
Terms for subject Nautical containing CRAFT | all forms | exact matches only
absolute maximum craft speed绝对最大船舶速度
additional survey on WIG craft地效翼船的附加检验
air cushion craft气垫船 (hovercraft)
air cushion craft全垫升气垫船 (hovercraft)
assisted craft受援船
cargo craft货船
category A craftA 类船
category A craftA 类客船
category B craftB 类船
category B craftB 类客船
classification of WIG craft地效翼船分类
craft clause marine insurance驳船条款
craft constructed建造的高速船
craft identification number艇的识别号 (CIN)
craft's bottom SWATH船底小水线面双体船
DACC or GEM craft动力气垫船或地面效应器
DACWIG craft动力气垫型地效翼船
deck craft甲板艇
displacement craft排水量艇
double hull craft高速双体船 (catamaran)
double-hydrofoil craft双水翼艇
dumb craft拖〔驳〕船
dumb craft无帆船
dynamically supported craft construction and equipment certificate动力支承船舶构造和设备证书
fast attack craft快速攻击艇
fast craft快艇
float free survival craft自行浮起式救生艇筏
forced stabilization of the craft强制稳定
ground effect craft地效翼船
high-speed craft高速船
high-speed craft code, 19941994 年高速船规则
high-speed craft code, 20002000 年高速船规则
high-speed craft safety certificate高速船安全证书
hovering craft气垫船
hovering craft twin hull双体气垫船
initial survey on WIG craft地效翼船的初次检验
instruction on how to survive in the survival craft海上获救须知
lead craft首制艇
operating instructions of survival craft救生艇筏操作须知
PAR-WIG craft动力增升型地效翼船
passenger semi-submersible craft水下式观光半潜水艇
passenger submersible craft水下观光潜水艇
patrol craft, hydrofoil水翼巡逻快艇
periodical survey on WIG craft地效翼船的定期检验
permit to operate high-speed craft高速船营运许可证书
permit to operate WIG craft地效翼 WIG 船营运许可证书
planning craft滑行艇
plough in of WIG craft地效翼船的埋首
product craft产品艇
prototype craft原型艇
pusher craft顶推船
rain-wing craft冲翼艇 (aerofoil boat)
reclamation craft吹泥船
renewal survey on WIG craft地效翼船的换证检验
resistance of hovering craft气垫船的快速性
ro-ro craft滚装船
ro-ro craft滚装高速船
self-stabilization of the craft自稳
single-hydrofoil craft单水翼艇
surface effect craft水面效应船
surface effect craft表面效应船
swath-high speed craft小水线面双体高速船
trim of WIG craft地效翼船的纵倾
type A WIG craftA类地效翼船
type B WIG craftB类地效翼船
type C WIG craftC 类地效翼船
unassisted craft非受援船
volume of the craft艇的容积
wave pierce craft穿浪船
wave pierce craft穿浪双体船
WIG craft地效翼船
wing in ground craft地效翼船
wing in ground craft AA 类地效翼船
wing in ground craft BB 类地效翼船
wing in-ground effect craft掠海地效翼船
wing-in ground WIG craft地效翼 WIG
wing-in-ground craft safety certificate地交 WIG 船安全证书