
Terms for subject Business containing Chief | all forms | exact matches only
action in chief本诉
action in chief主诉
air traffic control chief engineer空中交通管制总工程师
Assistant Chief助理…长
Assistant Chief助理主任
assistant chief auditor助审
assistant chief auditor协审
assistant chief engineer助理总工程师
Cash chief cashier总司库
Cash chief cashier总出纳
chief accountant会计长
chief accountant officer总会计师
chief actuary主任保险精算师
chief architect总设计师
chief argument主要凭证
chief casher现金出纳科长课长
chief casher出纳主任
chief clerk主任办事员
chief clerk办事主任
chief clerk主任科员
chief clerk办公室主任
chief constructor总建筑师
chief constructor总营造师
chief constructor总设计师
chief controller首席控制官
chief controller主控制器
chief controller主控机
chief draftsman制图总管
chief economic manager总经济师
chief employee welfare福利科长
chief engineers office总工程师办公室
chief examiner审核长
Chief Executive〈美〉总统
Chief Executive州长
chief executive行政首长
chief executive officer最高业务负责人
chief executive organization董事长组织
chief foreman领班
chief groups of occupation主要职业组
chief internal auditor总稽核
chief justice审判长
chief manager主管人
chief mate大副
chief of finance财务主任
chief of inspector稽查主任
chief of section部门主管
chief of section股长
chief of section科长
chief of section工长
chief of staff参谋长
chief of state国家元首
chief officer of a corporation公司主要管理人
chief operating officer主要业务人员
chief operating officer主要业务员
chief operating personnel主要业务人员
chief operator desk业务长台
chief paymaster总出纳员
chief procurator general总检察长
chief programmer首席程序员
chief prosecutor首席检察官
chief prosecutor检察长
chief quality engineer总检査师
chief radio officer报务主任
chief series主要数列
chief supervisor of artistic manufacture艺术总监
chief tallyman装卸领班
chief tallyman装卸负责人组长
chief technical officer技术部主任
chief transportation officer运输部主任
chief value of cotton主要成分是棉质
chief value of synthetic主要成分是人造纤维
copy chief编辑主任
crew chief机组组长
crew chief乘务员组长
deputy chief副主任
deputy chief副…长
Deputy Chief of Mission大使馆副馆长
Deputy Chief of Mission代表团副团长
evidence in chief主要证据
section chief工长