
Terms for subject Business containing Business | all forms | exact matches only
accounting of business企业会计
accounting of business商业会计
accounting principles for business enterprise企业会计原则
active business有活力的企业
active business主动营业
active business of a bank银行主动业务
active conduct of business业务活动
active improvement business主动加工贸易
active processing business主动加工贸易
adept of business业务内行
adjustment of business income调整营业收入
administration of business工商管理
administrative agency of business financial data企业财务数据管理处
advance capital for a business预付营业资本
advance capital for a business企业垫付资本
advertising for retail business零售业广告
adviser on business业务顾问
affiliated business联营企业
agreement on general terms and conditions of business一般交易条件协议书
agricultural business农业企业
all business languished百业萧条
allowance for business trip出差补贴
an opening of business交易机会
analysis of business profits企业利润分析
analysis of the affairs of a business经营情况分析
analysis of the affairs of a business企业经营成果分析
any other business任何其他业务
appraisal of business经营评价
arbitrage business套做业务
arbitration of business dispute交易纠纷仲裁
asset brought into a business资产投资
astronomical theory of business cycle经济周期天体说
audit of banking business银行业务检查
audit on banking business银行业务检査
autonomous adjustment of business activity经济活动的自发调节
autonomous product business自主产品业务
award for business management企业管理优秀奖
backlog of business现有订货量
bank rate on long-term business loan银行长期商业贷款利率
bank rate on short-term business loan银行短期商业贷款利率
barter business以货换货的交易
base of business function业务职能基础
basic functions of business enterprises商业企业基本职能
basic principle of business交易基本原则
basic work of business management企业管理基础工作
be away on official business出差
be engaged in business经商
be in business从商
be in business经商
be proficient in business精通业务
be proficient in company business精通公司业务
be proficient in profession of business management精通工商管理专业
beginning of a slump downturn in the business cycle周期性看跌
biennialization business大企业
biennialization business大生意
big business大宗交易
big business垄断性企业
bill business票据业务
blackout of business业务中断
boating business船舶业务
bring business to a successful conclusion成交
bring business to a successful conclusion达成交易
bring in business入股
bring in business生意赚钱
brisk business生意兴隆
broaden business扩大经营
build up a business开店
building business建筑业
bursting with business买卖兴旺
buy out a business买字号
buy out a business买下招牌
buy out a business买下一家企业
buy-back business回购业务
capacity of business业务能力
carrying on an improper business不正当营业
carrying on business营业
carrying on improper business不正当经营
cases in business management工商管理问题
central business district〈美〉城市中心商业区
centralization of business事业集中
certificate to commerce business开业许可证
certificate to commerce business营业执照
cessation of business停止营业
chancy business危险的经营
chancy business危险的企业
change in business inventory企业库存变动
charter business租机业务
charter business包租业
Chinese-foreign enterprise with cooperative business operations中外合作经营企业
circulating tax system applied to domestic business国内流转税制
circulating tax system applied to foreign business涉外流转税制
class of business业务分类
classification by scope of business按业务范围分类
classification of business transaction交易科目分类
classification of enterprise by scope of business企业按经营范围分类
clearing business结算业务
close business sale停业削价出售
close of a business year年度决算
closing business倒账
coding met hod for business data商业资料表示法
coding method for business data商业数据表示法
college of business management工商管理学院
come to business达成交易
commence a business开始做生意
commence business开始营业
commercial and business administration工商管理
commercial business tax商业营业税
commodity futures business商品期货业务
common business oriented language通用商业语言
common business oriented language通用商业语言一种电脑用的自动化语言
common business oriented language COBOL商业通用语言
common business oriented language COBOL语言
company business公司业务
compensation business补偿贸易
compensation for business商业补偿
competition in retail business零售业竞争
competitor in business同业竞争者
complete a business transaction成交
comprehensive groups in terms of their overall production and business总体生产经营综合化
concern for business关心业务
concern in the business商业股份
conclude business成交
conducive to the promotion of business有助于促进业务
consultancy on financial business金融业务咨询
contingency business附带业务
contingent business interruption insurance或有营业中断保险
continuity concept of business营业的连续性概念
contractor's business承包业务
Could I have some information about your scope of business?请问你们的经营范围是什么?
craze for business经商热
credit business信用交易
credit business赊销
credit in business信用往来
current business income本期营业收入
current business income tax本期营业所得税
cutting down business expense减少业务费用
day to day business日常业务
debit business借方业务
declining phase of the business cycle经济周期中衰退阶段
deductible business expense准予扣除的经营费用
deterioration of business condition商情恶化
determining the items of business决定营业项目
diagnosis of business企业诊断
direct business直接交易货主与货主间直接交易
disposal of business企业的清理
distribution business分销业
division of business业务划分
division of business planning业务计划处
do business by bargaining讨价还价交易
do business on one's own account自行经营
do business with foreign firm对外成交
doctor of business administration工商管理学博士
doctor of business science工商管理博士
domestic business国内企业
domestic business国内工商企业
drum up business招揽生意
dull in business生意清淡
dynamical business analysis动态商情分析
earnings retained for use in the business企业经营用留存收益
effective long range business planning有效的长期业务规划
effective long-range business planning有效的长期营业计划
endogenous business cycle theory内生经济周期论
endogenous business cycle theory内因商业循环理论
engage in both export and import business经营进出口业务
enlarge business扩展营业
enlarge business扩大业务
enlarging a business enterprise扩大商业企业
enlarging a business enterprise扩大商行企业
entanglement in business商务纠纷
exogenous business-cycle theory外生经济周期说
exogenous business-cycle theory外因商业周期理论
expand business扩大业务
expansion of business扩充业务
expansion of business企业扩展
expansion of business营业扩大
expense in carrying on business营业费用
faculty of business商学院
failed in business买卖亏蚀
family business家庭工商业
family business个体工商业
family business家庭企业
family operated business私营企业
farm business农场企业
fast-food business快餐业
field of business经营范围
finalize of the business达成交易
finalize of the business最后成交
financing by business企业融资
financing of overseas business海外企业融资
fly by night business operation不可信任的商业行动
fly-by-night business operation欺骗性商业活动
forecasting of business conditions商情预测
foreign business information海外商情
foreign business outlook国外商情展望
form of business enterprise商业企业类型
form of business organization企业组织体制
forwarding business货运承运业
found a business创建企业
founder of the business企业创始人
freedom of business经营自由
funny business欺骗性交易
funny business〈俚〉欺骗等不道德行为
good business conditions景气
government business enterprise公营企业
government business enterprise国营企业
government operated business国营企业
government owned and operated business国营企业
government regulation of business政府企业法规
government regulations of business政府企业法规
government‘operated business国营企业
government‘operated business公营企业
green business绿化企业
gross business savings企业储蓄总额
growth phase of the business cycle经济周期的成长阶段
growth stage of the business cycle经济周期的成长阶段
hand in business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hand in one's business licence for cancellation缴销营业执照
hazardous business风险业务
history of business企业史
holdings in a business company持有某公司的股份
If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the bearings?如果我们的轴承以到岸价成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?
immutable law of business事务不易法则
import-export business进出口业务
improvement of business operations经营改善
incorporated business股份制企业
incorporated business法人企业
index of net business formation每月营业净增指数
indicators of economic benefit in foreign business and economic enterprises对外经济贸易企业效益指标
industrious in one's business勤于经营
information of business商情
integrity of business企业信誉
inter-business credit企业间信贷
inter-business relation企业间联系
interest in a business企业权益
interlocking business联销业务
intermediary business中间商如经纪人
internationalized business国际化企业
internationalized business国际化经营
investment for business工商业投资
investment in business工商业投资
investment in the business营业投资额
investment in the business对企业投资
issued business在途契约
It's our principle in business "to honor the contract and keep our promise".我们的经营原则是"重合同,守信用"
key to the furtherance of business促进业务的关键
knowledge in international business国际商务知识
labor management business劳动管理业务
land devoted to business商业用地
land office business地产管理业务
large-scale retail business大规模零售业务
launch into business从商
laws and regulations of business企业法规
lease business租赁企业
licence for business营业执照
line of business经营范围
line of business行业
location of business营业地点
lose ability of business丧失业务能力
lose money in a business生意亏本
lose money in business亏本
loss from investment in business企业投资损失
lucrative business生利的企业
lucrative business赚钱的生意
lucrative business赚钱买卖
main business line主要营业项目
man of business商人
man of business生意人
manage a business管理业务
manage a business经营业务
management business管理部门业务
management in business工商管理
management of business工商管理
management of business企业管理
management of company business公司业务管理
management of internal business国内企业管理
management of middle-small business中小型企业管理
management of securities business证券交易管理
management of trust business信托业务管理
management's business管理业务
manager of the business业务经理
managerial system in business企业经营体制
manual of business management工商管理手册
margin business交押金交易
margin securities business保证金证券买卖
market forecast of business企业市场预测
marketing business service营销事务所
marketing-objected business concept以销售为目的的经营观念
marketing-oriented business concept营销导向企业观念
medium-scale business中型企业
merchandising business商业企业 (concern)
method of organizing business house组建商行方法
method of organizing business house组织商行方法
micro business个体企业
middle and small business中小企业
middle business中型企业
middle-scale business中型企业
middle-sized business中型企业
minority nationalities business少数民族企业
model of business企业模式
moderation of business activity业务活动适中
moderation of business cycles商业周期缓和
modern business现代化企业
modern business administration现代工商管理
modern business management现代工商管理
modern management business现代管理业务
modernized business现代化企业
monetary theory of business cycle货币景气循环理论
moneylending business放款业务
monkey business不正当行为
mortality rate of small business小型企业倒闭率
multibillion business亿万商行
multibillion business亿万生意
multimillion business以百万计的生意
multiple business corporation多种经营公司
multiple business enterprise多种经营企业
multiple business monopoly corporation综合性垄断公司
multiple flexible forms of business多样灵活的经营方式
multipurpose business bank综合性工商银行
name of business企业名称
natural business year纯营业年度即非会计年度
nature of business经营行业
nature of business企业性质
nature of business营业性质
negotiate business洽谈生意
negotiation of business交易磋商洽谈
negotiation of business商务谈判
net business savings企业净储蓄
network of business业务网
new business新开业
next business其次业务
next business下一项业务
no admittance except on business非公莫人
nurse a business搞好业务
nurse a business管好企业
occasional business临时业务
office or other fixed place of business办公地点或其他固定营业场所
official business公务
on business公差
on business trip因公出差
on business trip岀差
open a business开始经营经商
operation pattern of business企业经营方式
opportunity of re-activating the business使业务重新活跃的机会
optimal size of business最佳企业规模
ordinary business正常业务
ordinary business日常业务
ordinary course of business正常业务途径
organization of business企业组建
organize business组建企业
orphan business无头无尾的业务
orthodox practice of business传统商业惯例
other business其他业务
outlying business area市区外商业区
outlying business district市区外商业区
outstanding business未成交
oversaving theory of business cycle经济周期过度储蓄理论
oversea business海外业务商务
oversea business report海外商情报告
overseas business海外企业
overseas business condition海外景气
overseas business condition国际商情
owner of a business企业主
paperless business无纸贸易
paperless business无纸业务
part purchase and part pooling, treatment of business combination部分采购、部分集合经营的企业合并
part-time business部分时间营业
periodic business定期业务
petroleum business fund石油交易补贴金
plan for business经营计划
plan of business经营计划
poor business经营不善
practice business经商
preside over the business管理商业
pricing standards applied by business企业采用的作价标准
prime business最好企业
principal place of business主要营业处
private business私营工商业
private business私人买
processing business加工贸易
production and business program生产经营方案
productive business有盈利的业务
profit employed in the business事业留用利润
profitable business盈利企业
profit-driven business受利润驱动的企业
profit-making business盈利企业
profit-oriented business盈利企业
promote business促进业务
promote business发展业务
promote business开展业务
proper way of doing business经营业务的正当途径
public business公营企业
quantitative method in business企业计量方法
ratio of fixed assets for business to net worth营业净值与固定资产比率
reactivate the business恢复营业
reactivate the business恢复营业业务
ready money business, no credit given现金交易、概不赊欠
registration of business name公司名称注册
regular business经常业务
relation of business业务关系
render business difficult造成交易困难
reserve for business expansion企业营业扩展准备
restrictive business practice legislation限制性商业惯例法
restrictive business practices限制性商业措施
restrictive business practices限制性商业措施实指垄断市场的活动, 如垄断控制价格等
restrictive business trade system限制性商业交易制
restrictive practices of business限制性商业惯例
resume business复业
resume business恢复营业
right of business performed业务合法权
rightness of business performed业务合法权
rocky in business买卖难做
rocky in business生意困难
rocky season in business难做生意的季节
routine business日常业务
rushing business兴旺的生意
rushing business繁忙的交易
school of business administration工商管理学院
school of business management工商管理学院
scope of production and business生产经营范围
security of business营业保证金
separation of securities business from banking business银行业务与证券业务分离
service business服务行业
set one's self up in business备本经商
set up in business开业
set up in business宣布开业
shift-group business accounting班组经济核算
short-term business loan短期企业贷款
side business副业
side-line business副业
simulation games for business企业模拟博弈
simulation games for business工商企业业务模拟演示
skill of business业务技能
slackened business activity散漫企业活动
slump in business activity企业活力衰退
small and medium business中小商行
small and medium-sized business中小型商业
small business小生意
small business finance小企业财务
small business management小型企业管理
small business operation小型企业经营
small scale business小规模经营
small scale business小型企业
society of business工商企业学会
solid business firm殷实商号
split-up of business企业分割
standard of business业务标准
statistical business统计业务
stop doing business停止营业
study of business业务研究
substantial business大型商业企业
survey of business state企业状况调研
suspense of business暂停营业
take on a new business开办新业务
take over a business接管业务
taxes on business征收营业税
temporary business临时营业
temporary business临时业务
terminology of business业务术语
terms of business交易条件
thriving business生意兴隆
tour business旅游贸易
tourism business旅游业
tourist business旅游业
transact business做买卖
transnational business跨国经营
travel on official business差旅费
travel-related business旅游相关行业
trend of business商业趋势
trend of business营业趋势
triangular business三角贸易
trust and investment business信托投资企业
trust business信托业
trust business信托企业
underwrite various classes of business承保各类业务
undesirable business不受欢迎的业务
unfinished business未做完的生意
unincorporated business非公司性企业
unincorporated business income非公司营业收入
unlawful business operation非法经营
unsteady business conditions不稳商情
upswing in the business cycle商情好转
upturn in business业务回升好转
usage of business贸易惯例
value of business sale商业销售价价值
venture business风险冒险企业
venture business投机业
volume business批发交易贸易
volume business大量业务
volume business批量交易
volume of business贸易额
volume of business developed发展营业额
wangle business records伪造业务记录
waterborne business水运业
We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers我们给出的是最优惠的价格,有很多客户与我们合作
withhold business停止交易营业
workshop business subsidiary ledger车间经费明细账
worldwide insurance business全球性保险业务
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