
Terms containing Chief | all forms | exact matches only
China, lawacting Chief Executive代理行政长官
busin.action in chief本诉
busin.action in chief主诉
avia.aerographer's mate chief航空气象师
USA, spaceair force chief scientist空军首席科学家
busin.air traffic control chief engineer空中交通管制总工程师
tech.appraiser in chief主审人
tech.appraising unit in chief主持单位
busin.Assistant Chief助理…长
busin.Assistant Chief助理主任
busin.assistant chief auditor助审
busin.assistant chief auditor协审
busin.assistant chief engineer助理总工程师
avia.assistant chief of air staff flight safety and inspection空军参谋部助理参谋长主管飞行和检验
avia.assistant chief of air staff inspection空军参谋部助理参谋长主管检验
avia.assistant chief of air staff operations空军参谋部助理参谋长作业参谋长
avia.assistant chief of air staff engineering空军参谋部助理参谋长主管工程
avia.assistant chief of defense staff国防部助理参谋长
gen.Assistant Chief of Naval Operations海军助理作战部长
gen.Assistant Chief of Staff助理参谋长
mil., air.def.assistant chief of staff intelligence美国空军总部情报参谋长助理 (HQ USAF)
avia.assistant chief of staff, intelligence/inspection情报部/检验部助理部长
gen.Assistant Chief of the Air Staff空军助理参谋长
gen.Assistant Chief of United States Air Staff美国空军助理参谋长
wushu.assistant chief referee副总裁判长
China, lawassociate chief judges of divisions副庭长
sport., med.associate chief physician副主任医师
China, lawbe accountable to the Chief Executive对行政长官负责
commer.branch chief分行或分店负责人
commer.business department chief营业部门主任
commer.business section chief营业科长
China, lawcandidate for the office of Chief Executive行政长官候选人
busin.Cash chief cashier总司库
busin.Cash chief cashier总出纳
shipb.certificate of chief engineer轮机长证书
avia.chairman of the joint chiefs of staff参谋长联席会议主席
avia.chairman of the joint chiefs of staff instruction参谋长联席会议主席指令
China, lawcharge the Chief Executive指控行政长官
econ.chief accountant总会计
busin.chief accountant会计长
busin.chief accountant officer总会计师
tech.chief accountant room总会计师室
busin.chief actuary主任保险精算师
avia.chief administrative officer首席执行官
avia.chief airframe system engineer机身系统主任工程师
avia.chief airport traffic controller主要航空港交通管制装置
gen.chief among them are…其中主要的是
agric.chief annual weeds主要一年生杂草
anim.husb.chief annul weeds主要一年生杂草
busin.chief architect总设计师
tech.chief architect主任建筑师
busin.chief argument主要凭证
desert.chief-association主群丛 (具有一般或地区特征种的最小群落)
China, lawchief at the county and division level县处级正职
China, lawchief at the department and bureau level厅局级正职
China, lawchief at the provincial and ministerial level省部级正职
China, lawchief at the township and section level乡科级正职
tech.chief auditor总审计师
avia.chief aviation engineer航空总工程师
gen.chief aviation pilot飞机驾驶长
gen.chief aviation pilot主任飞行员
drag.chief boat marshal龙舟总纠察
busin.chief casher现金出纳科长课长
busin.chief casher出纳主任
commer.chief cashier岀纳主任
tech.chief cashier出纳主任
sport., physiol.chief cell主细胞
tech.chief checker理货长
tech.chief civil engineer土木主任工程师
tech.chief civil engineer土木总工程师
busin.chief clerk主任科员
busin.chief clerk主任办事员
busin.chief clerk办事主任
busin.chief clerk办公室主任
sport.chief coach教练
sport.chief coach主教练
gen.chief command总司令部
gen.chief commander总司令
sport., med.chief complaint主诉
chem.chief component主要组成部分
tech.chief component主要组成 (部分)
math.chief computer主计算机
tech.chief constructor造船总工程师
busin.chief constructor总建筑师
busin.chief constructor总营造师
busin.chief constructor总设计师
shipb.chief constructor总监造师
tech.chief container服务组长
busin.chief controller主控制器
econ.chief controller主审计长
busin.chief controller首席控制官
busin.chief controller主控机
econ.chief controller总控制会计师
avia.chief controller主控制员
tech.chief crop主要作物
securit.chief dealer首席操盘手
tech.chief design总设计
tech.chief design engineer设计总工程师
tech.chief designer设计总负责人
tech.chief designer总设计者
avia.chief designer decision sheet总设计师决定单
tech.chief dispatcher主调
busin.chief draftsman制图总管
tech.chief draftsman绘图室主任
busin.chief economic manager总经济师
gen.chief editor主编
tech.chief electric and mechanical engineer机电总工程师
tech.chief electrical and mechanical engineer机电总工程师
busin.chief employee welfare福利科长
tech.chief engineer主管工程师
avia.chief engineer轮机长
avia.chief engineer change review总工程师更改审查
tech.chief engineer of the project设计总负责人
nautic., tech.chief engineer officer轮机长
shipb.chief engineer room轮机长室
shipb.chief-engineer room轮机长室
avia.chief engineer system engineering系统工程主任工程师
tech.chief engineering maintenance of works工务总工程师
shipb.chief-engineer's certificate轮机长证书
tech.chief engineer's log轮机长日志
busin.chief engineers office总工程师办公室
avia.chief engineer's office总工程师办公室
avia.chief engineers readiness review总工程师准备状态审查
tech.chief engineer's room轮机长室
tech.chief engineman轮机员
tech.chief engineman room轮机员室
busin.chief examiner审核长
tech.chief executive最高层管理者
busin.chief executive行政首长
busin.Chief Executive州长
China, lawchief executive主管人员
China, polit.Chief Executive特首 (CE)
China, polit.Chief Executive行政长官 (CE)
busin.Chief Executive〈美〉总统
securit.chief executive首席执行人
securit.chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway Buffett巴菲特
securit.chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway Buffett伯克希尔哈撒韦的首席执行官
China, polit.Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region香港特别行政区行政长官
China, polit.chief executive of the... county government县长
China, polit.chief executive of the... district government区长
China, lawChief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region澳门特别行政区行政长官
China, polit.chief executive of the... township government乡镇长
tech.chief executive officer业务最咼负责人
adv.chief executive officer首席执行长官
securit.chief executive officer行政总裁
busin.chief executive officer总执行官
avia.chief executive officer总社长
busin.chief executive officer最高业务负责人
busin.chief executive officer总经理
securit.chief executive officer行政总监
commer.chief executive officer总裁亦用 chief executive;比较 Chief Executive 美国州长或市长等,chairman and chief executive officer 公司董事长兼总 经理
commer.chief executive officer公司总经理
commer.chief executive officer主要负责人
busin.chief executive officer首席执行官
securit.Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Futures Exchange香港期货交易所行政总裁
busin.chief executive organization董事长组织
consult.chief executive's report总裁报告书
commer.chief exports主要出口商品
agric.chief farm products主要农产品
agric.chief fertilizer practices主要施肥措施
anim.husb.chief fibers主纤维
agric.chief field crops主要农作物
agric.chief field crops主要大田作物
agric.chief field practices主要田间措施
tech.chief finance officer财务长
securit.chief financial officer首席财务官 (CFO)
securit.chief financial officer财务总监 (CFO)
securit.chief financial officer财务总经理 (CFO)
shipb.chief fireman司炉长
tech.chief fitter装配工长
gen.chief flying instructor主任飞行教官
busin.chief foreman领班
tech.chief foreman总领班
tech.chief frame
tech.chief frame主肋骨
avia.chief ground instructor地面教官
busin.chief groups of occupation主要职业组
nautic., tech.chief information officer首席情报官
tech.chief inspector总检查员
karate.chief instructor主教练
avia.chief instructor主任教官
gen.chief instructor主任讲师
busin.chief internal auditor总稽核
securit.chief internal auditor内部总稽核
sport.chief judge主裁判
bodybuild.chief judge裁判长
sport.Chief Judge for Field Events田赛主裁判
sport.Chief Judge for Race Event outside stadium公路竞走比赛主裁判
sport.Chief Judge for Race Walking Event inside stadium场地竞走比赛主裁判
sport.Chief Judge for Track Events径赛主裁判
dragon.dance.chief judge of judges panel裁判长
China, lawChief Judge of the High Court高等法院首席法官
China, lawchief judges of divisions庭长
China, lawChief Justice首席大法官
econ.chief justice首席法院
busin.chief justice审判长
avia.chief knowledge officer知识工程主管
tech.chief labourer领工员
tech.chief labourer工长
avia.chief location首席地段
tech.chief maintenance工务段长
China, polit.chief manager总监
busin.chief manager主管人
tech.chief manager经理
nautic., tech.chief marine surveyor海事总验船师
busin.chief mate大副
tech.chief mate大副【船】
tech.chief mechanic总机械师
tech.chief mechanic主任机械师
racingchief mechanic首席技师
tech.chief mechanical engineer机械总工程师
gen.chief medical officer总医师
gen.chief medical officer主任医官
tech.chief motive power engineer动力总工程师
racingchief national medical officer承办国医务主管
racingchief national scrutineer承办国车检主管
avia.chief navigational instructor导航教官
commer.chief negotiator主谈手
agric.chief notebook记载本试验用
agric.chief nutrients主要营养物质
gen.chief of air operations空战指挥长
gen.chief of all其中主要的是
avia.chief of center中心主任
avia.chief of defense staff国防部参谋长
commer.chief of delegates首席代表
sport.chief of delegation领队
tech.chief of division on duty值班科长
mil., air.def.chief of electronics technician电子技师长
tech.chief of engineer工程兵司令
gen.chief of engineers工程师室主任
busin.chief of finance财务主任
tech.chief of gang班长
tech.chief of goods dispatchers主任货物调度员
avia.chief of information信息主任
busin.chief of inspector稽查主任
tech.chief of inspector检验主任
tech.chief of locomotive dispatchers主任机车调度员
sport.chief of media information新闻报道主管
avia.chief of naval air training海军航空兵训练主任
mil., air.def.chief of naval communications海军通信主任
avia.chief of naval operation海军作战部长
tech.chief of party班长
tech.chief of party队长
tech.chief of passenger train controller主任客运调度员
dragon.dance.chief of records记录长
dragon.dance.chief of registers检录长
busin.chief of section部门主管
busin.chief of section股长
busin.chief of section科长
busin.chief of section工长
avia.chief of staff USAF空军参谋长美国空军
busin.chief of staff参谋长
avia.chief of staff陆军参谋长
avia.chief of staff, air force空军参谋长
mil., air.def.chief of staff, US air force空军参谋长
gen.Chief of Staff, US Air Force美国空军参谋长
gen.Chief of Staff, US Army美国陆军参谋长
busin.chief of state国家元首
commer.Chief of Tariff Bureau美国关税局长
avia.chief of the air staff空军参谋长
gen.Chief of the Air Staff空军参谋长
tech.chief of transportation运输主任
gen.Chief of United States Air Staff美国空军参谋长
tech.chief officer大副【船】
nautic.chief officer大副
busin.chief officer of a corporation公司主要管理人
shipb.chief officer room大畐室
shipb.chief-officer room大副室
sport.chief official主裁判
sport.chief official主要负责人
drag.chief official总裁判长
busin.chief operating officer主要业务员
busin.chief operating officer主要业务人员
tech.chief operating officer业务总裁
busin.chief operating personnel主要业务人员
agric.chief operator主操作员
tech.chief operator操作班长
busin.chief operator desk业务长台
tech.chief operators desk值班台长
busin.chief paymaster总出纳员
tech.chief permanent way engineer线路总工程师【铁】
sport.chief photo finish judge终点摄影主裁判
sport., med.chief physician主任医师
med.chief physician主任医生
anim.husb.chief piece主段
tech.chief pilot正驾驶员
tech.chief pilot首席领航员
tech.chief pilot领港主任
avia.chief pilot instructor飞行教官
busin.chief procurator general总检察长
China, lawchief procurator of people's procuratorate人民检察院检察长
China, polit.chief procurators of people's procuratorates人民检察院检察长
tech.chief production control and costing engineer生产与成本管理主任工程师
avia.chief program engineer项目主任工程师
tech.chief program team主程序组
tech.chief programme team主程序组
busin.chief programmer首席程序员
agric.chief programmer主程序员
avia.chief project engineer项目主任工程师
busin.chief prosecutor首席检察官
busin.chief prosecutor检察长
tech.chief purser业务主任【船】
gen.chief purser事务长
busin.chief quality engineer总检査师
tech.chief quality engineer总检查师
busin.chief radio officer报务主任
construct.chief ray线
construct.chief ray主射线
tech.chief ray主光线
sport.chief referee裁判
sport.chief referee发令裁判
wushu.chief referee总裁判长
wushu.chief registrar检录长
brit., busin.chief-rent领主地租
tech.chief representative总代表
geol.chief reservoir engineer油藏总工程师
tech.chief resident architect主任建筑师
tech.chief resident architect驻场主任建筑师
tech.chief resident architect驻工地主任建筑师
tech.chief resident engineer驻地主任工程师
tech.chief resident engineer驻地总工程师
tech.chief resident engineer驻段工程师
tech.chief resident engineer驻场主任工程师
tech.chief resident engineer工段主任工程师
tech.chief resident engineer驻工地总工程师
sport.chief results officer成绩统计长
agric.chief rhizome weeds主要根茎类杂草
sport.chief rival主要对手
agric.chief root weeds主要根生杂草
outd.chief route-setter主定线员
wushu.chief scheduler-recorder编排记录长
math.chief series主合成群列 (of subgroups)
busin.chief series主要数列
tech.chief series主列
tech.chief source of water for animals的主要水源
earth.sc.chief specialist总工程师
agric.chief species主要树种
tech.chief species主林木
tech.chief steel erector钢建筑工长
tech.chief stevedore装卸长
tech.chief stevedore装卸组长
tech.chief steward大台
tech.chief steward管事
shipb.chief steward's office司务长办公室
tech.chief stoker司炉
commer.chief supervisor首席监督人
busin.chief supervisor of artistic manufacture艺术总监
shipb.chief surveyor总验船师
tech.chief tally clerk理货长
busin.chief tallyman装卸领班
busin.chief tallyman装卸负责人组长
tech.chief tallyman理货长
busin.chief technical officer技术部主任
avia.chief technical officer技术主任
multimed.chief technical officer首席技术官
avia.chief technician主任技师
avia.chief technician技术主管
avia.chief technician总技师
avia.chief technology officer首席技术主管
avia.chief test pilot首席试飞员
avia.chief test pilot飞行试验官
sport.chief time-keeper主计时员
tech.chief town planner城市总设计师
railw.chief translation officer首席翻译官
busin.chief transportation officer运输部主任
sport.chief umpire径赛检查主裁判
sport.chief umpire裁判组长
drag.chief umpire赛道裁判长
chem.chief valence要化合
tech.chief value主要价值
busin.chief value of cotton主要成分是棉质
busin.chief value of synthetic主要成分是人造纤维
anim.husb.chief vein主静脉
agric.chief vein主脉
tech.chief wall主墙
sport.coach in chief主教练
avia.combined chiefs of staff参谋长联席会议
gen.Combined Chiefs of Staff参谋长联席会议
avia.commander in chief总司令
mil., air.def.commander in chief Atlantic command美军大西洋指挥总部
mil., air.def.commander in chief pacific command美军太平洋指挥总部
USA, spaceCommander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet大西洋舰队司令
gen.Commander-in-Chief, Continental Air Defense Command大陆防空司令部总司令
gen.Commander-in-Chief, Europe驻欧美军总司令
gen.Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense北美防空总司令
USA, spaceCommander-in-Chief of NORAD北美航空航天防御司令部总司令
avia.Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Forces, Atlantic美国大西洋空军司令
tech.compiled unit in chief主编单位
adv.copy chief文稿负责人
busin.copy chief编辑主任
adv.copy chief总编辑
avia.crew chief飞机地勤组组长
avia.crew chief地勤组长
avia.crew chief机工长
mil.crew chief
gen.crew chief〔列〕车长
gen.crew chief乘务组长
busin.crew chief乘务员组长
busin.crew chief机组组长
gen.crew chief机长
China, polit.Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year 2007 and for Forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year2008 《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于香港特别行政区2007年行政长官和2008年立法会产生办法有关问题的决定》
shipb.department chief处长
tech.department chief architect主任建筑师
tech.department chief engineer主任工程师
busin.deputy chief副主任
busin.deputy chief副…长
sport.deputy chief arbiter助理裁判员
sport.deputy chief arbiter副总裁判
sport.deputy chief arbiter副裁判长
econ.deputy chief engineer副总工程师
avia.Deputy Chief of Air Staff空军副参谋长 (英国)
econ., dipl.deputy chief of mission使团副代表
busin.Deputy Chief of Mission大使馆副馆长
busin.Deputy Chief of Mission代表团副团长
avia.Deputy Chief of Staff for Research and Development主管科研的空军副参谋长
avia.deputy chief of the air staff〔英〕空军副总参谋长
China, lawdeputy chief procurator副检察长
China, polit.deputy section chief副科长
tech.designer in chief总设计师
tech.district chief大队长
tech.draftsman chief制图组长
tech.draftsman chief绘图组长
gen.editor in chief主编
tech.editor in chief主编 (人)
gen.editor in chief总编辑
econ.engineer in chief总工程师
tech.engineer in chief主管工程师
busin.evidence in chief主要证据
sport.finishing line chief referee终点裁判长
tech.fire chief消防部门主管人
tech.fire chief消防队长
tech.fishing chief渔船船长
tech.general chief engineer总轮机长
econ.He is chief executive of the company他是该公司的总经理
gen.I would like to talk to your chief我想请你们主管讲话
econ.If the technician disputes the disapproval by the engineer of any design, such disputes may be referred to the chief engineer for decision如果技术员对工程师就任何设计所提出的异议有争执,这类争执可提请总工程师作出裁决
gen.in chief总的
gen.in chief主要地
gen.in chief尤其
gen.in chief首席的
gen.in chief为首的
shipb.inspecting insulation hot for captain room, chief engineer room and electrical engineer room before install panel安装面板前检查船长室、轮机长室和电机员室、隔热
shipb.inspecting insulation hot for captain room, chief engineer room and electrical engineer room before install panel安装面板前检查船长室、轮机长室和电机员室隔热
shipb.inspection of interior decoration for captain room and chief engineer room检查船长室和轮机长室内部装饰
shipb.inspection of interior decoration for captain room and chief engineer rooms船长和轮机长室内部装饰检查
tech.inspector-in chief总检查长
avia.joint chiefs of staff参谋长联合会议
gen.Joint Chiefs of Staff参谋长联席会议
anim.husb.little chief hare北美鼠兔
commer.make calls at chief ports on the Pacific coast停靠太平洋沿岸主要港口
China, lawmethod for selecting the Chief Executive行政长官的产生办法
tech.office chief办公室主任
tech.office chief办公厅主任
avia.Office of the Chief of Staff, USAF美国空军参谋长办公室
USA, spaceOffice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff参谋长联席会议办公室
tech.party chief队长 (外业)
tech.pay chief administrative expenses上缴上级管理费
tech.planning section chief计划部门主管
China, lawpreside over by the Chief Executive由行政长官主持
sport.press chief新闻主管
China, lawProcurator-in-Chief首席大检察官
sport.results office chief成绩统计裁判长
bodybuild.scorer in chief记录长
China, polit.section chief科长股长
busin.section chief工长
tech.section chief construction site工段
shipb.section chief of shipyard船厂的科长
China, lawserve as chief judge担任审判长
econ.The cheque bears the signature of the chief accountant这张支票上有主任会计师的签名
tech.the chief主管
commer.the chief administration of a company公司主管部门
econ.The chief engineer is charged with the superintendence of the business of building总工程师负责指挥营造业务
econ.The chief executive officer of the joint company is a local resident合资公司的最高行政负责人是位当地人
econ.The chief executive officer of the joint company shall be a local nominee合营公司总经理由当地人担任
econ.The chief exports of that country to Africa have increased by 30%该国出口到非洲的主要货品增加了 30%
commer.The chief exports of the area consist of agricultural and mineral products该地区主要出口货物是农产品与矿产品
China, polit.the Chief Procurator of the Military Procuratorate军事检察院检察长
China, polit.the Chief Procurator of the people's Procuratorate人民检察院检察长
gen.the chief staple of news消息的主要来源
econ.The committee conferred the title of "chief engineer" on him委员会授与他"总工程师"的头衔
econ.The decision of the purchasing department by the chief executive采购部的决定被总经理驳回了
econ.The payment requisition has been submitted to the chief of financial department付款请求书已提交给财务处长
econ.the producer chief生产主管
econ.The workers shall carry out the chief engineers instructions and directions on any matter touching the works工人必须执行总工程师发出的任何涉及该工程事宜的命令和指示
avia.vice chief of naval operations海军作战部副部长
avia.vice chief of the air staff空军副总参谋长
gen.Vice-Chief of the Air Staff空军副参谋长
gen.Vice-Chief of the Naval Staff海军副参谋长
econ.We are the chief supplier of office equipment我方是办公设备的主要供应商
sport.When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。
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