
Terms for subject Finances containing Certificate of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities国库证券计息凭证 (20世纪80年代初由所罗门兄弟公司发行的一种零息票债券,简称"猫债券")
certificate of audit审计证明书
certificate of auditor审计员证明书
certificate of balance存款凭单
certificate of bank balance银行存款余额证明
certificate of beneficial interest受益证书
certificate of bond债券证书
certificate of capital verification验资证明
certificate of charge债务负担证书
certificate of completion of handling over charge交代证明书
certificate of deposit存折
certificate of deposit存单
certificate of deposits存单 (由商业银行发行的不可提前支取、但可在二级市场自由流通的定期存款凭证,全称为"大额可转让定期存单 (large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits)")
certificate of dishonor拒付证书
certificate of entitlement to new shares新股权利证书
certificate of expenditure支出证明书,
certificate of indebtedness负债证明 (美国财政部发行的一种期限在一年以内的短期固定收益债券)
certificate of indebtedness负债证书
certificate of independent public accountant独立注册会计师查账证明书
certificate of insurance保险凭单
certificate of insurance保险证明书
certificate of participation参与证明
certificate of payment付款证明
certificate of property appraisal财产估价证书
certificate of protest票据拒付证明书
certificate of release解除债务证书
certificate of satisfaction清偿证明
certificate of shares股份证明
certificate of stock股票证 (or stock certificate)
certificate of stock股份证明
certificate of stock股票 (or stock certificate)
certificate of subscription认股证
certificate of subscription股据
certificate of the auditor审计师报告
certificate of the auditor审计证明
certificate of time deposit定期存单 (由商业银行发行的不可提前支取、但可在二级市场自由流通的定期存款凭证,即"大额可转让定期存单 (large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits)")
dollar certificate of deposit美元存单
domestic certificate of deposits国内存单
Eurodollar certificate of deposit欧洲美元存单
fixed-rate certificate of deposits固定利率存单
floating-rate certificate of deposits浮动利率存单
immobilisation of share certificate股票非流动化
jumbo certificate of deposit大额存单
large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits大额可转让定期存单 (由商业银行发行的一种不可提前支取、但可在二级市场上自由流通的定期存款凭证,简称"存单 (certificate of deposits, CDs)")
large-denomination negotiable certificate of time deposits存单 (由商业银行发行的一种不可提前支取、但可在二级市场上自由流通的定期存款凭证,全称为大额可转让定期存单)
negotiable certificate of deposits可转让存单
negotiable certificate of time deposits可转让定期存单
negotiable certificates of deposit可转让存单
non-interest-bearing certificate of indebtedness无息负债证明书
registered certificate of stock记名股票
sterling certificate of deposit英镑存单存款
time certificate of deposit定期存单
variable-rate certificate of deposit浮动利率存单
variable-rate certificate of deposit可变利率存单
yankee dollar certificate of deposit扬基美元存单
zero-coupon certificate of deport零息票存单