
Terms containing By | all forms | exact matches only
gen.accompanied by附 〔带〕有
gen.accompanied by伴随〔同时〕有
gen.Are you paying in cash or by cheque?您用现款支付还是用支票支付?
gen.attack by innuendo含沙射影
gen.attack by innuendo旁敲侧击
gen.attack by night夜袭
gen.beaccompanied by附 〔带〕有
gen.beaccompanied by伴随〔同时〕有
gen.becaused by由…所引起
gen.becaused by起因于
gen.bend M out of the straight by使 M 产生 N 的挠度 (N)
gen.blow by不密封
gen.blow by渗漏
gen.blow by从…旁,缝中漏出
gen.by 1975截至 1975 年
gen.by all appearances看来
gen.by all appearances显然
gen.by all manner of means一定
gen.by all manner of means务必
gen.by all manner of means无论如何
gen.by all means表示答应完全可以
gen.by all means不惜一切
gen.by all means以任何手段
gen.by all means无论如何
gen.by all manner of means必定
gen.by all means一定
gen.by all odds…得多
gen.by all odds远胜过…
gen.by all odds远远超过…
gen.by any chance意外地
gen.by any chance万一
gen.by any chance偶然
gen.by any means不惜一切
gen.by any means表示答应完全可以
gen.by any means一定
gen.by any means以任何手段
gen.by any possibility有可能
gen.by any possibility也许
gen.by any possibility万一
gen.by appearances根据外表〔现象〕
gen.by appointment按照约定的时间和地点
gen.by arms用武力
gen.by the bayonet用武力
gen.by bearing and angle方位和角度定位
gen.by birth在血统上
gen.by birth生来
gen.by birth天生地
gen.by bulk or by weight按体积或按重量
gen.by chance碰巧
gen.by chance无意识地
gen.by chance意外地
gen.by chance偶然
gen.by choice自选
gen.by common assent经一致同意
gen.by common consent—致同意
gen.by comparison比较起来
gen.by comparison toM 同M比较起来
gen.by comparison toM 与 M 相比
gen.by comparison withM 同M比较起来
gen.by comparison withM 与 M 相比
gen.by compulsion强迫地
gen.by contrast相形之下
gen.by contrast
gen.by contrast相反
gen.by contrast对比起来
gen.by contrast to与…对比〔相反〕
gen.by contrast with与…对比〔相反〕
gen.by correspondence withM 通过与 M 通信的办法
gen.by course of照…的常例
gen.by craft用诡计〔手腕〕
gen.by day在白天
gen.by day and by night日日夜夜
gen.by daylight在白天
gen.by default不到场
gen.by default由于疏忽
gen.by default缺席
gen.by differentiation with respect to对…微分
gen.by driblets零星地
gen.by driblets渐渐
gen.by driblets—点点地
gen.by error错误地
gen.by express用快递
gen.by express搭快车
gen.by file陆续
gen.by file一列一列
gen.by main force尽全力
gen.by main force强迫
gen.by main force凭力气〔暴力〕
gen.by force of迫于
gen.by force of用…手段
gen.by force of通过
gen.by force of由于
gen.by fractions不完全的
gen.by fractions有余数的
gen.by general cosensus根据普遍的意见
gen.by goods用货车装运
gen.by guess凭推测
gen.by half非常
gen.by half过分
gen.by half一半
gen.by halves不彻底地
gen.by halves不完全〔善〕地
gen.by hap也许
gen.by hap可能
gen.by hap碰巧
gen.by hap偶然
gen.by haphazard碰巧地
gen.by haphazard偶然地
gen.by hundreds很多很多
gen.by hundreds成百成百的
gen.by inches—点点地
gen.by inches逐〔渐〕渐地
gen.by inches刚冈-点
gen.by instinct出于本能
gen.by intention有意
gen.by intention故意
gen.by lack of因无
gen.by lack of因缺乏
gen.by layers分层
gen.by lots分堆 (包,组)
gen.by main force全靠力气
gen.by main strength全靠力气
gen.by M mean用 M 表示 N (N)
gen.by M meanM 的意思是 N (N)
gen.by M mean所谓M指的是N (N)
gen.by might用武力
gen.by might and main竭尽全力
gen.by my faith一定
gen.by my faith实在
gen.by my faith我担保
gen.by my halidome一定
gen.by my halidome誓必
gen.by name名叫
gen.by name用〔凭〕名字
gen.by name John名叫约翰的
gen.by no accident并非偶然
gen.by no manner of means决不
gen.by no rate决没有
gen.by numbers依靠数量优势而…
gen.by ordinary通常
gen.be M by origin原籍 M
gen.by one's own account据某人自己说
gen.by sb.'s own admission据某人自己承认
gen.by parity of reasoning由此类推
gen.by piecemeal一件一件地
gen.by rail由铁路
gen.by rail乘火车
gen.by railway飞机火车,轮船,卡车
gen.by railway空〔铁路,海,卡车〕运
gen.by reason因为 (that)
gen.by reason of凭着
gen.by reason of为了
gen.by reason of由于
gen.by reason of因为
gen.by reason of the fair eyes of sb.为了某人的缘故
gen.by request如嘱
gen.by request应邀
gen.by request按照需要
gen.by right of由于
gen.by right of以…的权限
gen.by right of凭借
gen.by right of依…
gen.by rotation轮流地
gen.by rule墨守成规地
gen.by rule刻板地
gen.by rule规则规定
gen.by rule and line精密地
gen.by rule and line准确地
gen.by M say所谓M指的是N (N)
gen.by scores很〔许〕多
gen.by scores不少
gen.by small and small一点一点地
gen.by small and small慢慢地
gen.by some chance由于某种原因
gen.by some means总得想个办法 (or other)
gen.by some means用这种或那种方法 (or other)
gen.by some means设法 (or other)
gen.by some means以某种方法 (or other)
gen.by some possibility也许
gen.by some possibility或许
gen.by stealth暗中
gen.by stealth偷偷地
gen.by stealth秘密地
gen.By studying the finishing technology of cashmere fabrics, the quality of products was greatly improved通过对羊绒织物后整理技术的研究,产品质量有了很大提高
gen.by sufferance经勉强同意
gen.by sufferance经容许〔默许〕
gen.by surprise突然
gen.by surprise出其不意
gen.by surprise冷不防
gen.by telephone用电话
gen.by the agency of经…的介绍
gen.by the agency of经…之手
gen.by the agency of借助于
gen.by the authority ofM 以M的权力
gen.by the authority ofM 得M的许可
gen.by the by顺便提一句
gen.by the bye附带地
gen.by the bye顺便说到〔提起〕
gen.by the day按日计
gen.by the end of到…结束之时
gen.by the eye凭眼力
gen.by the eye用眼睛估计
gen.by the feel凭触摸
gen.by the good offices of由于…的尽力〔斡旋〕
gen.by the gross大量
gen.by the gross全数
gen.by the holy poker一定
gen.by the holy poker发誓用语老天爷在上
gen.by the hour按钟点
gen.by the instrumentality of依靠
gen.by the instrumentality of借助于
gen.by the instrumentality of
gen.by the light of nature自然而然地
gen.by the light of nature本能地
gen.by the medium ofM 通过 M
gen.by the medium ofM 以 M 为媒介
gen.by the mid-thirties到三十年代中期
gen.by the million大量的
gen.by the name ofM 以 M 的名字〔义〕
gen.by the name ofM 名叫 M
gen.by the very nature of the case当〔必〕然
gen.by the very nature of the case理所当然地
gen.by the very nature of things当〔必〕然
gen.by the nature of things在道理上
gen.by the nature of things必然
gen.by the very nature of things理所当然地
gen.by the order of按...... 次序
gen.by the holy rood以基督十字架为证
gen.by the roots从根本上
gen.by the roots连根地
gen.by the sea在海边
gen.by the side ofM 在M的旁边〔附近〕
gen.by the side ofM 和M在一起比较
gen.by the side of旁边
gen.By the side of Hyde Park stands Kensington Gardens肯星顿公园在海德公园旁边
gen.by the side of somebody身边
gen.by the square精确地
gen.by the square恰好地
gen.by the stern后部吃水比前部深的
gen.by the thousand大批大批地
gen.by the thousand数以千计地
gen.by the thousand大量地
gen.by the thousands数以千计地
gen.by the thousands大批大批地
gen.by the thousands大量地
gen.by the timeM 到M的时候已经 (that, of)
gen.by the way在路途〔过程〕中
gen.by the way同时
gen.by the way另外
gen.by the way顺便〔附带〕说说
gen.by the way顺路〔便〕
gen.by the way顺便说一下
gen.By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间
gen.By the way, is the Internet connection available here?对了,这儿可以上网吗?
gen.By the way, what is the exchange rate for Chinese yuan today?顺便问一下,今天人民币的兑换率是多少?
gen.by the word"alloy" we mean "mixture ofmetals"用"合金"这个词来表示"金属的混合物"
gen.by then到那时
gen.by then在那时以前
gen.by trade职业是
gen.by tradition根据传统〔口传〕
gen.by turns时而…时而…
gen.by turns轮流〔交替〕地
gen.by the tut计〔按〕件
gen.by twos and threes零零星星
gen.by twos and threes两三个一次
gen.by twos and threes三三两两
gen.by its very nature就其本性而言
gen.by its very nature本〔生〕来
gen.by its very nature天然地
gen.by virtue of借助
gen.by volume按体积〔计算〕
gen.by water乘船
gen.by way of终由
gen.by way of取道
gen.by way of用…方法
gen.by way of作为
gen.by way of以便
gen.by way of处于…状态
gen.by way of快要 (+ ing)
gen.by way of行将 (+ ing)
gen.by way of做出…样子
gen.by way of当做
gen.by way of example举例来说
gen.by way of example例如
gen.by way of exception作为例外
gen.by way of feint用声东击西的策略
gen.by way of parenthesis顺便
gen.by way of parenthesis附带地
gen.by way of precaution作为预防手段
gen.by way of precaution为小心起见
gen.by way of trial试试
gen.by weight按重量〔计算〕
gen.by which means借此
gen.by window靠窗
gen.caused by由…所引起
gen.caused by起因于
gen.character by character按宇符传送
gen.character by character字符接字符传送
gen.coating by vapour decomposition热解蒸镀
gen.counter by补偿
gen.dash by掠〔冲〕过去
gen.decrease by two orders of magnitude去掉两个零
gen.decrease by two orders of magnitude减少两位数字
gen.decrease by two orders of magnitude减少两个量级
gen.decrease by two orders of magnitude减小两个数量级× 10⁻²
gen.decrease in length byM 长度减少 M
gen.decrease x by a factor of 1/5把 x 减少〔降低〕到 x 的 1/5
gen.decrease x by a factor of 1/5把 x 减少〔降低〕4/5
gen.decrease x by a factor of 5把 x 减少〔降低〕到 x 的 1/5
gen.decrease x by a factor of 5把 x 减少〔降低〕4/5
gen.disintegration of nuclei by deuterons with proton emission核子裂变反应核子在重氢核作用下分裂而发射出中子
gen.displacement of M byM被N代替〔置换〕 (N)
gen.disposal by sale岀卖
gen.drying by internal heat电流〔内加热〕干燥法
gen.Each application should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope每份申请书均须附回邮信封,贴上邮票,写好地址
gen.electric power station fueled by uranium用铀作燃料的发电站
gen.expand by8cm³膨胀 8 厘米³
gen.flow by gravlty重力流动
gen.flow by gravlty自流
gen.be followed by继之以
gen.be followed by再加上
gen.be followed by后面有〔是〕
gen.foot by foot
gen.foot by foot一步一步
gen.gauge that must not err by more than 0.01mm误差不超过 0,01 毫米的量规
gen.get by通过
gen.get by过得去
gen.get by对付过去
gen.get by及格
gen.get by从旁边走过
gen.get M by a long reach尽力伸手取 M
gen.get by withM 用 M 对付过去
gen.happen by chance
gen.harden by itself自身硬化
gen.Hello, Bobby. It seems that I cany t arrive at your home by 12 o'clock. I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you. It was me to blame嗨,芭比,12 点我似乎无法到达你家。给你带来不便我感到很抱歉,这是我的错
gen.hold by坚持
gen.hold by固执
gen.hold by遵守
gen.hold up by the chin支持
gen.hold up by the chin托着下巴使不下沉
gen.How would you like to pay, sir, in cash or by credit card ?先生,请问您是用现金付款还是用信用卡付账?
gen.How would you like to settle your account, by credit card or cash?请问您怎么结账呢?用现金还是信用卡?
gen.If you really like it, we can cut down the price by 10 percent如果您真的想要,我们可以给您打九折
gen.If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
gen.Imagine you were being informed by finance that the traveler's check you had accepted yesterday is not valid because the guest had signed on the wrong position. How would you feel?想象一下,财务部通知你,昨天你收到的一张旅行支票客人签字签错了地方,所以无效,你会怎么办?
gen.be impressed by为…所感动
gen.inch by inch逐〔渐〕渐地
gen.inch by inch一点一点地
gen.It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准
gen.It is very convenient to pay by credit card when shopping abroad在国外购物用信用卡付款非常方便
gen.It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary这是外交大臣典型的信心十足的表现
gen.item by item逐条个,项
gen.It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
gen.It's infuriating! I have to be in Tokyo by six真气人!我得在6点以前到达东京
gen.It's ridiculous! I can get to places faster by bike than by car now!现在你如果要去一个地方,骑自行车比开车快多了。这简直荒唐!
gen.January 16th is San Antonio Atonement Day in Spain. Men show their braveness by riding horses through the fire1月16日是西班牙的圣安东尼赎罪节,男人们骑马穿过火焰来展示他们的勇敢
gen.judging by由…来判断
gen.judging by插人语根据…来推测
gen.knife fretted by rust锈掉的刀子
gen.know by heart记住
gen.know by heart
gen.know M by name只知道 M 的名字
gen.lay store by重视
gen.lead M by比 M 超前 N (N, 量)
gen.lead... by the nose自由操纵…
gen.lead... by the nose牵着…的鼻子走
gen.let by避让
gen.let by让过
gen.light transfer by fiber optic纤维光学传递
gen.make gap by arc电弧放电加工
gen.manufacture of iron and steel by by melting钢铁熔炼
gen.Many people celebrate their love for their partner by sending cards or letters, giving gifts or flowers and arranging meals in restaurants or romantic nights in hotels许多人通过寄贺卡、情书,送礼物或鲜花来表达爱意,或是到饭店吃饭,或是在酒店待上浪漫的一晚
gen.mark M by用 N 标出 M (N)
gen.mixer amplification by variable reactance低噪音微波放大器
gen.mixer amplification by variable reactance可变电抗混频放大器
gen.modification by irradiation辐照变性
math.multiplication byM 乘以 M
gen.multiplication by stages分级倍增
gen.be opened byM 用 M 打开
gen.be opened byM 以 M 开始
gen.percents by weight重量%
gen.percents by weight重量百分数
gen.phonon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation费塞受激辐射式声子放大器
gen.protection relay system by carrier载波保护中继制
gen.radio frequency amplification by stimulated emission of radiation雷塞受激辐射式射频放大器
gen.restricted byM M上受到限制
gen.sail by the log用测程仪测船的位置
automat.scheduling control automation by network system〔借〕网络系统〔进行的〕自动程序控制
gen.sell by the ton论吨〔码,打〕出售
gen.sell by the yard论吨〔码,打〕出售
gen.set by收起
gen.set by珍重
gen.set by放在一边
gen.set by the heels使倾覆
gen.set by the heels推翻
gen.set light by轻视
gen.set little by轻视
gen.set much byM 尊重 M
gen.set much great, little, no store byM 非常〔极,不太,简直不〕重视M
gen.set no great store by轻视
gen.set no great store by不重视
gen.set great store by重 〔珍〕 视
gen.set store byM 尊重 M
gen.She was very flattered by his asking her to dance again他再次邀请她共舞,她非常高兴
gen.shoot by从旁射〔飞,掠〕过
badm.side by side双打并肩战术
badm.side by side左右站法
gen.side by side并排〔肩,列〕地
gen.side by side一起地
gen.side by side相并
badm.side-by-side formation平行站位
badm.side-by-side formation分边站位
badm.side-by-side teamwork双打并肩战术配合
badm.side-by-side teamwork平行站位战术
gen.side by side withM 与M并排〔并肩,同时〕
gen.signal communication by orbiting relay experiment卫星接力信号通信试验
gen.sit by me坐在〔走过〕我旁边
bodybuild.sit up by side lying侧卧起坐
gen.six by seven cable六股七丝钢丝绳
gen.six divides by two六能被二除尽
gen.Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘记了去品味咖啡
gen.speak by the book说话正确〔有根据〕
gen.speak by the book说话严谨
gen.speak by the book正确讲
gen.speak by the book说话有根据
gen.stabilization by voltage feedback电压反馈稳定性
gen.Sure, black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pigs' or cows,blood. It is usually served as part of a traditional full breakfast in England当然可以,血肠是用猪血或牛血灌制而成的,是一种传统英国早餐
gen.take by force武力侵占
gen.take by force夺取
gen.take M by storm使M大吃一惊〔大为感动〕
gen.take M by storm攻占〔袭取〕M
gen.take example by以…为榜样〔借鉴〕
gen.take occasion by the forelock乘机
gen.take occasion by the forelock抓住时机
gen.take opportunity by the forelock乘机
gen.take opportunity by the forelock抓住时机
gen.take the problems one by one把问题逐个地研究〔处理〕
gen.take time by the forelock乘机
gen.take time by the forelock抓住时机
gen.take warning byM 拿 M 当作教训〔前车之鉴〕
gen.term-by-term combination并项
judo.throwing by sacrifice falls舍身技
gen.tilt a mirror by把反射镜倾斜5°
gen.Today, pizza is one of the top 3 foods eaten by Americans现在,比萨是美国人的三大食品之一
gen.Toyota's market in the U. S. is fading fast, with sales last year down by half丰田在美国的市场正在迅速萎缩,去年的销量下滑了一半
radio.amat.transmission by hand手键发报
gen.two by four不足道的
gen.two-by-four2英寸〔英尺〕× 4 英寸〔英尺〕的
gen.two by four小的
gen.two by two两个两个
gen.ultraviolet amplification by stimulated emission of radiation受激辐射式紫外〔线〕放大器
gen.ultraviolet amplification by stimulated emission of radiation紫外〔线〕激光器
gen.ultraviolet amplification by stimulated emission of radiation优凡塞
gen.understand M by把N理解为M (N)
gen.understand M by认为N是M (N)
gen.understand M by所谓N指的是M (N)
gen.values between may be found by proportion中间各数值可按比例求出
gen.Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by a credit card?您愿意用信用卡来担保预订吗?
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