
Terms for subject Business containing Carrier | all forms | exact matches only
airway carrier航空承运人
at carrier's risk由运货人承担风险
break-bulk carrier杂货船指装运有包装的一般零件货物的货船
bulk carrier散装货运船
bulk fuel oil carrier散装燃料运输船
bulk/oil carrier散装、石油两用船
by road carrier经由公路运输
cargo carrier货物承运人
carrier bag购物袋
carrier bag货袋
carrier communication载波通讯
carrier control运输管理
carrier control运输控制
carrier curve承载形曲线
carrier function承载形函数
carrier group承运人团体
carrier haulage承运人拖运
carrier level载体标准
carrier liability for delay承运人迟延责任
carrier liability insurance承运人责任保险
carrier liability policy承运人责任保单
carrier multiplexer communication载波多路通讯
carrier negligence承运人疏忽
carrier note提货单
carrier note取货单
carrier pack承运人装箱
carrier registration运输工具注册
carrier registration运输工具注册费
carrier repeater载波增音机
carrier's immunities承运人免费
carrier's lien承运人留置权如系目的地交货,承运人有权留置货物,待收货人交清运费再交货
carrier's maximum liability承运人最高限度责任
carrier's option承运人选择权
carrier's statement货物缺损证明书
carrier's statement承运人商务记录即承运人发现货物短欠、破损等情况所作记录
carrier system承运系统
carrier system traffic载波制通讯
carrier telegraph system载波电报系统
cash carrier商店输送货款机包括找零
catamaran barge carrier双体载驳货船
cattle carrier运送牲畜船
charge carrier电荷载流子
chemical carrier化学制品运载船
coaxial-cable carrier communication system同轴电缆载波通信系统
combined carrier联运承运人
common carrier公共运输公司
common-carrier运输〔铁路,汽车,轮船,航空,公用事业〕 公司
common carrier公用运输业如铁路、轮船公司、航空公司、卡车运输业等
connecting carrier衔接承运人
contract carrier契约承运人
contracting carrier合同规定的承运人
controlled carrier modulation受控载波调幅
delivery into the custody of the carrier将货物交由承运人保管
downward carrier走下坡路的运输业
dry bulk carrier散装干货船
exception to carrier's liability承运人免责事项
excess carrier多余载流子
first carrier第一承运人指接受货物的最初承运人
free carrier... named point货交承运人价
fruit carrier装运水果船
H-carrier systemH 型载波系统
handy-size bulk carrier轻型散装货船
handy-size carrier轻型油轮
handy-sized clean carrier轻型轻油油船
hot carrier transistor热载流子晶体管
immunity of the carrier承运人责任豁免
immunity of the carrier承运人责任的豁免
independent carrier独立运输行
inland carrier内陆承运人
inland carrier at port of discharge卸货港内陆承运人
interline carrier联运承运人
intermediate carrier中途承运人
inter-modal carrier联运商
international carrier国际承运人
limited carrier有限责任承运人
liquified natural gas carrier液化天然气船
maximum carrier liability承运人责任最大限度
merchant carrier企业运输部
non-vessel-operating carrier无船承运人
non-vessel-operating common carrier无船公共承运人
ocean carrier海运船舶
on carrier陆地承运人指集装箱水陆联运的陆地承运人
ore carrier运载矿砂货船
participating carrier参加承运的船运公司指参加运费公会的船运公司
participating carrier参加承运者
period of the carrier's responsibility承运人责任期
public carrier公共承运人
railway carrier铁路承运人
road tank carrier公路油车
second carrier第二承运人即中途转运承运人
shipper and carrier托运人和承运人
substitute carrier代理承运人
successive-carrier shipments后续承运人装运货物
third flag carrier第三国承运人指既不挂出口国国旗,也不挂进口国国旗的船只承运者
ultra large cargo carrier超巨型货轮
ultra large crude oil carrier超巨型油轮指吨位在 30 万吨以上
United Nations Convention on the Carrier of Goods by Sea 19781978 年联合国海上货物运输公约即汉堡规则
Universal Bulk Carrier通用散装货船
vehicle carrier运车船
very large crude oil Carrier巨型油轮