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Terms containing Care And | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
UN, tech.advanced life support and intensive care高级生命维持和特别护理
cosmet.After using skin care products, apply proper amount onto the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with finger pulp, evenly extend it onto the whole face, and focus on the blemishes涂抹完保养品后,用指腹取适量抹于额头、两颊、鼻子、下巴,然后均匀地抹开于整个面部,瑕疵处可特别加强涂抹
econ.animal-free hair and skin care products不含动物成分的护发护肤品
auto.car servicing and care centercentre汽车维护和养容中心
auto.car servicing and care equipment汽车维护和养容设备
busin.care and maintenance维修与保养
econ.care and maintenance保养与维修
auto.care and maintenance养护和维护
auto.care and maintenance维修
auto.care and maintenance维护及修理
spacecare and maintenance维护保养
spacecare and maintenance照看与维护
hockey.care and maintenance维护与保养
railw.care and maintenance精心养护
dril.care and maintenance维修保养
gen.care and maintenance照料与维护
busin.care and maintenance basis维修制度
wind.care and maintenance party维护保养组
tech.care and maintenance regulations保管条例
tech.care and regeneration of forest森林抚育更新
UNcare and support for older people as they need it老年人所需的照顾和支持
busin.care custody and control精心监护
tech.care, custody and control insurance管理、监护、支配等意外保险
USACare Labelling of Textile Wearing Apparel and Certain Piece Goods有关纺织品服装及若干匹头织物之洗涤规则
econ.child and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养 (费)
busin.child care and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养费
China, polit.childless and infirm rural residents receive subsidies for food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses农村"五保户"
el.customer care and billing客户服务与计费
telecom.customer care and billing system客户服务与计费系统
el.customer care and management system客户服务与管理系统
dentist.Dental caries can be prevented with a combination of home care and professional care龋病可以通过家庭和专业的护理来预防
proj.manag.due care and attention应有的小心和注意
textileeasy care and minimum care洗可穿
textileeasy care and minimum care易处理加工
textileeasy care and minimum care免烫
nurs.emergency management and nursing care of cerebral hemorrhage脑出血急救护理
nurs.emergency management and nursing care of shock休克抢救及护理
repr.biol.emergency maternity and infant care急症母婴护理
gen.Every delicious and satisfying meal served on Emirates Airline is planned and prepared with care and high-quality ingredients阿联酋航空公司对每一道美食都倾注了关怀,并采用高品质食材
China, polit.free medical services and a labor-protection medical care system at public expense公费和劳保医疗制度
China, lawhealth care for the pregnant and lying-in period孕产期保健
China, lawin the field of maternal and infant health care母婴保健领域
health.maternal and child care母子护理
China, lawmaternal and infant health care undertakings母婴保健事业
tech.maternity and child care center妇幼保健站
repr.biol.maternity and infant care最小抑制浓度
repr.biol.maternity and infant care母婴保健
repr.biol.Maternity and Infant Care Association妇婴福利协会
lab.law.measures for safety in welding and health care焊接安全和卫生防护措施
busin.measures for safety in welding and health care焊按安全与卫生防护措施
China, polit.medical and health care services医疗卫生工作
health.mother and child care母子护理
nurs.nursing care for defecation and urination in patient with burns烧伤病人排便管理法
nurs.nursing care of brain contusion and laceration脑挫伤裂伤护理
nurs.nursing care of gastric and duodenal ulcer胃、十二指肠溃疡护理
nurs.nursing care of meningocele and spinal bifida颅裂脊柱裂护理
nurs.nursing care of nasal and antral operation鼻腔鼻窦手术护理
nurs.nursing care of oral prosthesis and orthodontics口腔修复整畸术护理
nurs.nursing care of radical operation of colon and rectum结肠直肠根治手术护理
nurs.nursing care of reconstruction of maxillo-facial deformity and defects颌面部畸形缺损整形术护理
nurs.nursing care of surgical treatment of pheochromocytoma and hyperplasia of medulla of adrenal gland嗜铬细胞及肾上腺髓质增生手术护理
nurs.nursing care of total cystectomy and ureter transplantation膀胱全切及尿路改道手术护理
nurs.nursing care of tuberculosis of bones and joints骨、关节结核护理
nurs.nursing care of typhoid and paratyphoid fever伤寒及副伤寒护理
China, lawoccupational protection and health care职业健康卫生保护
UN, tech.outpatient and inpatient care, basic and advanced diagnostic services, basic and advanced lifesaving, basic and advanced surgical capacities and capabilities, sufficient resupply capabilities, as well as casevac/medevac capabilities and capacities in the mission area as per the MOU门诊病人和住院病人保健、基本和先进的诊断服务、基本和先进的救生服务、基本和先进的外科能力和能量、充足的再补给能力以及伤亡人员撤离/医疗后送的能力和能量
nurs.pre and post operative care of chest surgery胸腔手术前后护理
nurs.pre and post operative care of oromaxillo-facial surgery口腔颌面外科手术前后护理
nurs.psychological and mental care心理与精神护理
UN, agric.Rapid Assessment Procedures for Nutrition and Primary Health Care营养和初级保健快速评价程序
tech.reasonable care and skill合格质量验收
tech.reasonable care and skill应具备的能力和技艺
China, lawrules and regulations for medical and health care services医疗保健工作规范
China, lawscientific research of maternal and infant health care母婴保健科学研究
cosmet.Skin care products, hair care products, deodorizers and perfumes, and cleansing products of our company are all made naturally护肤产品、护发产品、除臭剂和香水,还有清洁用品都是用天然材料制成的
China, polit.the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法
China, polit.the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法
China, polit.the pharmaceutical and health care systems医药卫生体制
tech.the special care and placement优抚安置制度
China, polit.the three-tier rural health care service network at the county, township and village levels县、乡、村三级农村卫生服务网络
cosmet.Therefore, you should make the eye mask care in winter for your eyes, deep moisturizing and blood circulation因此在冬季更应该给眼部做眼膜护理,为眼部皮肤深层补水,促进血液循环
econ.They have a lot of letter to send, and a large correspondence to take care of他们有许多信件要发出,又有大量信件要处理
econ.This was due to misunderstanding and we shall take care to avoid any recurrence此系误会造成,我们将避免再次发生此事
busin.transport, wages, maintenance and care交通费、工资、伙食费、及照看费
nurs.treatment and nursing care of odontalgic disease牙体病的治疗护理
social.value of care and care-giving提供护理服务的价值
social.value of care and care-giving护理的价值
busin.with every care and attention兢兢业业
China, lawwork of maternal and infant health care母婴保健工作