
Terms for subject Logistics containing Carrier | all forms | exact matches only
Carrier's Own Container船公司自有集装箱
Carrier Security Charge承运人安全费
chartered carrier包机承运人
combination carrier客货混用飞机
combination carrier用船
comm on carrier公共承运人
comm public carrier公共承运人
connecting carrier关联承运公司
connecting carrier转运中转承运人
connecting carrier agreement二程接运协议
contractual carrier契约承运人
delivery carrier交货承运人
four-high straddle carrier〔集装箱〕四跨车
geared bulk carrier带吊具的散货船
4-high straddle carrier〔集装箱〕四跨车
Identity of Carrier Clause〔租约〕承运人身份条款
independent carrier独立船东 (outsider, non-conference line)
inland carrier内陆承运商
integrated carriers综合承运商
intermodal carrier联运承运
liability of the carrier承运人责任
maximum carrier liability承运人最高限度责任
merchant inspired carrier haulage由货方指定但由承运人承担运费的中转运输
motor carrier's terminal汽车承运站
Non Aircraft Operating Common Carrier无飞机公共承运人
Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier无船公共承运人
nonvessel operating common carrier无船舶公共承运商
nonvessel operation carrier无船承运人
Non-Vessel Owning Common Carrier无船公共承运人
oil and bulk carrier油和散货运输船
participating carrier加盟承运人船公司或航空公司
phosphoric acid carrier磷酸船
private carrier私人专门承运人
product products carrier液体货运输船
receiving carrier airline接受货物的承运人航空公司
second carrier二程船承运人
second carrier's freight二程运费
shipper and carrier货主和承运人
straddle carrier龙门吊
transfer carrier airline中转承运人航空公司
Very Large Bulk Carrier大型散装船
Very Large Crude Carrier巨型油轮
very large crude oil carrier超大型油轮
Vessel Operating Common Carrier有船承运人