
Terms containing Chairman | all forms | exact matches only
commer.a bank board chairman银行董事长
commer.a commission chairman委员会主席
commer.a committee chairman委员会主席
China, lawact as chairman担任主席
China, lawact on behalf of the chairman代理主任的职务
sport.acting chairman代理主席
China, polit.appoint or remove upon recommendation by the Chairman of the Standing Committee由委员长提请常务委员会任免
China, polit.Assistant Chairman专委会主任助理 (of a special committee)
earth.sc.Australian Council of Chairman of Earth Science Department澳大利亚地学部主任会议
China, polit.based on the Chairman's nomination根据主席提名
busin.board chairman董事长
tech.board chairman董事会主席
commer.board chairman chairman of the board董事长
China, polit.candidates for Chairman委员长、主席人选
econ.chairman and managing director主席【董事长】兼执行董事
auto.chairman car设有特别单人座椅的乘用车
spaceChairman, Joint Chiefs of staffСША.参谋长联席会议主席
China, lawchairman of a commission for examination and assessment of judges法官考评委员会主任
China, lawchairman of a committee委员长
auto.chairman of board董事长会主席
busin.chairman of board董事长
manag.chairman of board of directors董事长
econ.chairman of board of directors董事会主席
securit.Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission中国证监会主席
avia.chairman of corrective action board纠正措施委员会主席 (根据纠正措施程序《QP-3030-MG -006》定义,纠正措施委员会主席负责安排纠正措施委员会会议,确定行动项目,保持具体日程及详细的行动项目清单以确保完成指定任务及闭环纠正措施)
avia.chairman of corrective action board纠正措施委员会
busin.chairman of directors董事长
sport.chairman of jury仲裁委员会主席
China, polit.chairman of the autonomous regional people's government自治区人民政府主席
manag.chairman of the board董事会主席
manag.chairman of the board董事长
econ.Chairman of the board gave a rough outline of our expenses for the coming year董事长提出了我们来年开支的草案
securit.chairman of the board of directions董事长
securit.chairman of the board of directions董事会主席
manag.chairman of the board of directors董事长
textilechairman of the board of directors董事会主席,董事长
busin.chairman of the board of directors董事会主席
busin.chairman of the board of governors董事会会长
busin.chairman of the board of governors会长
busin.chairman of the board of governors交易所董事长
China, lawChairman of the Central Military Commission中央军事委员会主席
commer.chairman of the Chamber商会会长
manag.chairman of the chamber of commerce商会会长
securit.chairman of the creditors' meeting债权人会议主席
IMF.Chairman of the Executive Board执董会主席
interntl.trade.chairman of the foreign exchange and trade commission外贸会主任委员
IMF.Chairman of the IMFC国际货币与金融委员会主席
avia.chairman of the joint chiefs of staff参谋长联席会议主席
avia.chairman of the joint chiefs of staff instruction参谋长联席会议主席指令
China, polit.chairman chairperson of the standing committee of the National People's Congress委员长 (NPC)
China, lawChairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长
securit.chairman's conference主席会议
textilechairman's report主席报告
econ.chairman's report公司年会主席报告 (书)
fin.chairman's statement董事长声明
IMF.Chairman's Statement主席声明
securit.chairman's statement董事长公告 (每年一次给股东大会的报告)
IMF.Chairman's summing-up IMF, Executive Board执董会主席的会议总结
busin.deputy chairman副代理人
manag.deputy chairman副会长
manag.deputy chairman代理主席
busin.deputy chairman副主席
busin.dummy chairman名义主席
busin.ex-chairman of the board of directors前任董事长
China, polit.exchanges of high-level visits between the NPC Chairman or Vice Chairmen and their foreign counterparts委员长、副委员长与外国议会议长、副议长的高层互访
exhib.executive chairman执行主席
oilexecutive chairman执行总裁
securit.executive vice chairman常务副董事长
China, lawexercise certain functions and powers of the Chairman代行委员长的部分职权
fin., amer.Federal Reserve Chairman联邦储备委员会主席
sport.finance chairman财务主任
sport.finance chairman司库
exhib.former chairman前任主席
securit.full-time chairman常任董事长
econ.He deputized for the chairman who was absent on business主席因事缺席,由他代理
bridge.highest honorable prize of WBA chairman世界桥联主席最高荣誉奖
textilehonorary chairman名誉主席
nautic., tech.honorary chairman名誉主任
econ.honourary chairman名誉主席
interntl.trade.IMF managing director chairman国际货币基金组织总裁
busin.impartial chairman公正的主席
exhib.interim chairman临时主席
busin.main board chairman总公司主席
wrest.mat chairman裁判长
wrest.mat chairman场上裁判
econ.Mr. Smith acts as chairman史密斯先生担任会议主席
busin.non-executive chairman非执行主席
China, polit.NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长吴邦国
econ.60% of the share holders voted gainst Mr. Wang as chairman60% 的股东投票反对王先生当主席
IMF.outgoing chairman即将离任的官员
IMF.outgoing chairman即将离任的主席
exhib.past chairman前任主席
sport.presiding chairman执行主席
IMF.selection of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen BL, Board of Governors推选理事会主席和副主席
China, polit.serve as Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee担任全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长
interntl.trade.shop chairman职工代表
busin.shop chairman车间职工代表
China, lawstanding chairman常务主席
fin.supervisory board chairman监事长
China, polit.the chairman主任委员
China, polit.the chairman委员长
China, polit.the Chairman delegate a vice chairman to preside on his behalf委员长委托副委员长主持会议
econ.The chairman of the board seconded the proposal董事会主席首先支持这项提议
China, polit.the Chairman of the Central Military Commission中央军事委员会主席
China, polit.the chairman of the meeting会议主持人
China, polit.the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长 (NPC)
econ.The chairman reacted to the news positively主席对此新闻作出积极反应
econ.The vice-chairman blocked the motion of the proposal by using his casting vote副董事长使用决定性的一票阻止了该提议的通过
commer.There are six members on the committee, not counting the chairman委员会有六位成员,不包括其主席
econ.They elected a new chairman of board last week他们上星期选出一位新董事长
China, polit.vice-chairman副主任委员
avia.vice chairman副会长
tech.vice chairman副董事长
sport.vice chairman副主席
China, polit.vice chairman副委员长
China, polit.vice chairman副主任委员
China, polit.vice-chairman专委会副主任委员 (of a special committee)
avia.vice chairman副议长
gen.vice-chairman for负责…的副主席
interntl.trade.vice chairman of the board of directors副董事长
securit.vice-chairman of the board of directors副董事长
China, polit.vice-chairman chairperson of the standing committee of the national peoples congress副委员长 (NPC)