
Terms for subject Librarianship containing By | all forms | exact matches only
anthology of works by different authors总集
arrangement by radicals部首法
arrangement by strokes笔画法
bibliographical data provided by book dealers书商随书配备分编数据
books solicited by the state to build up the imperial collection征书
category-by-category review逐类审查
character-by-character full concordance逐字索引
collated edition by scholars or publishers校刊本
commentary by the emperor御批
compilation by contents编次
compilation by topics编述
copy possessed by the Imperial Library of Beijing京师图书馆藏本
counting years by the twelve animal signs of the Chinese zodiac生肖纪年
dictionary arranged by rhyming patterns韵书
handwritten edition by Mao family毛抄本 (Mao Jin and Mao Yi in the Ming dynasty)
imprint by imperial order敕撰本
imprint by regional government schools儒学本
imprint by regional office of envoy公使库本 (Song dynasty)
judge by the book ages书龄判断
limit by限定条件
limit by...限定条件
loan by special permission特许借出
not owned by library本馆未藏
pay by oneself自行支付
protected by copyright受版权保护
purchased by expert专家代购
query by natural language自然语言查询
query by natural language自然语言检索
query by natural language自然语言査询
reference by phones电话咨询
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refine by...限定条件
refine by facet分面限定检索
refine by format资料类型限定检索
refine by holding location馆藏地限定检索
refine by keyword source关键词来源限定检索
refine by language语言限定检索
refine by publication date出版日期限定检索
refine by shelf holding馆藏限定检索
refine by tags标签限定查询
search by author作者检索
search by call number索书号检索
search by calligraphy character书法字检索
search by subject heading主题词检索
search by title书名检索
shelving by call number按书籍索书号排架
shelving by classification number按书籍分类号排架
shelving by label color按图书标贴颜色排架
shelving by size按书籍尺寸排架
shelving by sticker color按图书标贴颜色排架
shelving by subject按书籍主题排架
sort by date日期排序
sort by relevance相关性排序
sort by title题名排序
subdivision by analogy仿分
title-by-title examination逐种鉴别
title-by-title selection逐本选购
trade editions printed by bookstores坊刻本
trainings solely provided by the vendor数据商独家培训
woodblock edition by Mao family毛刻本 (Mao Jin and Mao Yi in Ming dynasty)
written by imperial order奉敕撰
written by imperial order敕撰
written by the emperor御制
year designation by cyclical system干支纪年