
Terms for subject Business containing CLEARS | all forms
As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about关于保险我还有很多事情不清楚
both sides clear钱货两清
clear a bill兑现票据
clear a ship卸船
clear an account清账
clear circulation channels疏通流通渠道
clear cut明确结清
clear days工作
clear days整日数不算头尾
clear debts清理债务
clear expense多赚以供开支
clear expenses抵消费用
clear house票据交换所
clear instruction结算通知单
clear majority绝对多数
clear message明码电报
clear of bad items不良产品修理
clear off清算
clear off清偿债务
clear off debt清偿债务
clear one's estate to赎产
clear out结关离港
clear out售完
clear out all the holding卖完全部存货
clear out the stock售清存货
clear path畅通渠道
clear scores偿清账款
clear stock清仓
clear surplus concept净盈余概念
clear tare净皮重
clear text电报明码
clear the market把市场供货搜购一空
clear up清理债务
customs office may clear海关放行
documentary L/C and clear L/C跟单信用证和光票信用证
free and clear没有义务和牵连
sell clear贵卖
urban clear-way市区通道不准停车