
Terms for subject Socialism containing Care | all forms | exact matches only
care costs看护费用
care costs护理费用
care giving activity护理工作
care giving activity护理活动
care provider提供护理服务的机构
care provider护理服务
care service提供护理服务的机构
care service护理服务
care work护理工作
care work护理活动
community child care社区儿童保育
community child care社区儿童保健
costs of care看护费用
costs of care护理费用
gender-sensitive care system性别敏感的保健制度
gender-sensitive care system性别敏感的保健系统
gender-sensitive system of care性别敏感的保健制度
gender-sensitive system of care性别敏感的保健系统
unpaid care-giving无偿照料
value of care提供护理服务的价值
value of care护理的价值
value of care and care-giving提供护理服务的价值
value of care and care-giving护理的价值