
Terms for subject Skiing containing Chief | all forms | exact matches only
chief coach总教练
chief course inspector路线检查长
chief course inspector线路检察长
chief gate judge旗门裁判长
chief medical officer医务主管
chief of accommodation and meals膳宿主管
chief of calculation距离测量长
chief of calculation计算长
chief of competition竞赛长
chief of competition security竞赛安全主管
chief of controller线路检查长
chief of course线路长
chief of equipment设备主管
chief of finance财务主管 (treasurer)
chief of first aid services医务主管
chief of hill跳台长
chief of medical and rescue services医务及营救主管
chief of protocol礼仪主管
chief of race竞赛长
chief of stadium场地主管
chief of start and finish起、终点主管
chief of steward场地主管
chief of technical facilities技术设备主管
chief of the inrun助滑道长
chief of the landing area着陆区长
chief of timekeeping计时长
chief of trial jumpers试跳长
section chief线路长