
Terms for subject Nautical containing Center | all forms | exact matches only
Article Numbering Center of China中国物品编码中心
bottom center girder中底桁 (vertical keel)
center blade中间舵叶
center keelson中内龙骨
center moored drilling ship中心系泊定位钻井船
center-mooring drilling ship中心锚泊钻井船
center of rudder pressure舵压力中心
center of turning circle回转中心
center-line plane中线面
center shafting中轴系
combat information center情报中心
conference center会议中心豪华邮船
curve of limiting positions of center of gravity极限重心垂向坐标曲线
curve of longitudinal centers of buoyancy浮心纵向坐标曲线
curve of longitudinal centers of floatation漂心纵向坐标曲线
curve of vertical centers of buoyancy浮心垂向坐标曲线
deck center line甲板中线
deck line at center甲板中线
Fishery Dispute Resolution Center of the Arbitration Commission仲裁委员会的渔业争议解决中心
initial meta-center初稳心
initial meta-center height初稳心高
initial meta-center radius初稳心半径
International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes国际投资纠纷解决中心
International Trade Center国际贸易委员会
locus of centers of buoyancy浮心轨迹
Logistics Dispute Resolution Center of the Arbitration Commission仲裁委员会物流争议解决中心
longitudinal center of buoyancy from AP纵向浮心自尾垂线距离
longitudinal center of floatation纵向漂心 (from AP)
longitudinal center of gravity from AP纵向重心自尾垂线距离
manned spacecraft center美国载人航天中心
media center家庭媒体中心
mobile switching center移动交换局
National Referral Center美国全国咨询中心
sheer at deck center脊弧
shipshape fitness center & SPA水疗按摩中心豪华邮船
transverse center of buoyancy浮心横向坐标
transverse center of floatation漂心横向坐标
transverse center of gravity重心横向坐标
vertical center of gravity重心垂向坐标
vertical centers of buoyancy浮心垂向坐标