
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing By | all forms | exact matches only
acid recovery by crystallization结晶法回收酸
adjustment by coordinates坐标平差
advance by overdraw透支
aluminizing by hot dipping热浸渍渗铝
analysis by elutriation淘洗法
analysis by elutriation淘析法
approach by concept概念逼近法
bed-by-bed analysis逐层分析
blow-by of piston活塞漏气
boring by percussion冲击钻井
breakouting by explosion爆炸松扣
by operation of law依法
by-pass baffle旁通挡座
by-pass collar旁通接箍
by-pass feeder旁通加药器
by-pass filter旁路滤波器
by-pass flowmeter旁路式流量计
by-pass governing旁通控制
by-pass manifold旁通管汇
by-pass operation旁通运行
by-pass pig旁通清管器
by-pass pipe旁通管
by-pass pipe弓形管
by-pass plug旁泄塞
by-pass plug旁通塞
by-pass port旁通孔
by-pass shunt meter旁路分流流量计
by-pass valve旁通阀
by-passed area未波及区
by-passed resistor旁路电阻
by-passed resistor分路电阻
by the order of按.....次序
by volume按体积计
carriage by air航空运输
cathodic protection by automatically controlled impressed current自控外加电流式阴极保护
charter by time按时计费租船
charter by voyage按次计费租船
coating screen by electrophoresis电泳沉积法涂屏
communicating by sight可见信号通信
communicating by sound有声信号通信
content by volume体积含量
core breaking by hydraulic pressure液压割断岩心
core breaking by hydraulic pressure投球液压割心
core cutting by hydraulic pressure液压割断岩心
core cutting by mechanical loading机械加压割断岩心
corporate by laws公司章程
cumulative percent by weight累计重量百分比
degradation by bacteria细菌降解
degradation by bacteria菌解
dehydration by adsorption吸附脱水
desulfurization by gasification process气化脱硫法
drainage by grounding接地排流
elimination by addition or subtraction加减消元法
elimination by comparison比较消元法
elimination by substitution代入消元法
energy transport by pipeline管道能源运输
etching by transmitted light光透腐蚀
fill by gravity自流灌装
fire extinction by foam泡沫灭火
flow by gravity重力自流
flow by heads间歇自流
gas blow-by气窜
gas by-passing天然气窜流
gas by-products天然气副产品
gas gathering by booster增压集气
gauging by inn age测油高
gauging by outage测空高
gauging by ullage测空高
grain-by-grain settling分粒沉降
hot vapour by pass热蒸汽旁路
illustrated by插图
illustrated by说明
illustrated by由… …插图的
lead poisoning by inhalation吸入铅中毒
level by level correlation逐点对比
loadout stand by ballast system备用装船压载系统
loss by vapour emission蒸气放出损耗
lubrication by splash喷溅润滑
maintenance by contractor外包维修
metal uptake by plant植物的金属摄取
method by trial试合法
natural gas transport by pipeline天然气管道运输
oil products transport by pipeline成品油管道运输
operating by others他人经营
pattern-by-pattern analysis逐个井网分析
payment by installment分期付款
percent by weight重量百分数
percentage by volume体积百分数
petroleum transport by waterway石油水路运输
plate-by-plate calculation逐板计算
plug removal by reverse flow反排解堵
point by point method逐点测定法
pore-by-pore displacement efficiency逐孔驱替效率
pore-by-pore displacement efficiency孔隙微观驱替效率
production by gas lift气举开采
proportion by addition合比
proportion by addition and subtraction合分比
proportion by subtraction分比
pump by heads不规则间歇抽油
quality control by attributes按产品特征控制
reaction by-product反应畐9产品
reclaiming by centrifuge离心法再生
releasing stuck by acidizing酸浴解卡法
releasing stuck by acidizing泡酸解卡法
releasing stuck by cutting割铣解卡
releasing stuck by oil spotting泡油解卡法
reliability by duplication用双重元件保证可靠性
Renminbi loans mortgaged by foreign exchange外汇抵押人民币贷款
rock cutting by hydraulic power水力破岩
safety by-pass安全旁通管
safety by-pass安全放泄管
sales by chain连锁销售
sampling by water displacement水置换法采样
shot-by-shot deconvolution逐炮反褶积
side by side并排
side by side并排【肩】地
side-by-side bicomponent fiber并列型双组分纤维
side-by-side dual tubing string平行双油管柱
side-by-side mooring并列式系泊
side by side mooring system旁靠系泊系统
side by side mooring system并靠系泊系统
side-by-side offloading并列式卸载
side-by-side pad并排电极极板
side by side tubing string双油管柱
side by side tubing string并行油管柱
side-by-side valves并列阀
stand-by boat守备船
stand-by letter of credit备用信用证
stand-by loss停钻损失
stand-by loss停工损失
stand-by power station备用电站
stand-by pump station备用泵站
stand-by rig time停钻时间
stand-by ship值班船
stand-by storage备用储罐
stand-by time停止时间
stand-by time停歇时间
stand-by time等待时间
step by step逐级
step by step逐段
step-by-step design分段设计
step-by-step formulation逐次逼近公式
step-by-step operation步进操作
step-by-step plan分期规划
step-by-step test步进试验
sulfur by-bomb method氧弹法含硫量
sulfur by lamp method燃灯法含硫量
sulfur by quartz tube method石英管法含硫量
sulfur by volumetric method容量法定硫
tetraethyl lead by bichromate重铬酸盐法四乙基铅含量
transportable by anything可用各种方式输送的
trim by stern后倾
verification by sampling抽样鉴定
zone-by-zone analysis逐层分析
zone-by-zone production testing逐层生产测试