
Terms containing Care | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a care mark小心标志
econ.a care mark注意标志
sport., med.active rehabilitation care主动康复治疗
sport., med.administration of health care卫生保健管理
econ.adult day care成人日托服务
pharm.Advanced Care Cholesterol Test家用胆固醇测定试剂 (诊断用药)
avia.aeromedical care航空医学护理
archit.after care房屋竣工后维修
ecol.after-care of disposal sites垃圾堆置场的使用后管理
tech.ambulatory health care centers非卧床病人中心
econ.animal-free hair and skin care products不含动物成分的护发护肤品
anim.husb.antenatal care产前护理
life.sc.antenatal care产前检查
auto.appearance care外部维护
auto.appearance care车身维护保养
auto.appearance care operation外观养护
auto.appearance care operation外观装饰美容工作
auto.auto care centre汽车美容护理中心
chem.baby care products婴儿护肤用品
tech.baby-care unit育婴堂
food.serv.basic health care unit基础卫生保健单位
busin.better prenatal care优生
agric.between-season care休闲期管理
auto.body care车身维护护理
auto.body care product车身维护品
agric.buckwheat field care养麦田间管理
commer.business cares商业事务
anim.husb.Canadian Council on Animal Care加拿大动物饲养协会
agric.cane field care甘蔗田间管理
auto.car care汽车养护美容
auto.car-care center汽车养护中心
auto.car-care product汽车养护产品
auto.car servicing and care centercentre汽车维护和养容中心
auto.car servicing and care equipment汽车维护和养容设备
inf.care a curse在乎
inf.care a curse感兴趣
gen.care about在乎
econ.care about关心
econ.care about对…有兴趣
gen.care about在意
econ.care and maintenance保养与维修
busin.care and maintenance维修与保养
dril.care and maintenance维修保养
auto.care and maintenance维修
auto.care and maintenance养护和维护
auto.care and maintenance维护及修理
railw.care and maintenance精心养护
gen.care and maintenance照料与维护
busin.care and maintenance basis维修制度
tech.care and maintenance regulations保管条例
tech.care and regeneration of forest森林抚育更新
busin.care custody and control精心监护
tech.care, custody and control insurance管理、监护、支配等意外保险
busin.care duplication注意重复
gen.care for关〔留〕心
gen.care for意欲
gen.care for保护
gen.care for照管
gen.care for贪图
gen.care for对…的尊重〔好意〕
gen.care for承受
econ.care for喜爱
gen.care for容纳
gen.care for关心
tech.care home康复
tech.care in applications小心使用
tech.care label使用须知标签
USACare Labelling of Textile Wearing Apparel and Certain Piece Goods有关纺织品服装及若干匹头织物之洗涤规则
tech.care mark注意标记
busin.care mark小心标志提醒装卸搬运工语
tech.care mark注意标志
tech.care mark注重标志
expl.Care must be taken to insure that the final product is adequately sensitized to insure high-order detonation务必保证最终产品足以敏化、才可保证高阶爆轰
gen.care naught forM 认为M毫无价值
gen.care naught forM 对M不感兴趣
gen.care nothing about不重视
gen.care nothing about对…漠不关心
gen.care nothing for对…不在乎
gen.care nothing for不顾〔嫌,怕,关心〕
gen.care nothing for不计较
gen.care nought forM 对M不感兴趣
auto.care of由转交
auto.care of代收
busin.care of由…转交
gen.care of转交 (c/o)
work.fl.care of由...转交
econ.in care of由…转交
econ.care of由……转交
railw.care ofc/o 转交
gen.in care of由…转交常用在信封上,缩c/o
agric.care of animals家畜管理
anim.husb.care of feet护蹄
tech.care of field田间管理
agric.care of forest森林抚育
tech.care of grain binder割捆机的维护
agric.care of hoofs家畜蹄护理
tech.care of instrument维护工具
med.care of instruments爱护仪器
golf.care of the course对球场的保护
auto.care of the tire轮胎维护保养
auto.care of the tyre轮胎维护保养
agric.care of woods森林抚育
tech.care of works工程的照管
gen.care should be exercised to avoid damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
gen.care should be exercised to prevent damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
gen.care should be taken to avoid damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
gen.care should be taken to prevent damage to the pivot应当心避免损伤枢轴
gen.care should be used to + inf.应小心
agric.care-taker保管人 (custodianus)
auto.care tip养护技巧
auto.care tip美容提示
auto.care work养护工作
busin.cargo care mark货物注意标志
econ.child and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养 (费)
busin.child care儿童保险
busin.child care and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养费
HRchild care benefit儿童照料福利
tech.child care center托儿所
tech.child care center托儿中心
busin.child care expenses儿童抚养费
tech.child care home托儿所
tech.child care institution托儿所
tech.child day-care儿童日托
tech.child day care home日托托儿所
China, polit.childless and infirm rural residents receive subsidies for food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses农村"五保户"
auto.chrome care product保护剂
pharm.Cica-Care疤痕敌 (硅胶片 (silicone gel sheet) 贴剂商品名;疤痕治疗药)
commer.commend the goods to the care of a carrier把货物交承运人保管
tech.comprehensive health care综合性保健
sport., med.convalescent care康复治疗
sport., med.convalescent care恢复期治疗
agric.cotton field care棉田管理
econ.credit for child care expense育儿费支出的税收优惠减免
life.sc.critical care重症监护
fin.CSI Health Care 100 Index中证医药 100指数
auto.customer care客户关怀
auto.customer care客户维护
tech.day-care center白日护理中心
tech.day-care center日托中心
tech.day care facility日托机构
tech.day care home日托所
sport.devil-may-care smash不顾一切的抽杀
sport.devil-may-care smash不顾一切的抽杀一
gen.do not care a dime毫不在乎
busin.don't care condition自由选取条件
tech.don't-care point不管点
AI.Don't-Care Symbol通配符
fin.Dow Jones CBN China 600 Health Care Blue-Chip Index道•琼斯第一财经中国600卫生保健行业领先指数
tech.due care预期责任
econ.due care应有注意
econ.due care适当谨慎
China, lawdue care应有的谨慎
China, lawdue care勤勉
tech.due care合格质量验收
busin.due professional care职业应有注意
manag.due professional care必须有专家内行的注意
securit.due professional care职业必备的谨慎例如,审计者的责任感与谨慎
busin.duty of care监护责任
busin.duty of care保管责任
lawduty of care谨慎和勤勉的义务
tech.duty of care认真地尽责
busin.duty of care谨慎的职责
securit.duty of care注意义务
securit.duty of care to the account对账户谨慎行事的责任
securit.duty of due care应有的关注义务
agric.early field care早期田间管理
auto.easy care易管理
auto.easy care容易保养
auto.easy care维护
chem.easy-care finish昜保养涂饰剂
tech.easy care finish易保养涂饰剂
anim.husb.easy-care sheep易管的羊
anim.husb.easy-care sheep无需助产的羊
plast.surg.emergency care急救医护
gen.Every delicious and satisfying meal served on Emirates Airline is planned and prepared with care and high-quality ingredients阿联酋航空公司对每一道美食都倾注了关怀,并采用高品质食材
gen.exercise care in + ing做…时要当心 (to <-> + inf.)
gen.exercise care in + ing to <-> + inf.注意
securit.exercise the degree of care to invest以审慎态度投资
gen.expend care in + ing把时间注意力花费在
agric.extensive field care粗放田间管理
agric.extensive field care大面积田间管理
sport., med.eye care眼保健
tech.family day care home家庭日托托儿所
manag.field care田间管理
agric.field care田间操作
agric.flax field care亚麻田间管理
tech.floor care地板保养
tech.floor care楼板保养
tech.flooring care地板保养
tech.flooring care楼板保养
gen.for aught I care我才不管〔不在乎〕呢
commer.Fragile goods must be handled with care小心搬运
commer.Fragile goods must be handled with care易碎物品
econ.fragile with care小心易碎
chem.Frank-Care cyanamide process弗兰克-卡尔氰氨化钙制造法
shipb.free articles under passenger's own care旅客随身携带物品
tech.free medical care免费医疗
tech.free medical care公费医疗
China, polit.free medical services and a labor-protection medical care system at public expense公费和劳保医疗制度
sport., med.free rehabilitation care免费康复治疗
gen.give care用心
gen.give care留意
gen.given proper care, a steel tower is good indefinitely如果对钢塔加以适当的保护,它就能长期保持完好
econ.glass care小心玻璃
agric.greenhouse care温室管理
agric.groundnut field care花生田间管理
chem.hair care美发用品
chem.hair care护发用品
adv.Hallmark, "When you care enough to send the very best"贺曼卡片、"如果你真的在乎、就寄最好的贺卡"、博达大桥广告公司、20世纪30年代 (FCB)
auto.handle with care小心轻放装卸
tech.handle with care小心搬运
gen.handle with care!小心装卸〔轻放〕!
econ.handle with care小心装卸
railw.Handle with care小心装卸/搬运
gen.handle with care!小心轻放!
busin.handle with great care小心轻放
econ.handle with great care搬动特别当心
busin.handle with great care特别当心轻放
gen.have a care谨慎
gen.have a care留神
gen.have a care小心
China, lawhave access to necessary medical care for the elderly老有所医
gen.have the care of照料
manag.health care卫生护理
China, lawhealth care卫生保护
environ.health care卫生保健、医疗保健
gen.health care保健
gen.health care consumer病人
tech.health-care facility疗养所
tech.health-care facility生保健设施
tech.health-care facility保健设施
busin.health care financing administration医疗融资管理
sport.health-care food保健食品
China, lawhealth care for the pregnant and lying-in period孕产期保健
ecol.health-care measure保健措施
tech.health-care measures保健措施
tech.health-care measures卫生保健设施
sport.health-care products保健品
China, lawhealth care services卫生保健
China, lawhealth-care services保健服务
agric.health care system保健系统
tech.health-care system保健制度
gen.home textile care家纺打理常识
anim.husb.hoof care护蹄
tech.human care人口的管理
gen.I don't care about heavy food, but I prefer light meal today我不太在意油腻的食物,但我今天喜欢清淡一点的
gen.I don't care about heavy meal, but today I prefer light meal吃点油重的也可以的,不过今天还是清淡点
gen.I don't care to go我不想去
gen.I must give my local guide a ring. Could you help me take care of my luggage for a while?我必须给地接导游打个电话,您能帮忙照看一下行李吗?
China, lawin the field of maternal and infant health care母婴保健领域
econ.institutional care机构照顾
fin.insurance for medical care医疗保险
tech.intense care ward重病病房
tech.intensive care unit重病护理单元
tech.intensive care unit集中的待别护理病房
tech.intensive care unit集中的特别护理病房
life.sc.intensive care unit重症监护治疗室
tech.intensive care unit监护病房
tech.intensive care unit特别护理单元
tech.intensive care unit特别护理病房楼
environ.intensive care unit充分保护装置
tech.intensive care unit重病监护室
tech.intermediate care facility中等护理疗养设施
China, lawkeep in good care严格保管
agric.keeping in one's care家里饲养
agric.keeping in one's care自己饲养
tech.labor protection medical care劳保医疗
tech.labour protection medical care劳保医疗
tech.lawn care business草地保护企业
auto.leather care product皮革养护用品
commer.leave the goods in the care of the carrier or his agent把货物交由承运人或其代理人保管
gen.leave to the care of sb.把…交托某人照料或保护
manag.life-long care整个管理
tech.long-term care长期管理
fin.long-term care insurance长期护理保险
commer.Machinery deteriorates if it is not properly taken care of若不适当养护,机器会损坏
tech.maintenance care保养管理
chem.maintenance care技术维修
tech.maintenance care技术维护
HRmanaged care管理严格的医疗福利
China, lawmaternal and infant health care undertakings母婴保健事业
anim.husb.maternal care母体关照
agric.maternal care母体照顾
tech.maternity and child care center妇幼保健站
busin.measures for safety in welding and health care焊按安全与卫生防护措施
China, polit.medical and health care services医疗卫生工作
sport., med.medical care医疗
avia.medical care医疗护理
busin.medical care expense医疗费
busin.medical care expense for employee's direct dependents雇员供养直系亲属医疗费
busin.medical care expense for personnel retired due job injury因公负伤退休人员护理费
tech.medical-care worker卫生保健员
plast.surg.monitored anesthesia care麻醉监护
plast.surg.monitored care监护
auto.motor care汽车检
tech.motor vehicle care汽车维修
tech.nail care preparation保护指甲制剂
pharm.Night-Care夜舒气雾剂 (矮松木叶油、百里酚、按叶油素及薄荷醇所制气雾剂商品名;镇咳祛痰药)
gen.not care a bit毫不在乎
gen.not care a button对…毫不介意 (about)
gen.not care a cent毫不在乎
gen.not care a chip for对…毫不在意
gen.not care a curse毫不在乎
gen.not care a damn毫不在意
gen.not care a damn一点儿也不在乎〔不要紧〕
gen.not care a damn毫不关心
gen.not care a doit毫不在乎
gen.not care a farthing毫不在意
gen.not care a farthing一点儿不在乎
gen.not care a farthing毫不关心
gen.not care a feather毫不介
gen.not care a fig毫不在意
gen.not care a fig毫不关心
gen.not care a fig for毫不重视…
gen.not care a fig for对…毫不在乎
gen.not care a hang对…毫不在乎 (about)
gen.not care a pin毫不在意
gen.not care a pin毫不关心
gen.not care a rap毫不在意
gen.not care a rap毫不在乎
gen.not care a rap毫不关心
gen.not care a redcent毫不在乎〔计较〕
gen.not care a row of beans毫不在乎
gen.not care a rush毫不在乎
gen.not care a stiver毫不在乎
gen.not to care不在乎
China, lawobligation of taking care of保管义务
tech.oblique care斜轴
China, lawoccupational protection and health care职业健康卫生保护
econ.old age care养老事业
tech.old-age care养老事业
auto.one-stop auto care一站式汽车维护
busin.on-scene care现场维护
auto.paint care product漆层油漆养护剂用品
auto.paintwork care油漆养护
auto.paintwork care product漆层养护剂用品
life.sc.palliative care姑息治疗
earth.sc.parental care亲代抚育
desert.parental care亲代照料
tech.patient care area病人护理区
AI.patient care system病人监护系统
gen.People must take extra care of their belongings when shopping overseas出境购物时,人们要十分注意个人财物的保管
adv.personal care个人保养
adv.personal care个人护理
ecol.personal care supplies个人护理用品
busin.personal health care expenditure人员保健开支
gen.place under the care of sb.把…置于某人保护照顾之下
environ.plant health care植物保健
tech.porcelain with care小心瓷器
plast.surg.postanesthesia care unit复苏室
plast.surg.postanesthesia care unit麻醉后监护室
China, lawpre-marital health-care services婚前保健服务
anim.husb.prenatal care产前护理
anim.husb.pre-slaughter care牲畜屠宰前的饲养
sport., med.preventive health care预防性保健
sport., med.preventive health care预防性医疗保健
ecol.primary healthy care初级卫生保障
China, lawproperty left in the care of another person寄存财物
China, lawprovide with nursing care提供护理
tech.public medical care公费医疗制度
agric.rational field care合理田间管理
securit.reasonable care合理注意义务
tech.reasonable care and skill合格质量验收
tech.reasonable care and skill应具备的能力和技艺
sport., med.rehabilitation care康复治疗
tech.residential care家庭康复所
tech.residential care家庭式疗养所
tech.residential care institution家庭式疗养院
tech.residential custodial care facility住房管理试验设施
tech.residential custodial care facility供膳宿的居民护理所
agric.rice field care稻本田管理
busin.right side up with care小心
busin.right side up with care正面朝上
tech.right side up with care小心正面朝上
tech.routine care常规养护【道】
tech.routine care常规维护
tech.routine care例行管理
China, lawrules and regulations for medical and health care services医疗保健工作规范
China, polit.rural cooperative medical care system农村合作医疗制度
China, lawscientific research of maternal and infant health care母婴保健科学研究
tech.sheltered care home护理所
gen.Ship Care船舶检修
gen.show loving care for关怀
gen.show want of care表现出不够细心
China, lawspecial care for优抚
tech.special care home特殊照顾的收容所
manag.standard of care管理维护标准
busin.standard of care管理标准
busin.standard of care维护标准
tech.standard of care谨慎程度
securit.standard of care关注标准
securit.stockholder duty of due care股东尽职敬业
agric.strengthening field care加强田间管理
China, polit.subsidized medical care医疗救助 (for)
agric.sugarbeet field care甜菜田间管理
tech.system of medical care insurance医疗保险制度
gen.take care当〔留〕心
busin.take care小心
busin.take care注意
econ.take care小心注意
gen.take care保重
gen.take care not to break it当心别把它打破了
gen.take care not to let these goods be rained on当心别让这些货物淋到雨
gen.take care of注意
gen.take care of留心
tech.take care of保管
gen.take care of控制
gen.take care of处理
gen.take care of维护
busin.take care of管理
China, lawtake care of爱护
busin.take care of负…责任
gen.take care of看〔照〕 管
manag.take care of照料 (about)
econ.take care of照料
econ.take care of负责
gen.take care of清除
gen.take care of管得住
gen.take care of看〔照〕管
gen.take care of解决
gen.take care of对付
gen.take care of照顾
China, lawtake care of the consequence善后
China, lawtake care of the minors爱护未成年人
gen.Take care of your body照顾好自己的身体
gen.take care that务必
gen.take care thatto + inf.一定
gen.take care there's no mistake当心不要弄错
gen.take care to狂意 (+ inf.)
gen.take care to务必 (+ inf.)
gen.take care to一定 (+ inf.)
tech.take good care of experimental fields爱护农业试验地
gen.take precious good care ofM 非常细心地照看 M
agric.tea garden care茶园管理
commer.The agreement should be drafted with great care协议应十分仔细地草拟
econ.The employer shall be responsible for immediate care of employees in case of accident如遇意外事故,雇主应负责对受雇人提供及时救护
China, polit.the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法
China, polit.the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法
China, polit.the pharmaceutical and health care systems医药卫生体制
tech.the special care and placement优抚安置制度
China, polit.the three-tier rural health care service network at the county, township and village levels县、乡、村三级农村卫生服务网络
gen.There are more anti-aging skin care products on the market today than ever before今天市场上的抗衰老护肤品比以往任何时候都多
gen.There is a range of skin care products. I think the yellow bottle looks nice这里有多款护肤品。我觉得这个黄色瓶子看起来不错
econ.They have a lot of letter to send, and a large correspondence to take care of他们有许多信件要发出,又有大量信件要处理
econ.This was due to misunderstanding and we shall take care to avoid any recurrence此系误会造成,我们将避免再次发生此事
avia.tie down care地面勤务交接
agric.tobacco field care烟草田管理
agric.tractor care拖拉机保养
environ.traditional health care A system of treating and healing maladies based on cultural beliefs and practices handed down from generation to generation传统保健 (世代相传的基于文化信仰和习俗的治疗和康复疾病的一套体系。)
tech.traditional health care传统医学
busin.transport, wages, maintenance and care交通费、工资、伙食费、及照看费
gen.under the care of在…的保护下
gen.under the care of在…的照料下
gen.under the care of由…管理
gen.use care to小心〔注意〕 (+ inf., 做)
agric.V-belt care三角胶带维护
auto.vehicle care车辆维护美容,护理
busin.want of care懈怠
busin.want of care疏忽
econ.We care a lot about what our customers'think我们十分注意顾客的想法
econ.We must take care in drafting these contracts to avoid the pitfalls of ambiguity在起草这些合同时,我们应该小心避免措词含糊的隐患
econ.We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods我们相信贵方会特别注意货物的包装
gen.what with moisture, what with lack of care, the instrument is badly damaged部分由于潮湿,部分由于缺乏保养,这仪表损坏得很厉害
busin.with care小心
econ.with care货运包装标记小心
commer.with care小心亦缩为 W/C, w.c.
gen.with care慎重
busin.with every care and attention兢兢业业
China, lawwork of maternal and infant health care母婴保健工作
gen.Would you care for a cup of tea before your meal?饭前来杯茶怎么样?
gen.Would you care for a drink?喝点什么?
gen.Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup?在喝汤的时候是否要一杯雪利酒?
gen.Would you care for an aperitif?您介意喝一些开胃酒吗?
gen.Would you care for something to drink before your meal?您在用餐前需要用些饮料吗?
gen.Would you care to try some salad?你想尝尝沙拉吗?
plast.surg.wound care伤口护理
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