
Terms for subject International trade containing By | all forms | exact matches only
abide by our promise遵守我们的诺言
abide by the contract agreement遵守合同协议
acceptance by intervention参加承兑
acceptance sampling by attributes定性抽样验收
acceptance sampling by variable定量抽样验收
acceptor by intervention票据的参加承兑人
accommodate by accepting time通融接收远期信用证
acknowledgement by debtor of debt债务人承认债务
acknowledgment by partial performance以部分履行承认债务
act performed by way of counterclaim提出反诉
adoption by consensus协商-致通过
advise by teletype用打字电报通知
agreement concerning the international carriage of goods by rail国际铁路货物运输协定
American Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 19361936 年美国海上货物运输法
apply by letter通信申请
apply by letter函询
arbitration by summary procedure简易仲裁
area covered by agreement协议范围
article-by-artical bargaining逐个商品谈判
as approved by the state经国家批准
auction by candle蜡烛竞卖法到蜡烛点完为止,决定成交
auction by tender不公开拍卖
audit by test抽查
audit by test抽审
award made by consent of the parties经双方同意的仲裁裁决
award rendered by default在一方缺席的情况下所作的仲裁
bag stained by contents内货染袋
bag stained by oil sweat, syrup, etc.包袋被油污汗水, 糖汁等溃污
banking by mail通讯存款
be built by contract包盖
be built by contract包建
become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods发不义之财
become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods发横财
bill accompanied by document附有货运单据的汇票
bill dishonored by non-acceptance拒兑汇票
bill dishonored by non-acceptance被拒绝承兑的汇票
bill dishonored by non-payment拒付汇票
bill dishonored by non-payment被拒绝付款的汇票
bill dishonoured by non-acceptance被拒绝承兑的汇票
bill dishonoured by non-payment被拒绝付款的汇票
bill payable by installments分期付款汇票
bill payable by stated installments分期付款汇票
bill unaccompanied by document不附货运单据的汇票
bind oneself by a cheque承担支票上的义务
book by double entry复式簿记
book by single entry单式簿记
bookkeeping by card system卡片式簿记制
burnt down by fire焚毁
buy and market all by oneself自购自销
by accident偶然
by authority of law按照法律
by authority of law据法院命令
by borrower entity按借款实体戈分
by contract按合同
by contract承包
by country and type of creditor按国别和贷款人类别划分
by description凭说明
by dutch auction降价拍卖
by first mail第一次付邮
by installments分期付款
by instalments分期付款
by market price: producer's price;purchaser's price购买者价格
by market price: producer's price;purchaser's price按市价计算:生产者价格
by mutual consent经双方同意
by next mail下次邮寄
by parcel post当包裹寄
by procuration代表签名
by procuration以代理人身份
by procuration代理
by product recoveries副产品成本补偿
by-products sales副产品销售
by purpose按用途划分
by rail over frontier经铁路运过边界交货
by region按地区划分
by separate post另寄
by tender以投标形式
by the board船外
by the gross按箩计算
by the gross整批
by weight论重量
by wholesale批发
carriage by air航空运费
carriage by air航空运送
carriage by land陆上运送
carriage by land陆运
carriage by land and sea海陆运送
carriage by rail铁路运输
carriage by road公路运输
carriage by sea海洋运输
carriage by sea海运
carriage of goods by air空运货物
carriage of goods by sea海运货物
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924 UK1924 年英国海洋货物运输法规
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936 USA1936 年美国海洋货物运输法
carrier by water水运承运人
case board stained by moisture箱板受潮
case board stained by moisture箱板潮湿
cash by return mail回邮付现
cash by return mail回信付款
cash by return steamer回航付现
cash provided by operations运营现金收入
certificate of loss or damage delivered by carrier承运人签发的损失或损坏证书
certificate of loss or damage delivered by carriers承运人签发的残损证书
charter by demise光船租赁
charter by voyage航次租船
charter by voyage程租
charter by voyage按航次计费
check receipted by the holder经执票人付款的汇票
checking weight by draft水尺计重
checking weight by volume容量计重
claim barred by reason of limitation受时效限制的索赔
claim made by way of set-off作为抵消而提出的债权
claim secured by a lien有留置权担保的债权
claim secured by mortgage有抵押权保证的债权
claims protected by lien受留置权保障的债权
commodity-by-commodity approach逐项商品处理方法
commodity-by-commodity approach逐项商品办法
commodity-by-country system按国别分列商品制度
commodity by country system按国别列商品制度
company limited by guarantee保证有限公司
company limited by guarantee担保有限公司
company limited by shares corporation;joint stock company股份有限公司
company limited by shares股份有限公司
company partially owned by the state公私合营公司
consignment by rail in complete wagon loads整车运输
consolidation by lease租赁合并
consolidation by merge吸收合并
consolidation by purchase购买合并
contact with external substances, soiled by触及外来物体致污
contract by deed必须使用契据形式的合同
contract by deed契据
contract evidenced by a writing书面证明的合同
contract for the delivery of goods by installments分批交货的买卖合同
contract for the payment of goods by installments分期付款的买卖合同
contract of carriage by sea海运合同
Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker关于一个工人可以允许的最大限度负重量的公约第 127 号1967 年
Convention for the Prohibition of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ship and Aircraft关于防止从船舶和飞机上倾卸垃圾污染海洋的公约1972.2.15
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Assistance and Salvage of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea关于统一有关海上救助飞机或以飞机救助的若干规则的公约 (1938. 9. 29)
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约
Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterways内河货物运输合同公约
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road国际公路货物运输契约的公约公路货运公约
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road国际陆运货物公约
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road国际公路客货运输合同公约
corporation by-laws公司章程细则
cost, insurance, freight by plane货价,保险加空运费在内价
cost, insurance, freight by plane成本、保险费加空运费价
cost of by-product副产品销售成本
cover notes issued by brokers保险经纪人的备忘单
credit available by negotiation of drafts以议付汇票方式使用的信用证
creditor whose clam is secured by a lien受留置权保障的债权人
damage by water水损
damaged by hooks钩损
damaged by insect虫损
damaged by rats鼠啮
damaged by rats鼠咬
damaged by sea water海水损坏
damaged by vermins虫蛀
damaged by worms or by vermins虫蛀
delivery by installments分批交货
delivery of goods by installment分批交货
delivery of goods by instalment分批交货
deposit by foreign correspondent国外同业代理行存款
deposit by foreign correspondents国外同业存款
direct marketing by personal solicitation个人联络直接销售
discharge of the right of action by lapse of time因时效丧失诉权
dishonor by non-acceptance of a bill of exchange拒付汇票
dishonor by non-acceptance of a bill of exchange拒绝承兑汇票
disposition by public sale公开出售处理
distribution by income group按收入组别分配资金
distribution by sector按部门分配资金
distribution of Bank and IDA commitments by sector-amounts世界银行和国际开发协会按部门分配承诺款项一览表
draft convention on the carriage of goods by sea海运货物公约草案
draw by lot抽签
effective loans held by bank银行持有的已生效贷款
endorsement by procuration委任取款背书
endorsement by stamp亲收图章背书
enforcement of claims barred by limitation行使时效已完成债权
enforcement of claims established by judgement行使已经判决确定的权利
error by good faith善意的过失
error by goods faith善意的过失错误
exchange by bills票据汇兑
exchange by bills票据交易
exchange by means of money货币交换
exhaustive list of the goods covered by a heading of group of headings以列举详尽之清单说明
export by turnkey contract启钥合同方式出口
express paid by post加快费已邮付
express paid by telegraph加快费已电汇付讫
federal debt held by the public公众持有的联邦债务
freight by measurement按容积计算的运费
freight by weight按重量计算运费
freight by weight按重量计算的运费
giving by a shopkeeper铺保
goods damaged by sea海损货物
goods in transit by sea海运中的货物
goods stored by the customs税关存留的货物
guarantee by aval第三人对票据的付款保证
gutted by fire烧光烧毁
have no precedent to go by没有先例可援
have no precedent to go by无先例可循
hearing of the case by the arbitrator仲裁人开庭审理
hire by the day按日出租 (hour)
index of prices paid by farmers农民购货价格指数
index of prices received by fanners农民售货价格指数
inflation caused by budgetary deficit预算赤字引起的通货膨胀
insurance to be effected by the buyers保险由买方负责
insurance to be effected by the buyers after loading装船后保险由买方投保
interest rate on loans secured by export trade bills岀口汇票担保借款利率
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail铁路货运公约1933年11月23 日
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail国际铁路货物运输公约
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil国际防止海上油污公约国际条约集 1958 ~ 1959 年,P.750, 1954 年 5 月 12 0
International Convention for the Transport of Goods by Rail国际铁路货物运输公约
International Convention on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by all Modes of Transport各种运输方式危险品运输的国际公约
International convention on the Transport of Goods by Rail国际铁路运输公司
International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Goods Carried by Rail TIF Convention 1952促进铁路货运过境的国际公约1952年的铁路货物过境公约,1952 年 1 月10 日
International Convention to the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Carriage of Passengers by Sea统一海上客运若干规则的国际公约
international trade by commodities国际贸易商品结构
international trade by regions国际贸易地区分布
intervention by government国家干预
intervention by government政府干预
joint operated by government and private individual官商合营
joint operated by government and private individual公私合营
jointly operated by government & private individuals公私合营
jointly operated by government & private individuals官商合营
judgement rendered by default就一方的辩论所作的判决
knocked down by a motor-car被汽车撞倒
liquidation by compromise和解清算
list of commodities by category subject to inspection currently in effect现行实施检验商品种类表
loans by savings department储蓄放款
management by exception例外管理
manipulation by corners为囤积奇者所蒙混操纵
merger by purchase收买合并
money by weight秤量货币
negotiation by draft汇票交易谈判
negotiation by group members由小组成员协商
negotiations by group members由小组成员协商
obligation barred by prescription消灭时效已完成的债
offer and acceptance by post通过邮政报价和接受
offer by description凭规格报盘
offer by description附说明书的发盘
offer by tender通过投标报价
offer for sale by tender投标式代销发行
offer good until withdrawn by seller"有效至卖方撤回为止"之报价
offer subject to immediate acceptance by telegram以立即回电为有效的报价
offer subject to reply received by...以于 X 日前收到答复为有效的报
open for accession by均可参加
order by sample指样定货
overdraft by foreign or correspondents外埠同业透支
overdraft, by out-port banks外埠同业透支
overdrafts by foreign or correspondents外埠同业透支
overdrafts, by out-port banks外埠同业透支
overseas crude oil developed by domestic capital用本国资本开发外国原油
overseas crude oil developed by domestic capital开发原油
package covered by the contract合同规定的一揽子交易
package or units covered by the contract合同规定的一揽子或各单位
pay by installments分期付款
pay by way of damage按侵权损害赔偿
payable by installment分期支付
payment by bill凭汇票付款
payment by draft凭汇票付款
payment by installments分期摊付
payment by installments分期付款
payment by intervention第三人参加付款
payment by mistake of fact误付
person guaranteeing payment by avail票据上的保证付款人
person guaranteeing payment by aval票据上的保证付款的人
product-by-product tariff reduction逐项产品减低关税
promotion selling by display展销
promotion selling by display以陈列方式促进销售
prosper by becoming wealthy发财
protest by master船舶遇难证明书
purchase by grade分等收购
purchase of goods by post邮购
purchasing by specification按说明书采购
purchasing strictly by requirement由于严格需要的购买
reckoning by the abacus珠算
recourse to barred claims by set-off以抵消方式要求偿还时效已完成的债权
release by投放
remit goods by railway由铁路运货
remittance by draft票汇
remittance by draft汇款
remittance by draft寄款
remittance by draft汇票汇款
remittance by migrants侨汇
remittances by migrants侨汇
repayment triggered by "overages"过多还款界限
repeal by implication默认作废
repeal by implication相互抵消
reply by telegram电复
reply by writing书面答复
requirements set by host country东道国规定
reserve by revaluation升值准备
retirement by instalment奋期拨付汇票
right barred by reason of limitation因时效完成不能行使的权利
said by shipper据发货人报称
said by shipper to contain据托运人称内装
sale by auction拍卖
sale by authority of law根据法院命令出售
sale by brand and/or description凭厂牌和说明售货
sale by brand &/or description凭厂牌和说明售货
sale by bulk估堆卖
sale by bulk成批岀售
sale by bulk趸卖批发
sale by bulk批发
sale by commission寄售
sale by description凭说明书买卖
sale by description按说明销售
sale by description凭说明书卖
sale by description货物分类出售
sale by documents凭单据出售
sale by documents以单据出售货物
sale by inspection看货出售
sale by inspection直接看货买卖
sale by inspection看货买卖
sale by installments分期分批出售
sale by mark or brand凭商标牌名买卖
sale by proxy代销
sale by real cash售现
sale by sample按样本销售
sale by sample凭样品出售
sale by specification凭说明书买卖
sale by specification凭规格书出售
sale by specification凭规格买卖
sale by standard凭标准买卖
sale by standard or type凭标准成品级出售交易
sale by standard or type凭标准品级买卖
sale by trade mark or brand凭商标或牌记出售
sale by trade mark or brand凭商标牌记买卖
sale by type or standard按标准买卖
sale by type or standard按标准销货
sale by way of execution强制执行判决中的出售
sale of goods by sample凭样本出售
sale of goods by sample凭样品买卖
sales by brand or trade mark凭牌号或商标的买卖
sales by commission寄售
sales by instalment分期分批出售
sales by kind of business按商业类别分组的销售额
sales by parent to subsidiary母公司售给子公司
sales by proxy代销
sales by real cash现款销售
sales by sample凭样品买卖
sales by size of establishment按企业规模分组
sales by size of establishment销售额
sales by specification凭说明书的买卖
sales by specification, grade or standard凭规格等级或标准的买卖
sales by standard or type凭标准品级买卖
salvage by contract按约救助
salvage by tow拖救
salvage by voluntary action自愿救助
sample drawn by owner货样由货主自由
sample drawn by owner货主自抽货样
sampling by chance机遇抽样
saving by investing in securities有价债券储蓄
secured by借得
securities issued by affiliated companies联合公司发行的证券
seizure of contraband by the customs海关对违禁品的没收
selection by removing the undesirables去劣选择
selection of bank by companies由企业挑选放款银行
sell by auction竞卖
sell by auction拍卖
sell by retail零卖
sell by retail零售
sell by the dozen论吨〔码,打〕出售
sell by the dozen论打出售
sell by the yard论码出售
sell by weight计重出售
sell by wholesale整批出售
sell by wholesale批发
selling by grade分级销售
selling by sample凭样品销售
settle a debt by payment结清偿务
settle a debt by payment还债
settle by compromise以和解解决
settlement by amicable arrangement以友好调解解决争端
settlement by arbitration以仲裁方式解决争端
settlement by arbitration以仲裁方式解决争端
settlement by book entry以账面结账清算
ship by sea海运
shipment by cheapest route货装运费最廉的船
shipment by cheapest routes最廉价航路之船
shipment by direct steamer货运直达轮船
shipment by earliest opportunity尽早运货
shipment by first available steamer由最先开航的船装运
shipment by first available steamer装第一艘开航的船
shipment by first available vessel由最先开航之船装运
shipment by first opportunity有机会即装运
shipment by installments分批装运
shipment by in instalments分批分期装运
shipment by point account合伙装运品
shipment by sailer由帆船装运 (sailing boat)
shipment by steamer装入船舶
signature by facsimile穿空签字
signature by procuration代理签字
signature by symbols符号式签名
sold by the catty论斤卖
stand-by arrangements支持性安排
stand-by arrangements备用信贷安排
stand-by credit担保信用证
stand-by equipment驶离岸边
step by step stowage阶梯装货
stipulation by drawer restricting liability发票人限制责任的规定
subject to changes at a later date by mutual agreement以日后双方同意变更为准
subject to immediate acceptance by telegram立即电复接受有效
tainting by odor串味
taking in tow lot by lot,分批拖带
tax deferral on income earned by foreign subsidiaries税收延付优惠外国子公司所得税的税收优惠
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft并应于汇票到期日即予付款承兑汇票后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft于见票时应即予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft买方对卖方开具的见票后 XX 天付款的跟单汇票
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only付款后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only于提货时应予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only并应于汇票到期日即予付款
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only买方对卖方开具的见票后X X天付款的跟单汇票
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts并应于汇票到期日即予付款承兑汇票后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts于见票时应即予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts买方对卖方开具的见票后 XX 天付款的跟单汇票
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only付款后交单
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only于提货时应予承兑
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only并应于汇票到期日即予付款
the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only买方对卖方开具的见票后X X天付款的跟单汇票
theory of inflation induced by monopoly垄断引起通货膨胀的理论
through transport by land and water水陆联运
ton by ton delivered按吨交货
ton by ton delivery按吨交货
trade by agreement协定贸易
transfer by check用支票转账
transfer by lighter驳船转运
transport by containers集装箱运输
transport by sea海运
trim by the head船头平舱
trim by the stem船尾平舱
UN convention on the carriage of goods by sea, 19781978年联合国海上货物运输公约汉堡规则
United Nations Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea联合国海上货物运输会议
United Nations Convention on the 1978 Carriage of Goods by Sea1978 年联合国海上货物运输公约
United Nations Convention on the Carrier of Goods by Sea 19781978年联合国海上货物运输公约
value added by manufacture制造增值
value exports by country of destination出口货物国别价值
value of imports by country of origin进口货物国别价值
vehicle engaged by the month月包车
verification by challenge通过质疑进行核査
verification by consent征得同意进行核査
verification by consent征得同意进行核查
verification by "tots and scruting"抽查核验
waiver by interested party有关方放弃赔偿要求
weighed by scale衡器过重
weight ascertained by carrier承运人确定重量
weight ascertained by measurement量尺换算
weight ascertained by shipper发货人确定重量
weight by按..... 计算
weight by draft公估
weight by draft水尺计重
weight by flow流量计重
weight by volume容量计重
wet by sweat汗潮
winding-up: supervision by a court法院监督下的解散清理
withdrawal by notice通知退约
world trade by region, country or area按地区、国家或区域划分的世界贸易