
Terms for subject Technology containing Cast | all forms | exact matches only
adjustable cast iron planes精刨
adjustment in one cast整体平差【测】
alkali resisting cast iron碱铸铁
alkaline cast碱斑
alkali-resisting cast iron耐碱铸铁
alloy cast-iron铸铁合金
alloy cast-iron合金铸件
aluminium cast iron高铝铸铁
aluminium die cast alloy模铸铝合金
aluminum cast iron高铝铸铁
aluminum die cast alloy模铸铝合金
anchor cast on downward slope下坡锚
anchor cast on upward上坡锚
annealed cast iron铸铁
anti-frictional cast iron抗摩铸铁
arc cast电弧熔铸
arc cast弧熔铸锭
arc cast metal电弧熔铸的金属
arc cast metal弧熔金属锭
architectural cast装饰用预制混凝土
architectural cast建筑组件浇注
architectural cast concrete product建筑混凝土产品
architectural cast concrete product装饰预制混凝土制品
architectural cast concrete product建筑装饰用混凝土产品
argon cast氩气保护铸造
armoured cast iron钢筋铸铁
as cast铸造的
as-cast finish毛混凝土面
as-cast finish清水混凝土面
as-cast-finish concrete清水面混凝土
as-cast state铸态
as-cast structure铸态结构
as-cast structure铸态组织
asphalted cast iron pipe沥青涂层铸铁管
austenitic cast iron奥氏体生铁
back cast回测
basic Bessemer cast iron碱性转炉铸铁
bearing cast-iron轴承铸铁
blase furnace cast iron高炉生铁
blast-furnace cast iron高炉铸铁
blast-furnace slag cast stone高炉渣铸石
borehole cast-in-place concrete pile混凝土钻孔灌注桩
borehole cast-in-place concrete pile钻孔灌注桩
boron cast-iron含硼铸铁
bounce cast突型脊【地】
British cast Iron Research Association英国铸铁研究协会
brown cast棕色调
centrifugal cast-iron pipe离心法铸铁管
centrifugal cast iron pipe离心法铸铁管
centrifugal cast pipe离心铸造管
centrifugally cast离心浇铸的
centrifugally cast cluster离心串注件
centrifugally cast column离心法浇制柱子
centrifugally cast concrete离心成型混凝土
centrifugally cast concrete离心法浇注混凝土
centrifugally cast concrete drain pipe离心法浇制混凝土排水管
centrifugally cast concrete drive pile离心浇注混凝土打入桩
centrifugally cast glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting resin pipe离心成型玻纤增强热固性树脂管
centrifugally cast-iron pipe离心铸铁管
centrifugally cast-iron pipe in metal moulds离心法金属模制铸铁管
centrifugally cast-iron pipe in sand moulds离心法砂模制铸铁管
centrifugally cast pipe离心铸铁管
channel cast水道模
chill ed cast冷硬铸法
chill ed cast冷激铸件
chill cast
chill cast冷铸
chill cast ingot金属模锭
chill cast share冷硬铸铁犁铧
chilled cast冷硬铸造
chilled cast-iron冷硬铸铁
chilled cast-iron冷淬铸铁
chilled cast iron mold board冷硬铸铁犁壁
chilled cast iron mould board冷硬铸铁犁壁
chilled cast iron shot激冷铸铁球
chilled cast iron shot冷淬铁珠
chilled cast iron shot concrete冷硬铸铁砂混凝土
coarse granular cast粗颗粒管型
coated cast-iron pipe涂层铸铁管
cold cast冷型浇注
color cast色偏
color cast色彩设计
color cast偏色
color cast paper高光泽色纸
colour cast色偏
colour cast色彩设计
colour cast偏色
colour cast paper高光泽色纸
como-cast process浸入铸造法
concrete cast in place现浇混凝土
concrete cast in position混凝土
concrete cast in situ现浇混凝土
concrete floor cast混凝土地板浇筑
concrete pipes cast in place现场浇捣混凝土管
conduit cast-in site就地浇捣渠道
continuous metal cast process连续铸法
cooling hardness cast-iron冷硬铸铁
corrosion-resist cast iron耐蚀铸铁
corrugated type cast iron segment波纹形铸铁管片
crucible cast steel坩埚铸钢
crucible cast steel坩埚钢
crystal cast晶体印模
cylindric cast圆柱状管型
cylindrical cast圆柱状管型
dead cast钢丝盘卷均匀
decorative cast block装饰用铸块
decorative cast concrete block装饰性混凝土块
decorative cast concrete product装饰性混凝土制品
decorative cast concrete tile装饰性浇制混凝土砖
decorative cast product装饰性浇制品
decorative cast stone装饰性人造石
depressed flute cast凹槽流痕
diabase for cast stone铸石用辉绿岩
diamond cut lug fusion-cast refractory斜注切割电熔耐火材料
direction load cast定向压模
dolomite for cast stone铸石用白云岩
don't cast勿掷
double-rolled cast压延锤痕玻璃
driven cast-in-place pile就地灌注桩
driven cast-in-place pile套管就地灌筑桩
driven cast-in-place pile灌注桩
driven cast-in-place pile钢管混凝土现场灌注桩
driven cast-in-situ pile打入灌注桩
driven cast-in-situ pile灌注桩 (打入式)
driven cast-in-situ pile打入现浇混凝土桩
drum-type cast coater鼓式涂铸机
dry cast method干铸法
dry cast pipe干铸管
dry cast pipe用干浇筑法制成的管
dry cast process干处理法 (制混凝土管)
dry cast process干铸造法
dry sand cast干砂铸法
dual cast cylinder复铸汽缸
ductile cast iron可锻铸铁
ductile cast iron延性铸铁
ductile cast iron pipe可锻铸铁管
ductile cast iron pipe延性铸铁管
ductile cast iron roll可锻铁铸辊
ductile cast iron segment球墨铸铁管片
ductile nickel-resist cast iron高镍球墨铸铁
Eckert die cast machine埃克特立式压铸机
electric -cast brick电熔铸砖
electric cast mullite brick铁砖
electric cast mullite brick电熔莫来石砖
electric welding cast copper solder电焊条
electrical -cast brick电熔铸砖
electrical cast mullite brick铁砖
electrical cast mullite brick电熔莫来石砖
electrical welding cast copper solder电焊条
electrode with cast core铸芯焊条
Emmel cast iron埃姆尔高级铸铁
enameled cast iron搪瓷铸铁
enameled cast-iron tub搪瓷铸铁浴盆
enameled cast-iron tub铁胎搪瓷
enameled cast-iron tub搪瓷铁浴盆
enamelled cast iron搪瓷铸铁
enamelled cast-iron bathtub搪瓷铸铁浴盆
enamelled cast-iron bathtub铁胎搪瓷
enamelled cast-iron bathtub搪瓷铁浴盆
en-block cast整体铸造
end cast method密实浇注法
engine cast pad发动机壳垫
engineering cast iron工程铸件
epoxy cast dry type coupled transformer环氧浇铸干式耦合变压器
eutectic cast iron低熔生铁
excavated and cast-in-place pile挖孔灌注桩
extrados of cast-in-situ concrete lining现浇混凝土衬砌外轮廓周边
fine granular cast细颗粒管型
fine-grained cast stone细粒铸石
fire-proof cast stone耐火铸石
fitting of forgeable cast iron可锻铸铁接头配件
fitting of malleable cast iron可锻铸铁接头配件
flabby cast软注坯
flange cast iron stop valve法兰铸铁截止阀
flange cast steel sluice valve法兰铸钢闸阀
flanged cast-iron pipe法兰铸铁管
floor cast楼板浇筑
flow cast流型
flow cast流铸型
fluidal cast流动模
flute cast槽铸型
flute cast流痕
fly-ash cast stone粉煤灰铸石
foundry cast-iron铸造用铁
furrow flute cast沟槽铸型
fused cast alumina brick熔铸氧化铝耐火
fused cast basalt熔铸玄武岩
fused cast block熔铸耐火砖
fused cast block熔铸块
fused cast brick熔铸砖
fused cast chrome-corundum refractory熔铸铬刚玉耐火材料
fused cast cruciform熔铸十字型格子砖
fused cast magnesite-chrome brick熔铸碱性耐火砖
fused cast magnesite-chrome brick熔铸镁铬砖
fused cast mullite brick熔铸莫来石砖
fused cast refractory brick熔铸耐火砖
fused cast zirconia-alumina-silica brick熔铸锆刚玉砖
gas concrete cast加气混凝土浇制 (件)
granular cast颗粒管型
gray cast iron灰口
gray cast-iron bollard灰铸铁交通标柱
gray cast-iron bollard灰铸铁系缆柱
gray cast-iron brake shoe灰铸铁闸瓦
gray cast-iron castings灰口铁铸件
gray cast-iron fitting灰铸铁配件
gray cast-iron powder灰口铸铁粉
greenhouse cast glass温室用玻璃
grey cast iron铸铁
grey cast-iron brake shoe灰铸铁闸瓦
groove cast
groove cast沟纹模型
growth of cast iron铸铁的长大
growth of cast-iron铸铁生长
gutter cast小沟铸型
gypsum cast building unit预浇石膏建筑单元
hard cast iron硬铸铁
hard cast steel硬铸钢
heavy cast red brass重铸红铜
heavy-duty cast-iron well cover重型铸铁井盖
heavy-duty cast-iron well cover seating重型铸铁井盖座
high chromium cast-iron ball高铬铸铁球
high grade cast iron pipe高级铸铁管
high manganese cast steel高锰铸钢
high silicon cast-iron anode高硅铸铁阳极
high test cast iron高级铸铁
high test cast steel高级铸钢
high-duty cast iron高级优质铸铁
high-duty malleable cast iron高强度可锻铸铁
high-quality cast iron优质铸件
high-quality cast iron高级铸铁
high-strength cast iron高速铸铁
high-strength cast iron高强度铸铁
high-strength cast iron高铁力铸铁
hollow cast-iron column空心铸铁柱
hollow cast piston空心铸造的活塞
hollow cast prestressed concrete floor预应力混凝土空心楼板
hollow cast wheel空心铸轮
hollow cylindric cast-in-place pile空心圆筒就地浇注混凝土桩
hollow cylindrical cast-in-place pile空心圆筒就地浇注混凝土桩
horticultural cast glass温室玻璃
hubless cast-iron pipe无套节铸铁管
hyaline cast透明管型
hydrographic cast断面测量
hydrographic cast水文施测
hydrographic cast重锤测深
hydrographical cast水文施测
hydrographical cast断面测量
hydrographical cast重锤测深
impact cast冲击模
impact cast撞击模
impact cast-in-situ pile现场打桩
impact-driven cast in-situ pile打入现浇桩
impact-driven cast in-situ pile冲击夯打就地浇注桩
in-block-cast member整体铸造构件
individual cast分开铸造
inoculated cast iron变性铸铁
in-situ-cast aerated light concrete现浇加气轻质混凝土
in-situ-cast aerated mortar现浇加气砂浆
in-situ-cast aerated reinforced concrete现浇加气钢筋混凝土
in-situ-cast concrete现浇混凝土
in-situ-cast concrete floor就地浇注混凝土楼板
in-situ-cast construction method现浇施工方法
in-situ-cast foaming现场模制泡沫
in-situ-cast mortar现灌砂浆
in-situ-cast prestressed concrete pile现浇预应力混凝土桩
in-situ-cast stair现浇混凝土楼梯
in-situ-cast stair现场浇注楼梯间
in-situ-cast staircase现浇混凝土楼梯
in-situ-cast staircase现场浇注楼梯间
in-situ-cast string现浇混凝土楼梯斜梁
in-situ-cast topping现浇面层
install for centrifugally cast concrete离心力浇筑混凝土的装置
installation for centrifugally cast concrete混凝土旋转浇灌设施
in-stu-cast pile就地浇注桩
integrally cast整体浇注
large cast concrete panel大型预制混凝土板
lead cast纸板重铸铅板
lead cast重铸铅板
leaf cast落叶病
light cast member轻型预制构件
light cast member轻质预制件
light cast stone浅色铸石
lightweight cast cavity tile轻质空心砖
lightweight cast cellular expanded concrete screed轻质膨胀混凝土找平层
lightweight cast component轻质铸造零件
lightweight cast concrete component轻质混凝土浇筑构件
lightweight cast concrete component unit轻质混凝土浇制复合构件
lightweight cast concrete member轻质混凝土浇制构件
lightweight cast concrete unit轻质混凝土浇制单元
lightweight cast concrete ware轻质混凝土浇铸制品
lightweight cast member轻质浇制构件
lightweight cast unit轻质浇制单元
lightweight cast wall slab轻质浇制墙板
lightweight concrete cast轻质混凝土浇铸
lightweight concrete cast member轻质混凝土预制件
load cast荷重模
load cast重荷模
machinable cast-iron易切削铸铁
main points of a cast案由
malleable cast-iron韧性铸铁
malleable cast-iron展性铸件
malleable cast-iron纯铁
malleable cast-iron可锻铸铁
malleable cast-iron pipe fitting玛钢管件
manganiferous white cast-iron含锰白口铸铁
martensitic cast-iron马氏体铸铁
martensitic cast-iron马氏铸铁
masoned cast stone人造石
master cast主模 (型)
mechanical joint cast-iron bend机械接头铸铁弯头
mechanical joint cast-iron concentric reducer机械接头铸铁同心大小头
mechanical joint cast-iron concentrical reducer机械接头铸铁同心大小头
mechanical joint cast-iron cross铁四通
mechanical joint cast-iron eccentric reducer机械接头铸铁偏心大小头
mechanical joint cast-iron tee机械接头铸铁三通
medium cast-iron中铸铁
meehanite cast-iron密烘铸铁
modified cast iron孕育铸铁
modified cast-iron变质铸铁
molten-cast refractory熔融浇注耐火材料
molten-cast refractory熔铸耐火砖
monolithically cast wall整体浇灌墙
mortar lining cast iron pipe砂浆衬里铸铁管
mottled cast-iron麻口铸铁
mottled cast-iron马口铁
Nansen cast采水测温
needle cast落叶病
nicked-copper-chrome cast iron镍铜铬铸铁
Ni-hard martensitic white cast-iron硬镍马氏体白口铸铁
Ni-resist cast iron不锈镍铸铁
nitrided cast iron氮化铸铁
nodular cast iron球墨生铁
nodular graphite cast-iron可锻铸铁
nodular graphite cast-iron球墨铸铁
normal cast普通混凝土预制件
normal cast正规浇筑
normal cast正规浇铸
normal cast concrete普通预浇混凝土
normal cast concrete正常浇筑混凝土
normal cast-iron drain pipe标准铸件排水管
normal cast-iron drain pipe正规的铸铁排水管
normal cast-iron drainage pipe标准铸件排水管
normal cast-iron drainage pipe正规的铸铁排水管
normal cast-iron waste pipe标准铸件废水管
normal cast product正规浇筑产品
normal cast product正规铸造件
normal cast tile普通预制空心砖瓦
ornamental cast stone装饰性浇制石
over-cast loader铲斗后卸式装载机
pair-cast cylinder汽缸成对铸造式缸体
pearlite malleable cast-iron珠光体可锻铸铁
permanent cast light weight concrete form浇制轻质混凝土固定模板
piston with cast-iron ring带铸铁环的活塞
pit cast cast-iron flange pipe坑铸铸铁凸缘管
pit cast cast-iron flange pipe坑铸铸铁法兰管
plain cast iron share普通铸铁犁铧
plain cast stone光面人造石
plain cast stone简单人造石
plain cast stone简单铸石
plain cast stone光面铸石
polyester cast resin聚酯铸塑树脂
polyester cast resin聚酯釉质树脂
porous cast iron多孔铸件
positioning of cast-in-place pile灌注桩定位
post grouting for cast-in-situ pile灌注桩后注浆
prod cast椎模
progressive cast-in-place method顺序渐进现绕法
pumice cast浮石混凝土浇
pumice cast浮石混凝土浇筑
pumice concrete cast浇捣浮石混凝土杆件
pure cast iron纯铸铁
radio cast无线电广播
raw material commodities for cast stone铸石原料矿产
Raymond cast-in-place concrete pile雷蒙德现场灌注混凝土桩
record cast记存模型
regular cast method普通浇注法
reinforced cast加筋铸件预制的钢筋混凝土单元
reinforced cast钢筋混凝土浇制
reinforced cast floor预制的钢筋混凝土楼面
reinforced cast in-situ rib现浇钢筋混凝土肋
reinforced concrete bored cast-in-place pile钢筋混凝土钻孔灌注桩
reinforced concrete cast floor钢筋混凝士浇制楼板
reinforced concrete cast on site现场浇制钢筋混凝土
resin cast component树脂密封元件
ring of cast-iron manhole铸铁井圈
ripple load cast波痕荷载模
rolled cast steel滚轧铸钢
rolled cast steel滚轧的铸钢件
rough cast concrete粗面混凝土
rough cast glass毛玻璃
rough cast plaster粗面粉饰
rough cast plastering毛粉刷
rough cast plate未加工的浇注玻璃板
rough cast plate浇注原板玻璃
rough cast plate glass建筑平板玻璃
sand cast砂铸
sand cast finish砂模铸件处理
sand-cast pig砂模生铁
sand-cast pig iron翻砂铸铁
sand-cast pipe砂模铸
sand-cast tube砂型铸铁管
sand-cast tube砂模铸管
sanitary corner cast壁角式卫生器铸件
sectional cast-iron boiler组合式铸铁锅炉
sectional cast iron boiler分节锅炉
sectional cast iron boiler片式铸铁锅炉
sectional cast-iron boiler片式铸铁锅炉
separate cast test bar单铸试件
separately cast test bar单铸试棒
shell-cast concrete chimney现浇薄壳混凝土烟囱
short-body cast-iron fittings铸铁短配件
side cast坑边堆土
side cast侧抛
side cast侧堆
side cast路边弃土
side cast边抛 (疏浚)
side cast distance边抛距离
Silel cast iron硅铸铁
single-cast单铸 (的)
single-piece cast runner整铸转轮
single-roll cast coater单辊涂铸机
site cast concrete现场浇灌混凝土
site cast concrete现场浇筑混凝土
site cast concrete现场浇制混凝土
site cast concrete pile现场浇注桩
site cast concrete pile现场浇灌桩
site cast concrete pile现场浇筑桩
site cast concrete pile现场浇制混凝土桩
site cast joint现浇板缝
situ-cast pile现浇桩
skillet cast steel坩埚铸钢
skip cast跳模【地】
skip cast跳跃铸型
slip cast滑动浇注
slip cast流铸
slip cast block流铸块
slip cast block流铸件
slip cast brick泥浆浇铸砖
slip cast fused silica粉浆浇铸石英玻璃
slip cast fused silica粉浆浇铸熔凝硅石
slip cast Mo crucible粉浆浇铸的钼坩埚
sludge cast沟槽铸型
soft cast iron易切削铸铁
soft cast iron软生铁
solid cast door实体浇铸门
solid-cast insulation浇铸固化绝缘
solid-cast manganese steel frog高锰钢整铸辙叉
solid-cast transformer浇注固化式变压器
solid in-situ cast slab实心现浇板
span-by-span cast-in-place method逐孔现浇法
special cast iron特殊铸铁
special cast iron特种铸铁
specular cast-iron镜铁
spheric graphite cast iron球墨铸铁
spherical graphite cast iron球墨铸铁
spheroidal graphite cast iron球状石墨铸钢
spun cast-iron pipe离心铸铁管
spun cast-iron pressure pipe离心铸铁压力管
spun cast pipe离心铸管
squamiform cast鳞形铸型
stack cast叠捣
standard cast stone标准铸石
static cast pipe静态浇铸铁管
striation cast条纹模
synthetic cast iron alloy合成铸铁合金
table cast process辊台间歇压延法
The moulds are made of cast iron这些模具是用铸铁做的
thick rough cast plate glass厚的未加工浇注玻璃板
thick rough cast plate glass厚的粗浇平板玻璃
tilt cast method倾斜浇
triangular cast-iron end piece三角形铸铁端片
tube-sinking cast-in-situ pile沉管灌注桩
two-layer cast stone双层铸石
uncoated cast-iron pipe未涂保护层的铸铁管
unique wear-resista nt white cast iron高效抗磨白口铸铁
vermicular cast iron蠕墨铸铁
vertical cast brick panel竖直浇注砖镶板
void-free cast method无空隙浇注法
vortex cast旋涡模
wall cast in situ现场浇灌墙壁
walling cast in situ现场浇筑墙
water pump cast housing水泵铸铁外壳
waxy cast蜡样管型
wear-resistant cast iron耐磨铸铁
weather cast天气预报
welded cast steel node焊接铸钢接头
welded on cast carbide堆焊的铸造碳化钨
wet cast pipe湿浇注管
wet cast process湿浇制法
whole bridge cast in site就地浇筑桥梁
workable by open-cast mining可露天采矿的
works for centrifugally cast concrete离心法浇筑混凝土
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