
Terms for subject International trade containing Certificate of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
certificate and list of measurement and/or weight容积重量证明书
certificate for advance surrender of export exchange预缴外汇证明书
certificate of airworthiness飞机试航证书
certificate of airworthiness飞机适航证书
certificate of allocated exchange结汇证
certificate of analysis分析证明书
certificate of analysis化验证明
certificate of analysis化验怔明书
certificate of analysis化验证明书
certificate of appointment证书
certificate of appointment委任
certificate of auditing审计证明书
certificate of authority许可证
certificate of balance sheet资产负债证明书
certificate of capital stock股本证明书
certificate of class船级证书
certificate of competency合格证书
certificate of conformity证明商品符合合同规格证书
certificate of conformity合格证
certificate of damage残损证明书
certificate of damage破损证明书
certificate of date of sailing开船证明书
certificate of delivery交货单
certificate of delivery交货证明书
certificate of departure from port离港证明书
certificate of deposit收存证书
certificate of deposit定期存款单
certificate of deposit存款证
certificate of dishonor拒绝付款
certificate of dishonor拒绝承兑汇票证明书
certificate of expenditure支出证明书
certificate of health健康证明书
certificate of identification身份证
certificate of identity身份证明书
certificate of import license进口 许可证
certificate of import license进口许可证
certificate of import license进口证明
certificate of incorporation公司章程
certificate of incorporation法人认可证
certificate of incorporation公司注册证
certificate of incorporation公司登记执照
certificate of incorporation公司执照
certificate of indebtedness国库券
certificate of indebtedness借款证
certificate of inspection检验合格证书
certificate of inspection检查证明书
certificate of inspection检验证明书
certificate of insurance保险凭证
certificate of interest息票
certificate of itinerary航程证明书
certificate of loss or damage损失或损坏证明书
certificate of loss or damage残损证明书
certificate of loss or damage delivered by carrier承运人签发的损失或损坏证书
certificate of loss or damage delivered by carriers承运人签发的残损证书
certificate of mailing邮寄证书
certificate of manufacture厂方证明书
certificate of manufacture工厂证明书
certificate of manufacture制造证明书
certificate of manufacturer制造厂证明书
certificate of measurement丈量证书船只
certificate of measurement尺码证明书
certificate of nationality国籍证书
certificate of nationality国籍证明
certificate of necessity需要证书
certificate of origin货物产地证明书
certificate of origin产地证明书
certificate of ownership登记证明书
certificate of ownership船舶执照
certificate of ownership所有权证书
certificate of patent专利证
certificate of quality货物品质证书
certificate of quality品质证明书
certificate of quantity货物数量证明书
certificate of quantity货物数量证书
certificate of reference资格证明
certificate of registration注册执照
certificate of registration登记证明书
certificate of registration of mortgage抵押登记凭证
certificate of registry船舶国籍登记证 (nationality)
certificate of registry登记证书
certificate of registry of ship船舶注册证书
certificate of seaworthiness适航证书
certificate of shares股票
certificate of shipment出 口 许可证
certificate of shipment出口证书
certificate of ship's nationality船舶国籍证书
certificate of soundness合格证书
certificate of stock债券
certificate of stock存货
certificate of stock存量
certificate of stock给…办货
certificate of stock木材
certificate of stock牲畜
certificate of stock股份
certificate of stock股本
certificate of stock股票
certificate of survey船舶检定书
certificate of tare weight皮重证明书
certificate of value价值证明书
certificate of value货价证明书
certificate of weight重量检定证明书
certificate of weight重量证明书
certificates of inspection检验证明书
combined certificate of value and origin估价与原产地联合证明书
dollar certificate of deposits美元存单
exchange settlement certificate for letter of credit信用状结汇证明书
exchange settlement certificate for letter of credit信用证结汇证明书
expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods货物符合合同第三者证明书
expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods第三方所开的货物符合合同证明书
fee for certificate of origin原产地证明书费
fee for certificate of origin产地证明书费
forwarder's certificate of receipt发运代理收据
generalized system of preference certificate of origin优惠关税产地证明书
inspection certificate of health卫生检验证书
inspection certificate of origin产地检验证书
inspection certificate of quantity数量检验证书
inspection certificate of value价值检验证书
inspection certificate of weight重量检验证书
interim certificate of class临时船级证书
market of certificates of deposit存单市场
negotiable certificate of deposit流通存单
negotiable certificate of deposit可转让的定期存款单
non-issuance of stock certificates不发行股票
registered certificate of shares注册股票
registration certificate of import进口登记证明书
registration certificate of import输入登记证明书
ship's certificate of registry船舶注册证
ship's certificate of registry船舶国籍证
stamping of certificate证明书加盖戳记
sterling certificate of deposit market英镑定期存单市场
utility certificate of addition增添部分的效用证书