
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing By | all forms | exact matches only
facial nerve repair by middle cranial fossa经颅中窝途径修补面神经
facial nerve repair by middle ear and mastoid经中耳乳突途径修补面神经
internal acoustic meatus operation by labyrinth经迷路达内耳道手术
internal acoustic meatus operation by middle cranial fossa经颅中窝途径达内耳道手术
metastasis by blood vessel血道转移
metastasis by contact接触转移
metastasis by lymphatics淋巴转移
noisecontrol by absorption吸声噪声控制
noisecontrol by barriers隔板噪声控制
noisecontrol by enclosure密闭噪声控制
pressure measurement by compression of neck压颈测压试验
tonsillectomy by dissection扁桃体剥离术