
Terms for subject China containing Certificate of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a certificate of their qualifications as voters选民资格证明
certificate for control of guns枪支管理证件
certificate for ownership of the grasslands草原权属证书
certificate for rationed purchase of guns枪支配购证件
certificate of birth出生证明
certificate of competency适任证书
certificate of completion of studies结业证书
certificate of conformity to the conditions for animal epidemic prevention动物防疫条件合格证
certificate of country of origin原产地证明
certificate of credit status资信证明
certificate of guarantee保函
certificate of import license进 口凭证
certificate of insurance保险单证
certificate of medical examination医学检查证明
certificate of medical technical appraisement医学鉴定证明
certificate of operation qualification操作资格证书
certificate of outgoing quality出厂合格证明
certificate of ownership船舶所有权证书
certificate of parole假释证明书
certificate of pre-marital medical examination婚前医学检查证明
certificate of rationed purchase配购证件
certificate of release释放证明书
certificate of right权利凭证
certificate of stocks pledged股票出质
certificate of supervision enforcement监督执法证件
certificate of the electronic signature电子签名认证证书
certificate of the house ownership房屋所有权证书
certificate of the ownership所有权证书
certificate of the ownership所有权证明
certificate of the ownership of the target标的的所有权证明
certificate of the right to land contractual management土地承包经营权证
certificate of the right to the use of sea areas海域使用权证书
certificate of the right to use使用权证
certificate of the right to use forestland林权证
certificate of the right to use grasslands草原使用权证
certificate of verification验资报告
certificate of vocational training培训证书
certificate permitting manufacture of guns for civilian use民用枪支制造许可证件
certificate permitting the holding of guns枪支持枪证件
certificate permitting the holding of guns持枪证件
certificate showing the nationality of a ship船舶国籍证书
certificates of origin产地来源证
delay the inspection of commodities and the issuance of certificates延误检验出证
formalities for the transfer of certificates of property rights财产权证照转移手续
holder of the warehousing certificate仓单持有人
inspection and issuance of certificate检验出证
insurance certificates of open policy预约保险单证
legally-obtained certificates of qualification依法取得的资质证书
on the strength of the quarantine certificate凭检疫证
plate and certificate of motor vehicle机动车牌证
practicing certificate of notarial institution公证机构执业证书
revocation of one's work certificate吊销职务证书
right attribution certificate of the immovable不动产权属证书
settlement certificate of a bank银行结算凭证
supervise through inspection of certificates验证管理
system of education certificate学业证书制度
system of vocational qualification certificate职业资格证书制度
type and number of the identification certificate身份证件种类和号码
upon the strength of the valid identity certificate凭有效身份证件
verification of certificates验证