
Terms for subject Economy containing CAR | all forms | exact matches only
a baggage car行李车厢
A British car manufacturer intended to buy his latest invention一名英国汽车制造商有意购买他的最新发明
a car mechanic汽车修理工
A car was ordered directly from the manufacturer直接从厂家订购了一辆汽车
a rack car运载汽车的铁路分层汽车
a rail car轨道车
a railroad car铁路客车
a refrigerator-car冷藏车
a self-cleaning car自动卸料车
a sleeping car卧车
a used car半新车
accessories of a car汽车附件
Airlines can provide a complete service package, such as booking tickets, hotels and car hire航空公司能提供一整套服务项目,如订票、订旅馆、预租车辆等
An economical car doesn't use much petrol经济型汽车不会消耗很多汽油
automatic car identification program车厢自动识别计划
baggage car行李车厢
car card交通工具上面的宣传卡片
car gauge机车车辆限界
car industry汽车制造工业
car licence汽车执照
car load cargo集装箱整箱货
car-load rate整车运价
car loadings铁路运输量
car loan汽车贷款
car priced at $5000定价为5000美元的轿车
cheap car早晨一定时间内的减价电车
cheap car早晨一定时间内减价的减价电车
compact car小型客车
custom car特制车
flat car平板车
free on car汽车上交货
gondola car敞篷货车
have the car serviced regularly定期将汽车送厂检修
He gave an old car as a trade-in, and bought a new one他用旧汽车作为折价物,换买了一辆新的
He took a car in part exchange他用旧汽车换买了一辆新车
knock-down car可折卸汽车
knock-down car分装车
less than car load零担货物装载 (lot)
less-than-car-load lot零担货运
less-than-car-load lot零星货运
less-than-carload car沿途零担车
pool car合用汽车
pullman car普尔门式火车卧车 (或客车)
rail diesel car铁路柴油车
The car does fourteen kilometers to the litre这种车的耗油量是每升行驶14 公里
The car was named after its inventor本汽车是以其发明者的名字命名的
The company arranged for a car to meet her at the airport公司已安排了车子到机场接她
The manager abandoned the proposal on setting up another car company in that country经理已放弃在那个国家再建一个汽车公司的提议
the motor car insurance汽车保险
The spare parts to the car produced in your factory shall be of exactly the same quality as those previously supplied to us你厂生产的汽车备件的质量,应与从前供应给我方的完全相同
The three foreign companies intend to share the car market in that country此三家外国公司企图瓜分该国小汽车市场
the trailer on flat car平板车式集装箱拖车
Their company has a car pool他们公司有一个汽车合用组织
trailer on flat car平板车的拖车
trap car待装车辆
weight of car汽车重量