
Terms containing CAMP | all forms | exact matches only
mount.acclimatization camp适应性营地
dril.accommodation camp野营房
UN, tech.accommodation/camp area居住区/营区
mount.advance camp前进营地
mount.advanced camp前进营地
gen.aide-de-camp〔法语〕 副官
gen.air force training camp空军训练营
gen.air training camp空军训练营
mount.approach camp进山营地
mount.approach camp旅途营地
tech.armament training camp靶场
gen.armament training camp射击场
gen.armament training camp革巴场
gen.armament training camp军械训练营
tech.army camp军营
mount.assault camp突击营地
spaceastronaut camp航天员营区
spaceastronaut camp航天员营区 (航天发射场内的)
mount.attack camp突击营地
telecom.attendant camp-on话务员忙等待呼叫
auto.auto camp旅居宿汽车
auto.auto camp汽车帐篷
ITautomatic camp-on自动保留呼叫
telecom.automatic camp-on自动预占
tech.automobile camp汽车营地
tech.automobile camp汽车旅游营地
anim.husb.basal promotor/cAMP response element基础启动子/cAMP 应答元件
forestr.base camp探险队等的营地
mount.base camp大本营
forestr.base camp火营地
tech.base camp扑火野外指挥部
tech.base camp扑火营部
UN, tech.base camp defence along perimeter with protective wires only营地防御只需布设环形防护铁丝网
UN, tech.base camp main generators and generators supplying medical facilities will have a backup capability running in parallel基地的主要发电机和为医疗设施供电的发电机将有平行运行的后备能力
sport, bask.basketball camp室外篮球场
sport, bask.basketball camp篮球训练营
tech.cabin camp分隔帐篷
tech.cabin camp小屋野营
ITcall originator camp-on始发呼叫方保留呼叫
ITcalled-party camp-on被叫用户遇忙等待
tech.camp bed帆布床
mount.camp bed行军床
agric.cAMP binding proteincAMP 结合蛋白
agric.cAMP binding protein环腺苷酸结合蛋白
dril.camp boss井队队长
dril.camp boss野营领队
mount.camp bound困在营地上
mount.camp bound困在营地
tech.camp building工地房屋
eng.geol.camp building施工营地
tech.camp building工地宿舍
archit.camp buildings施工营地
hobbycamp car职工宿车
tech.camp car施工宿车
el.camp car住宿车
archit.camp car宿车
tech.camp car宿营车
tech.camp car工地住宿车
tech.camp ceiling闷顶楼板
tech.camp ceiling帐篷式顶棚
tech.camp ceiling帐篷式天花
tech.camp ceiling斜的或凸圆的顶棚
archit.camp ceiling闷顶阁楼楼板
tech.camp ceiling坡形顶棚
tech.camp ceiling斜的或凸圆的天花板
tech.camp chair帆布椅
mount.camp chair摺椅
tech.camp chair轻便折椅
auto.camp chair旅游车等用的轻便折叠椅
gen.Camp Coles Signal Laboratory科尔斯营通信技术实验研究
geol.Camp Colorado地名,美国科曼拉多营
eng.geol.camp construction工地临时房屋建设
consult.camp construction临时房屋建设
UN, h.rghts.act.Camp Coordinator难民营协调人
mount.camp cot露营帆布床
mount.camp cot行军床
mount.camp craft野营技术
agric.cAMP-dependent protein kinase依赖于 cAMP 的蛋白激酶
repr.biol.cAMP dependent protein kinasecAMP 依赖性蛋白激酶
agric.cAMP-dependent protein kinase依赖于环腺苷酸的蛋白激酶
tech.camp equipment外业设备
proj.manag.camp equipment营房设备
tech.camp equipment外业装备
spacecamp equipment野外设备
eng.geol.camp equipment勘测等工作用外业设备
tech.camp equipment工地营房设备
gen.Camp Evans Signal Laboratory伊万斯营通信技术实验研究
gen.Camp Evens Corps Laboratory伊文斯营通信兵实验研究
mount.camp fire营火
gen.camp follower营妓
gen.camp follower某一派别的同情〔追随〕者
gen.camp follower随军商贩 (服务人员)
exhib.camp ground野营地
tech.camp ground野营场地
tech.camp ground露营场地
tech.camp hospital野营医院
tech.camp infirmary兵站医务所
agric.cAMP levelcAMP 水平
mount.camp life野营生活
tech.Camp-Meidell condition坎普一迈德耳条件
busin.Camp-Meidell inequality坎普—迈德尔不等式
stat.Camp-Meidell inequality坎普―迈德尔不等式
tech.Camp-Meidell inequality坎普一迈德尔不等式
econ.Camp-Meidell's inequality康浦-密德尔不等式
mount.camp name野营绰号
environ.camp officer野营地官员
agric.camp on保留呼叫
spacecamp-on预占 (线)
ITcamp on预占线
ITcamp-on switch等候转接开关
telecom.camp-on tone预占音
telecom.camp-on with recall遇忙再占
telecom.camp-on with recall遇忙二次呼叫
telecom.camp-on with recall有回叫的预占
mount.camp one1号营地
gen.camp out野营
stat.Camp-Paulson approximation坎普―保尔森逼近
life.sc.cAMP receptor proteincAMP 受体蛋白
agric.cAMP receptor protein环腺苷酸受体蛋白 (cRP)
agric.cAMP receptor proteincAMP 受体蛋白 (cRP)
agric.cAMP response elementcAMP 效应元件
agric.cAMP response element环腺苷酸效应元件
genet.cAMP response element binding proteincAMP 效应元件结合蛋白 (CREB 蛋白)
agric.cAMP response element binding proteincAMP 效应元件结合蛋白 (CREB protein)
agric.cAMP response element binding protein环腺苷酸效应元件结合蛋白 (CREB protein)
mol.gen.cAMP response element cAMP效应元件 (分生)
genet.cAMP responsive genecAMP 应答基因
agric.camp run圆材堆
tech.camp sheathing棚屋护板
tech.camp sheathing软泥基中板排桩
tech.camp sheathing河岸挡土岸壁
tech.camp sheathing板桩排 (用于河岸或松软土壤)
met.camp sheathing软泥基板桩排
met.camp sheathing板桩挡土墙码头
tech.camp sheathing挡土岸壁
tech.camp sheathing板桩护岸
tech.camp sheathing column轻型板桩墙
tech.camp shedding挡土岸壁
tech.camp shedding棚屋护板
tech.camp shedding河岸挡土岸壁
tech.camp sheeting插板板桩墙 (岸壁)
hydroel.st.camp sheeting板桩挡土岸壁
met.camp sheeting板桩
tech.camp sheeting板桩排 (用于河岸或松软土壤)
tech.camp sheeting挡土岸壁
tech.camp sheeting河岸挡土岸壁
tech.camp sheltering插板板桩墙 (岸壁)
textilecamp shirt野营衫
textilecamp shirt缺角西装领衬衫
tech.camp shop野外修理站
textilecamp shorts行军短裤
mount.camp site营地
tech.camp site野营区
tech.camp site野营用地
eng.geol.camp site施工现场
eng.geol.camp site地盤
eng.geol.camp site工地
el.camp site施工营地
el.camp site施工生活基地
tech.camp site露营场地
tech.camp site露营地
archit.camp stool轻便板凳
auto.camp stool轻便折凳
mount.camp stove露营炉
tech.camp structure帐篷构造
mount.camp table摺桌
repr.biol.camp tender羊群联络员
anim.husb.camp tender羊群联络员
UN, tech.camp unit, medium 50 men中型野营装置50人
environ.camping site A piece of land where people on holiday can stay in tents, usually with toilets and places for washing野营地点 (供度假者停留,且带有厕所、洗漱间和帐篷的地方。)
ecol.China Wildlife Photography Training Camp中国野生动物摄影训练营
mil.concentration camp集中营
tech.construction camp施工临时房屋
bridg.constr.construction camp工棚
hydroel.st.construction camp施工工棚
hydroel.st.construction camp施工营地
el.construction camp施工生活基地
tech.construction camp施工帐篷
hydroel.st.contractor camp施工管理及生活区
genet.cyclic AMP receptor protein CRP cAMP分解代谢物基因活化蛋白
genet.cyclic AMP receptor protein CRP cAMP受体蛋白
mount.day camp白天野营
dermat.dibutyl cAMP双丁环腺苷酸
pharm.dibutyryl cAMP双丁酰环磷腺苷 (布拉地新 (bucladesine) 的别名;血管舒张药)
tech.Dobbins-Camp Biological Oxygen Demand-Dissolved Oxygen water quality model of river多宾斯一坎普BOD-DO河流水质量模型
tech.dry camp无饮水宿营地
agric.E. coli cAMP大肠埃希氏菌环腺苷酸
agric.E. coli cAMP大肠埃希氏菌 cAMP
mount.educational camp教育野营有教育意义的野营生活
hydroel.st.employer camp工程建设管理区
gen.engineer training camp工兵训练营营地
tech.farm labor camp农业工人宿舍区
tech.farm labour camp农业工人宿舍区
tech.felt camp毡包
tech.field camp野外帐篷
mount.final camp突击营地
tech.fire camp打火营部
forestr.fire camp火营地
forestr.fire camp探险队等的营地
tech.fire camp消防营地
mount.fresh air camp休养营地
tech.geologic camp地质野营
tech.geological camp地质野营
mount.glacier camp冰川营地
anim.husb.group camp plan分组牧场计划
gymn.gymnastic camp体操训练营
UN, tech.hard-walled camp硬墙宿舍
UN, tech.hard-walled camp硬墙营房
mount.high altitude camp高山营地
mount.high camp高山营地
mount.high-altitude camp高山营地
environ.holiday camp A place providing accommodation, recreational facilities, etc. for holiday-makers假日野营地、度假村 (提供度假游客住宿、娱乐设施等的地点。)
tech.holiday camp假日野营
tech.holiday camp度假营地
anim.husb.hunting camp狩猎
genet.inducible cAMP early repressor诱导型 cAMP 早期阻遏蛋白
fin.inflation-control camp控通胀阵营
agric.information flow and cAMP信息流与cAMP
sport.International Youth Camp国际青年营
tech.labor camp工人营地
tech.labor camp劳工驻地
tech.labour camp工人营地
tech.labour camp劳工驻地
tech.line camp火险营部
forestr.logging camp伐木营地
agric.microfilament and cAMP微丝与环腺苷酸
agric.microfilament and cAMP微丝与 cAMP
China, lawmilitary camp军队营区
tech.military camp兵营
UN, tech.mosquito breeding sites in the camp vicinity营地附近的蚊子孳生地
sport.Olympic Youth Camp奥林匹克青年营
gen.pitch a camp扎营
tech.refugee camp难民营
UN, afr.regrouping camps, Government重新集结营
sec.sys.resettlement camp再定居营地
tech.residential camp居住营地
dril.rig crew camp井队野外住房
hunt.single-burner camp stove单头露营炉
UN, tech.soft-walled camp软墙宿舍
UN, tech.soft-walled camp软墙营房
heavy.eq.sport camp体育营
baseb.spring camp职业棒球队在循环赛前的春季练习
anim.husb.stock camp临时畜圈
anim.husb.stock camp野营地
mount.summer camp夏令营
tech.tent camp露营
gen.They started their self-driving tour on May 1st, and ten days later they arrived at the base camp5 月 1 日,他们开始了自驾游,十天后他们到达了营地
tech.tourist camp拖挂式活动住房营地
tech.tourist camp旅游营地
tech.trailer camp拖车住户集中地
tech.trailer camp拖车居住营地
tech.trailer camp旅游施车拖带住屋专用停车场地设有供应水、电等设施的地域
auto.trailer camp旅居挂车停车场宿营地
tech.trailer camp拖车式活动住房营地
tech.trailer camp拖车营 (地)
tech.trailer camp site旅游拖车拖带住屋专用停车场地设有供应水、电等设施的地域
heavy.eq.training camp训练营
heavy.eq.training camp集训营
sport.training camp集中训练营
agric.transcription and cAMP转录与 cAMP
UN, tech.transit camp中转兵营
hunt.two-burner camp stove双头露营炉
UN, tech.uninterrupted "around-the-clock" capability is required for all base camp main generators各基地的主要发电机都需要有不间断的"24小时运作"的能力
mount.week camp星期野营
outd.Woodward Camp小轮车乌特瓦德极限运动夏令营
manag.work camp志愿劳动营
manag.work camp劳改所
railw.work train with camp cars工程宿营车
consult.worker's camps工棚
tech.worker's main camp工人生活区
sport.youth camp青年营