绝尘室制精密仪器用的
tech.clean sand清洁砂
desert.clean sand纯沙
avia.clean, seal and paint清洁、密封和喷漆
refrig.clean shelf洁净保管柜
tech.clean ship轻质油船
tech.clean ship清洁船舶
tech.clean ship空船
sport.clean shot利落的劲射
sport.clean shot漂亮的射门
sport.clean shot漂亮射门
tech.clean slide干净载玻片
refrig.clean space净化区
gen.clean start发射准备完毕
tech.clean steel
tech.clean stub新导电棒
tech.clean stuff优质木材 (无节疤等)
tech.clean superconductor纯净超导体
gen.clean supply无干扰供电
securit.clean surplus concept净盈余概念
sport.clean sweep获全胜
tech.clean tank轻油柜
tech.clean tanker轻油油轮
ecol.clean technology清洁技术
sport.clean the ball擦球 (woodball)
racingclean the track清理赛道
gen.clean thing应当做的事 (to do)
tech.clean thread光洁螺纹
tech.clean tillage清耕法
desert.clean tillage细致整地
tech.clean timber无缺陷木材 (又称无节疤陷的木材)
tech.clean timber精木料
tech.clean timber无疵木材
bodybuild.clean to chest提铃至胸
gen.clean trace净迹
securit.clean trade清仓交易
avia.clean turret清洁炮塔
tech.clean-type ventilation清洁式通风
securit.clean up赚得巨额利润
securit.clean up结清
gen.clean up清扫
tech.clean-up扫除 (工地渣土)
tech.clean-up光面验讫 (木工作业)
gen.clean up整顿
securit.clean up清仓
gen.clean up整理
gen.clean up清理
ecol.clean-up activities清洁活动
ecol.clean-up activities净化活动
tech.clean-up activity清洁活动
tech.clean-up activity净化活动
shipb.clean-up additive防积炭添加剂
tech.clean-up and move out清扫并运出工地
tech.clean-up and move out清除
tech.clean-up and move out清理
tech.clean-up and move out现场清理
tech.clean-up and move out竣工清扫
securit.clean up and recover loans清理收回贷款
tech.clean-up barrel清理滚筒
avia.clean up buck架外工作架 (与其他工装#独立使用的工装,用于完成其他工装上没有完#工作,可以定位与固定要安装的零组件或加工设)
avia.clean up buck〔支〕架外工作架
securit.clean up call清除式回购可转债到期前,若未转股小于发行额的 20%,发行人有权以面值价格赎回全部未转额
tech.clean-up chute清洗溜槽
tech.clean-up chute精选溜槽
tech.clean-up cost净化费用
tech.clean-up device清舱装置
securit.clean up due bill清理到期票据
tech.clean-up effect清除效应
tech.clean-up effect净化作用
securit.clean-up fund清理基金
tech.clean-up job清孔工作
securit.clean-up merger清除合并获得控制权以后,收购方将被收购公司并人它的旗下
tech.clean-up method净化法
tech.clean-up of cofferdam foundation围堰基础清理
securit.clean up of debt债务清理
tech.clean up of oil spills漂油清除
inf.clean up on胜过…
inf.clean up on击败…
tech.clean-up operation清理作业
tech.clean-up past due bill清理逾期票据
tech.clean-up process净化工艺
securit.clean-up provision清除条款
tech.clean-up pump清除泵
tech.clean-up pump吸收泵
securit.clean-up requirement结清规定
tech.clean-up scraper刮土板
tech.clean up solvent清洗溶剂
securit.clean up the mess收拾残局股市
securit.clean up the mess收拾烂摊子
tech.clean-up trip冲孔回次
tech.clean-up work清洗工作
tech.clean-up work清理工作
tech.clean urban river environment净化城市河流环境
ecol.clean use of coal煤的清洁用法
tech.clean water洁净水
tech.Clean Water Act清洁法
tech.Clean Water Act流水保护条例
tech.Clean Water Act清洁水法令
desert.clean water act清洁水法
desert.clean water act水净化条例
tech.Clean Water Act Amendments水清洁法修正案
tech.clean water algae清洁藻
ecol.clean water algae清水藻
tech.clean water gallery清水隧洞
nautic., tech.clean water holding tank清洁水储存柜
tech.clean-water lake清水湖
tech.clean water performance清水性能
tech.clean-water pipe清水管
tech.Clean Water Restoration Act净水修复法令
tech.Clean Water Restoration Act清洁水恢复法案
tech.clean water strategy净水对策
tech.clean-water supply净水供应
tech.clean water tank清水箱
avia.clean weapon干净武器
tech.clean well无垢井孔
avia.clean work area清洁工作场地
refrig.clean work station洁净工作台
refrig.clean working area洁净工作区
refrig.clean working garment洁净工作服
gen.clean wrong完全错误
tech.clean yellow纯黄 (色)
tech.clean yield净得
refrig.clean zone洁净空间
tech.cleans hip没载货的船
tech.cold clean criticality冷净临界
tech.cold clean criticality冷态
gen.come clean供〔说〕出
refrig.conventional type clean room传统形式的洁净室
refrig.conventional type clean room非层流形洁净室
gen.cut clean through洞穿
nautic., tech.dedicated clean ballast tank operation manual专用清洁压载舱操作手册
tech.density of clean sandstone纯砂岩的密度
desert.disaster clean-up operations灾难清理作业
gen.Don't clean your teeth at the table, either with your finger or a toothpick, not even with your tongue不要在餐桌上剔牙,无论是用手还是牙签,甚至用舌头都不行
gen.dry-clean干洗 (se)
refrig.dust-controlled clean rooms: class控尘洁净室:级别
avia.electronically-clean电子设备净形的 (飞机上电子设备和天线等突出在飞机外的部分很少,阻力很小的)
tech.Federal Clean Water Act联邦清洁水法令 (美国)
tech.garment of clean room防尘服
tech.gas clean-up提高真空度
tech.gas clean-up气体清除
tech.general clean-up大扫除
tech.green cut clean-up水刷石饰面法
gen.He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven他买了强力清洁剂来清洗布满油污的炉子
refrig.hospital clean room医院洁净室
avia.hydraulic clean液力清洗
gen.If you need to clean your room, put the clean card on the door如果您需要清理房间,请把“清洁牌”挂在门外
gen.I'm sorry, but we don't have the special equipment necessary to clean leather很抱歉,我们没有清洗皮料所需要的特别设备
gen.In most restaurants, after 8 p. m. or so, all the coffee is decaf because no one wants to clean two different coffeepots在大多数餐馆,大概8点之后,所有的咖啡都是脱咖啡因的咖啡,因为没有人愿意洗两种不同的咖啡壶
gen.keep M clean使M保持清洁
refrig.laminar flow clean room平行流洁净室
refrig.laminar flow type clean room层流式洁净室
refrig.local clean equipment局部净化设备
gen.make a clean cut切得整齐
sport.make a clean sweep囊括
sport.make a clean sweep获全胜
gen.make a clean sweep of廓清
gen.make a clean sweep ofM 扫〔肃〕清 M
gen.make a clean sweep ofM 全部去掉 M
construct.make a clean sweep ofM 彻底清除 M
gen.make a clean sweep of彻底扫除
gen.make a clean sweep of扫除
tech.maximum porosity in clean rock纯岩石最大孔隙度
refrig.mobile clean booth移动式洁净小室
tech.mobile clean room活动式空气净化间
tech.mobile clean room移动式空气净化间
tech.National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit System in Federal Clean Water Act美国联邦清洁水法国家污染物排放消除许可证制度
tech.National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System of USEPA Clean Water Act美国环境政治法清洁水法国家污染物排放消除体系
ecol.new efficient and clean energy新高效洁净能源
gen.No. The pillow cases are stained and the bathtub is not clean. There is no toilet paper in the bathroom不,枕头套是脏的,浴缸也不干净,浴室里没有厕纸
tech.no/lose cost clean production option无/低费清洁生产方案
tech.ocean clean on board bill of lading已装船海洋清洁提单
securit.on a clean up一次净赚
securit.on a clean up在清理
ecol.P. R. China Act on Clean Energy中华人民共和国清洁能源法
ecol.P. R. China Act on Promotion of Clean Production中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法
refrig.partition clean room组合式洁净室
refrig.pharmaceutical clean room医药洁净室
securit.pot is clean转销证券额已售完
securit.pot is clean全部售完辛迪加经办人向其成员宣布所有为机构销售所保留的股票已全部售完
avia.quiet, clean general aviation turbofan静净航空涡扇发动机
avia.quiet clean general aviation turbofan低噪声低污染通用航空涡轮风扇发动机
tech.radius of clean-up挖土机的切削半径
tech.radius of clean-up挖掘半径
tech.radius of clean-up工作半径
tech.radius of clean-up at floor清底半径
tech.self-clean oven自洁式烤箱
tech.siphon off the clean solution虹吸抽出清洁溶液
tech.site clean-up工地清理
gen.Sorry to disturb you. May I clean your room now?抱歉打扰您,我现在可以清理房间吗?
tech.spindle clean oiler锭子清洗加油器
refrig.sterile clean room无菌洁净室
gen.sweep and clean打扫
sport.The American Bowling Congress decided to clean up bowling and make it a gentlemen's game again美国保龄球协会决定整顿保龄球运动,使它再次成为一项绅士运动
gen.The new detergent washes your glasses really clean新的清洁剂能把玻璃杯洗得非常干净
gen.The wool blankets could only be washed through dry clean, otherwise it will shrink羊毛毯子只能干洗,否则会缩水
refrig.turbulent flow clean room乱流洁净室
tech.ultra-clean超净 (的)
tech.ultra-clean air system超净空系统
avia.visual clean视觉清洁
gen.We have to clean the grill before we start a fire我们要把这个炉子洗干净,然后再生火
gen.We will come and clean your room immediately我们马上就来打扫您的房间
gen.wipe M clean把 M 擦干净
ecol.Y-clean outs分叉清通口
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