
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing Central | all forms | exact matches only
Bank of Central African States中非国家银行
bilateral central rate双边中心汇率
budgetary central government预算中央政府
budgetary central government accounts预算中央政府
Caucasus and Central Asia高加索和中亚地区
Central Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center中非技援中心
Central Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center中部非洲地区技术援助中心
Central African Banking Commission中非银行委员会
Central African Customs and Economic Union中非关税与经济同盟
Central African Economic and Monetary Community中非经济与货币共同体
Central African Economic Union中非经济联盟
Central African Monetary Area中非货币区
Central African Monetary Union中非货币联盟
Central African States Development Bank中非国家开发银行
Central AFRITAC中非技援中心
Central AFRITAC中部非洲地区技术援助中心
Central American Common Market中美洲共同市场
Central American Division中美洲处
Central American Free Trade Agreement中美洲自由贸易协议
Central American peso中美洲比索
Central and Eastern European Countries中东欧国家
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program中亚地区经济合作计划
central bank银行的银行
central bank中央银行
central bank currency swaps中央银行货币掉期
central bank currency swaps中央银行货币互换
Central Bank Gold Agreement中央银行黄金协议
Central bank governors中央银行行长
central bank money不兑现货币
central bank money基础货币
central bank money中央银行货币
central bank money高能货币
central bank money储备货币
central bank money央行货币
central bank money信用货币
central bank money法定纸币
Central Bank of West African States西非银行
Central Bank of West African States西非国家中央银行
central bank sectoral balance sheet and survey中央银行部门资产负债表和概览
central banker银行的银行
central banker中央银行
central banking中央银行业务
Central Banking and Monetary Policy Division中央银行业务和货币政策处
Central Banking Division中央银行业务处
central counterparty中央对手方
Central Division, I, II, III中欧一处、 二处、 三处
Central Division, I, II, III中欧
central government中央政府
central ministry中央部委
central moment around the mean围绕平均值的中心动差
central parity票面价值
central parity面值
central parity rate票面价值
central parity rate面值
central planning中央计划
Central Product Classification UN-EC, statistics产品总分类
central rate中心汇率
central securities depositary中央证券存管机构
claims on central government对中央政府的债权
consolidated central government汇总的中央政府
Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement中美洲自由贸易协议
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank东加勒比中央银行
Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa中非经济与货币共同体
Economic Community of Central African States中非国家经济共同体
European Central Bank欧洲中央银行
European System of Central Banks欧洲联储
European System of Central Banks欧洲中央银行体系
external audit mechanism, legal structure and independence of the central bank, financial reporting practices, internal audit mechanism, and the system of internal controls IMF, safeguards assessments外部审计机制、中央银行的法律结构和独立性、财务报告做法、内 部审计机制、内部控制制度
Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors二十国集团
Middle East and Central Asia Department中东和中亚部
Middle East and Central Asia Economic Outlook《中东和中亚经济展望》
regional central bank地区性中央银行
South/Central American I, II Division中南美一处、二处