
Terms for subject China containing Building | all forms | exact matches only
accelerate the building of a harmonious socialist society加快构建社会主义和谐社会
accelerate the establishment of institutional guarantees for implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development and building a harmonious society加快构筑落实科学发展观和建设和谐社会的体制保障
actively advocate the building of a harmonious world积极倡导建设和谐世界
adjacent building毗邻的建筑物
an office building办公楼
ancient buildings古建筑
building-control zones建筑控制区
building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects全面建设小康社会
building of a strong and prosperous, culturally advanced, democratic country建设富强、民主、文明的国家
building under preservation受保护建筑物
building up the armed forces军队建设
call for and promote the building of a harmonious world提岀推动建设和谐世界
center on the building of a harmonious socialist society围绕构建社会主义和谐社会
civilian building民用建筑物
components of buildings建筑构件
compulsory eviction from a building强制迁出房屋
Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议"亚信"会议
construction of buildings for military use军用房屋建筑工程
democratic and legal system building民主法制建设
devote itself to building a harmonious world marked by sustained peace and common prosperity致力于建设持久和平与共同繁荣的和谐世界
eviction from a building迁出房屋
government office buildings行政机关办公大楼
main part of the building建筑主体
memorial building纪念建筑物
neighboring buildings相邻建筑物
newly-erected buildings新增建筑物
on the basis of the policy of building good-neighborly, friendly relationships本着"以邻为伴,与邻为善"的方针
owners of buildings业主
permanent building永久性建筑物
public buildings公共建筑
renovation of the energy-saving facility in existing building既有建筑节能改造
school building safety校舍安全
school buildings校舍
small-sized building小型房屋建筑工程
strengthen the building of a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology加强社会主义精神文明的建设
strictly control building and expansion of office buildings of administrative organs严格控制行政机关新建、扩建办公大楼
strictly prohibit construction of luxurious office buildings and halls严禁建设豪华楼堂馆所
system building制度建设
the building of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River兴建长江三峡工程
the law can fully play its proper role in standardizing and guiding the functioning of society and guaranteeing success in building a harmonious socialist society充分发挥法律在构建社会主义和谐社会中的规范、引导和保障作用
the policy of building good-neighborly, friendly relationships"以邻为伴,与邻为善"的方针
the principle of building the party for the public interest and governing for the people, run the country for the people, exercise political power in the interest of the people立党为公、执政为民的理念
the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics建设中国特色的社会主义理论
user of the building建筑物使用人