
Terms for subject Space containing By | all forms | exact matches only
accretion by black hole黑洞吸积
accretion by neutron star中子星吸积
acoustic holography by laser scanning激光扫描声全息术
acoustical holography by laser scanning激光扫描声全息照相
acquisition parameter by integral积分引导量
aiming by ship turning转船瞄准 (舰载发射导弹)
analysis by absorption of gases气体吸收分析
angle of deflection by pitch俯仰摆角 (俯仰回路发动机的)
angle of deflection by roll滚动摆角 (滚动回路发动机或燃气舵的)
angle of deflection by yaw偏航摆角 (偏航回路发动机或燃气舵的)
antijamming by azimuth selection方位选择抗干扰
antijamming by direction selection方向选择抗干扰
antijamming by frequency selection频率选择抗干扰
antijamming by range selection距离选择抗干扰
approximation by least squares用最小二乘法近似
approximation by power formula用幂公式的近似
approximation by power formula用幂公式近似
approximation by rational numbers有理数逼近法
areas polluted by biological age nt生物战剂污染区
arming by multiple environmental forces多重环境保险
ballistic fly-by弹道式飞越 (空间探测器飞越行星的一种方式)
band interleaved by line谱段逐行交替记录 (格式)
bit-by-bit comparator逐位比较器
bit by bit memory打点式光存储器
by the way在路旁
by the way附带说
by the way顺便说
by the way在途中
calculation by iteration迭代法计算
coating liner by centrifugation离心法涂覆衬层
coating liner by spraying喷涂法涂覆衬层
coefficient of expansion by heat热膨胀系数
communication by moon relay月球中继通信
consumption by stands群落[地段 j 消耗
continuous step by step propulsion unit两足步行式连续推进装置
crop yield estimation by remote sensing satellite遥感卫星农业估产
design augmented by computer[用]计算机加强设计
deterrence by denial遏制威慑
deterrence by punishment惩罚威慑
deterrence by punishment痛击威慑
digital fly-by-wire数字式电传操纵
direction sighting by multiple-angle method倍角法定向瞄准
direction sighting by navigational method航行法定向瞄准
direction sighting by vector method矢量法定向瞄准'
disaster monitoring and forecasting by satellite卫星灾害监测与预报
disturbance torque by the fuel slosh燃料晃动干扰力矩
disturbance torque by the solar radiation太阳辐射压干扰力矩
Doppler orbitography and radiopositioning integrated system by satellite星基多普勒轨道和无线电定位组合系统
Doppler positioning by the short arc method多普勒短弧法定位
earthquake prediction by satellite卫星地震预报
ecological environment monitoring by satellite卫星生态环境监测
electronic intelligence by satellite爱丽莎卫星 (法国电子侦察卫星)
environmental monitoring by satellite remote sensing卫星遥感环境监测
estimating method by engineering item工程项目估算法
Eucosat European Control by Satellite欧洲卫星利用控制组织 (欧洲非赢利性国际组织)
evaluation by comparison比较评价[鉴定]
F⁶ future, fast, flexible, fractionated, freeflying spacecraft united by information exchange又称 F⁶ 卫星计划 (美国国防高级研究计划局研发中的一种面向未来的灵活、高效的航天器新型体系结构)
F⁶ future, fast, flexible, fractionated, freeflying spacecraft united by information exchange以信息交换为纽带的未来的快速、灵活、自由飞行、模块化航天器 (计划)
fix by astronomical observation天文观察定位
fix by bearing and angle按方位和角度定位
fix by bearing and distance按方位和距离定位
fix by bearings经纬度定位
fix by position lines用位置线定位
fix by wireless direction finder无线电向仪定位
flow visualization by computer计算机流动显示
flow visualization by luminescence辉光放电流动显示
fluorescence induced by laser激光诱导荧光
fly-by伴飞 (一个航天器相对于邻近的另一个航天器保持位置基本不变的飞行)
fly-by landing excursion mode飞越地标着陆偏离形式
fly-by-light control system光传飞行控制系统
fly-by-light flight control system光传飞行控制系统
fly-by mission伴飞任务
fly-by-wire flight control system电传飞行控制系统
fly-by-wire system有线遥控驾驶系统
forward propagation by tropospheric scatter对流层前向散射
fueling system by gravity自流式加注系统
global ozone monitoring by occultation of stars掩星法全球臭氧监测仪
gravity gradient measurement by satellite卫星重力梯度测量
guided trajectory by lead angle method前置角法导引弹道
guided trajectory by tracking追踪法导引弹道
infrared amplification by stimulated emission of radiation红外激光器
initiation by heat热起爆
initiation by shock wave冲击波起爆
injuries caused by laser weapons激光武器伤
inspection by attributes计数检验
inspection by variable变量检验
Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun依靠太阳辐射加速的星际风筝飞行器 (日本试验型太阳帆空间探测器)
Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun伊卡洛斯 (探测器)
interpolation by central difference中差插值法
interpolation by proportional parts比例插值法
ionization by collision碰撞电离
isolation by oxidized porous silicon多孔性氧化硅隔离
jamming rejection by polarization filter极化滤波抗干扰
launch one by one依次发射
leak detection by ammonia氨检漏
leak detection by bubbles气泡检漏
leak detection by pressure rise外压检漏
leak detection method by halogen卤素检漏法
leak detection method by helium mass spectrometer氨质谱检漏法
leak detection method by mass spectrometer质谱检漏法
leak detection method by vacuum gauge真空计检漏法
line-by-line method逐线法 (大气透过率的一种计算方法)
line-by-line scanning逐行扫描
lot-by-lot acceptance逐批验收
lunar fly-by probe飞越月球探测器
management by exception按特殊情况管理
mavar mixer amplification by variable reactance可变电抗混频放大 (低噪声微波放大器的)
mavar mixer amplification by variable reactance脉伐
method by senses方向观测法
microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation微波激射 (器)
missile guidance by acoustic means导弹声波制导
natural disaster monitoring by satellite卫星自然灾害监测
navigation by space reference天体基准导航
navigation by space references空间基准导航
non-removable bound by glue不可拆卸胶封
one by nine arrangement一一九配置 (导弹发射阵地发射导弹的一种配置方式)
сокр. orbit loops in orbit occupied permanently by unstationary satellite非地球静止轨道卫星持续占据的准静止轨道环
сокр. orbit loops in orbit occupied permanently by unstationary satellite罗泊斯轨道
overtaken by events偶然出现的
pan Pacific education and communications experiments by satellite泛太平洋卫星教育和通信实验 (美国)
Pan-Pacific regional telecommunications network experiment and research by satellite泛太平洋区域卫星通信网试验与研究计划 (日本)
pass-by-pass image逐轨图像
penetration by bombers轰炸机群突防
perturbation by earth's atmosphere地球大气摄动 (航天器轨道运动的)
perturbation by earth's figure地球外形摄动 (航天器轨道运动的)
perturbation by moon's figure月球外形摄动
perturbation by moon's figure月球外形摄动 (航天器轨道运动的)
perturbation by solar radiation pressure太阳辐射压力摄动
perturbation by solar radiation pressure太阳风摄动
perturbation by solar radiation pressure太阳辐射压力摄动 (航天器轨道运动的)
perturbation by the third body第三体摄动 (航天器轨道运动的)
photographic reconnaissance by satellite卫星照相侦察
planet fly by在行星附近飞过
planet fly by飞越行星
planet fly by mission飞越行星任务
PMPCS global mobile personal communication by satellite全球个人卫星移动通信
point-by-point computation逐点计算
point-by-point scanning逐点扫描
point-by-point test逐步试验
pollution by particulates颗粒物污染
pre-cooling by auto-flow自流预冷
pre-cooling by pressurization增压预冷
prediction of radiation effects by digital computer techniques用数字计算机技术预测辐射效应
pressure determination by acoustic ultrasonic means声学[超声]测压
Procod production cost by drawing number按图号的生产费用
procurement by local purchase就地采购
radar navigation by map-matching地图匹配雷达导航
removable bound by glue可拆卸胶封
removing of photoresist by oxidation氧化去胶
removing of photoresist by plasma等离子去胶
resource general survey by satellite卫星资源普查
retrieval by header定性检索
retrieval by on-line search联机检索
retrieval by window开窗检索
retrieval by window定位检索
scheduling and control automation by network system用网络系统实现的调度和控制自动化
sea ice monitoring by satellite卫星海冰监测
sensing by con tact接触觉察
sensitivity control by time时间灵敏度控制
signal communication by orbiting relay equipment轨道中继信号通信试验卫星 (美国第一颗有源通信试验卫星)
signal communication by orbiting relay equipment斯科尔卫星
signal communication by orbiting relay experiment轨道中继信号通信试验卫星 (美国第一颗有源通信试验卫星)
signal communication by orbiting relay experiment斯科尔卫星
stand-by altimeter备份高度表
stand by installation备用装置
step-by-step antenna步进天线
step-by-step control步进控制
step-by-step counting步进计数
step-by-step cut-off test逐步截尾试验
step-by-step refinement逐步求精法
step-by-step switch步进式交换机
step-by-step test逐步试验
step-by-step tracking步进跟踪
swing-by空间探测器近距离通过 (某行星或其他天体)
swing-by借力飞行的 (利用某行星引力场改变空间探测器轨道,以减少能量消耗)
swing-by trajectory借力飞行轨道 (利用某行星引力场改变空间探测器轨道)
synchronized multiple access communication system by satellite卫星同步多址通信系统
television education by satellite卫星电视教育
test by radio link无线测试
test by the flexible rope guide rail柔性滑轨试验
thermal control by air convection气体强迫对流热控制
trajectory by three-point guidance三点法导引弹道
unattended stand-by time非工作时间
unattended stand-by time空闲〔非工作〕 时间
unattended stand-by time空闲时间
velocity derived by differential微分求速