
Terms for subject Economy containing Certificate of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a certificate of airworthiness飞机适航证书
A certificate of clear inspection shall be issued by an authorized surveyor whom we shall appoint结关检验证书应由我方指定的合法鉴定人开立
a certificate of soundness合格证书
a forwarder's certificate of receipt转运商收据
a forwarder's certificate of receipt发运代理收据
a forwarding agent's certificate of receipt运输商收据
certificate and list of measurement and weight公证行体积重量证明书
certificate for advanced surrender of export exchange预缴出口外汇证明书
certificate for export of cultural relics文物出口证明书
certificate of acceptance验收证明书
certificate of advanced study进修证书
certificate of airworthiness飞机适航证书
certificate of analysis分析合格证
certificate of appointment授权证书
certificate of authorization核准证书
certificate of authorization授权书
certificate of balance sheet资产负债表证明书
certificate of bank balance银行结存额的证明
certificate of completion竣工证书
certificate of compliance税款交清证明书
certificate of delivery交货【发运】单
certificate of delivery and redelivery交船与还船凭证
certificate of deposit存款单
certificate of deposit押金收据
certificate of deposit投资证书
certificate of destruction损坏证明
certificate of dishonour拒绝承兑汇票证明书
certificate of dishonour拒绝付款
certificate of dishonour拒绝承兑汇票证书
certificate of fumigation熏仓证明书
certificate of incorporation公司营业执照
certificate of indebtedness借据
certificate of indebtness债务证书
certificate of indebtness国库券
certificate of indebtness借据
certificate of independent public accountant独立会计师执照 (证书)
certificate of inspection检査证明书
certificate of inspection检验合格
certificate of inspection and transfer of completed project竣工工程交接验收证明书
certificate of insurance
certificate of manufacture制造厂证明书
certificate of manufacturer制造厂证明
certificate of necessity需要证明书
certificate of necessity国防急需证明书
certificate of origin产地证明书 (c/o)
certificate of origin产地证明书
certificate of origin产地证
Certificate of Origin Form A原产地证明书表格 A
certificate of origin form A原产地证书表格A
certificate of possession of land土地所有权证明
certificate of processing加工证明书
certificate of qualification合格证书
certificate of quality质量证书
certificate of receipt收货证明书
certificate of receipt of export prepayment出口预付货款证明书
certificate of record履历证明书
certificate of registration注册执照书
certificate of registration登记证明
certificate of registration of mortage抵押登记凭证
certificate of registry船籍国籍证
certificate of registry船籍国籍登记证书
certificate of registry nationality船舶国籍登记证书
certificate of sailing date开船证明书
certificate of sea stores船舶海上用品证书
certificate of seal封识证书
certificate of share股票份数
certificate of ship's nationality船籍证书
certificate of stock股票份数
certificate of survey船舶鉴定证明书
certificates of financial responsibility财务责任证书
certificates of indebtedness国库券
certificates of indebtedness一年期公债
comprehensive certificate of origin综合原产地证书
convalidation of lost certificates共同证明遗失证书的有效性
dollar certificate of deposits美兀存单
duplicate of inspection certificate检验证书副本
expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods第三人所开的货物符合合同证明书
Export Trade Certificate of Review美国出口贸易审查证
fee for certificate of origin原产地证书费
fixed-rate certificate of deposit固定利率存单
For the new consignment we need a GSP Certificate of Origin对于新到的一批货,我们需要普遍优惠制产地证明一份
forwarding agent's certificate of receipt运输行收货凭证
forwarding agent's certificate of transport转运行承运提单 (证)
general system of preference certificate of origin普遍优惠制原产地证
inspection certificate of health健康检査证书
negotiable certificate of deposit可转让存款证
negotiable certificate of deposit可转让定期存款证
no par certificate of stock无票面价值的公债券
no-par certificate of stock无票面价值的股票等
stamp duty on certificates of shares股份证上的印花税
the certificate of manufacturer制造厂证明书
the certificate of merchandise出厂证明书
The certificate of origin has been filled in产地证明书已填妥
The main purport of the certificate is to prove the sound quality of the product此证书的主旨是证明该声品的质量良好
the manufacturer's certificate of quantity制造商数量证明书
the non-issuance of stock certificates不发行股票
You may apply for said certificate for the purpose of obtaining customs duty exemption为了要获得海关免税,你方可申请所说的这种证书