
Terms containing Build | all forms | exact matches only
ecol.activity build up放射性积累
dril.adjustable-angle build motor可调角度的造斜马达
fin.adopt policies to build confidence采取政策构筑信心
avia.aircraft airplane specific build record飞机特定建造记录
avia.airplane aircraft specific build record飞机专用制造记录
railw.alkyd resin build varnish醇酸厚浆清漆
tech.applicant proposing to build建造中申请人
avia.APU build-up manual〔客〕辅助动力装置装配手册
tech.atmospheric chlorine build-up大气氯累积
ecol.atmospheric chlorine build-up大气氯蓄积
econ.Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director在设法建新车间之前,你必须先把各项计划提交给厂长
tech.being build area建设矿区
sport., med.body build体型
sport., med.body build体格
sport.body build健美器械
avia.Boeing design/build波音设计/建造
securit.build a book记账
securit.build a book建档
securit.build a book造册
tech.build a chapel半边风掉抢
busin.build a completes system within themselves自成体系
fin.build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系
China, polit.build a conservation-minded and environmentally friendly society建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会
China, polit.build a conservation-minded government建设节约型社会政府
China, polit.build a conservation-minded society建设节约型社会政府
China, polit.build a contingent of public servants who are politically reliable, professionally competent and clean and honest and have a good work style建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、清正廉洁、作风优良的公务员队伍
gen.build a continuation to a factory对工厂加以扩建
fin.build a cooperative economic partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系
fin.build a cooperative economic partnership of mutual respect and mutual benefit建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系
agric.build a dike打坝
tech.build a dike筑堤
China, polit.build a fair and rational new international political and economic order建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序
fin.build a financial safety net构建金融安全网
fin.build a financial system建设金融体系
gen.build a fire生〔点,起〕火
expl.build a fire to keep warm生火取暖
expl.build a fire under催某人做某事
fin.build a government bond market建立政府债券市场
fin.build a harmonious labor relations构建和谐劳动关系
China, polit.build a harmonious socialist society构建社会主义和谐社会
China, polit.build a harmonious world建设和谐世界
China, polit.build a just, transparent, hard-working, efficient, honest, upright and clean government that follows a well-defined code of conduct建设一个行为规范、公正透明、勤政高效、清正廉洁的政府
fin.build a moderately prosperous society建设小康社会
fin.build a moderately prosperous society in all respects全面建设小康社会
China, polit.build a moderately well-off society in an all-round way全面建设小康社会
fin.build a more just and equitable system of global economic governance建立一个更加公正合理的全球经济治理体系
fin.build a new and more equal and balanced global partnership for development建立更加平等、更加均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系
fin.build a new system of global economic governance建设全球经济治理新体系
securit.build a position仓量构筑
securit.build a position建仓
China, polit.build a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会
China, polit.build a socialist country under the rule of law建设社会主义法治国家
China, polit.build a socialist harmonious society构建社会主义和谐社会
China, lawbuild a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology社会主义精神文明的建设
fin.build a sound public employment service system建设健全的公共就业服务体系
fin.build a sufficient firewall建立一个足够强大的防火墙
econ.build a trade bridge with与…建立贸易关系
busin.build a trade bridge with...与…建立贸易联系
China, polit.build a well-off society in an all-round way全面建设小康社会
fin.build a Xiaokang society in all respects全面建设小康社会
dril.build access road筑临时道路
tech.build address resolution table内部地址分辨表
fin.build an international reserve currency system with stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply建立币值稳定、供应有序、总量可调的国际储备货币体系
tech.build and erection cost建安工程造价
tech.build and erection price建安工程价格
dril.build and hold interval增斜-稳斜井段
dril.build and sail interval增斜-稳斜井段
dril.build angle增斜
dril.build angle造斜角
China, lawbuild bases for seed of forage or grass shoots or tissue草种基地建设
China, polit.build clean government廉政建设
econ.build collective grain reserve留集体储备粮
gen.build up confidence在… 中,对…建立信任信用,威信 (in...)
China, lawbuild enterprise建设企业
fin.build exposure to internationally diversified products建立国际多元化产品的敞口
econ.build files on each of customers建立用户档案
fin.build firewalls to avoid contagion of crisis构筑防火墙,避免危机蔓延
avia.build group建造装配 (assembly group)
avia.build group component建造组部件
avia.build group component〔客〕建造组部件
avia.build group stack-up〔客〕建造组备件
dril.build-hold-build configuration增斜-稳斜-增斜井眼轨迹
dril.build in固定
dril.build in埋置
busin.build in使嵌入
tech.build in achievement indicator规定完成的指标
gen.build-in calibrator内部校准器
tech.build-in control自动校验
tech.build-in hear box嵌入齿轮轮箱
tech.build-in items In masonry砖石工程中的嵌入件
AI.build-in predicate内部谓词
agric.build-in reliability结构可靠性
gen.build in sections分部制造最后装配
mil., air.def.build-in test自检系统
mil., air.def.build-in test equipment机内测试设备
tech.build-in type suspended carrier淹没式悬浮载体
avia.build-in-place component内装部件
avia.build inspect aid建立检査目标
dril.build interval增斜井段
gen.build M into把M建设〔造〕成N (N)
gen.build M into使M成为N的不可分的部分 (N)
gen.build M into把M装〔嵌,插,加〕人N的内部 (N)
tech.build itself-up自激 (发)
tech.build joint勾缝
construct.build joints勾缝
tech.build laborer建筑工人
tech.build lease租地造物权
securit.build, lease, transfer建造、租赁和转让
nautic., tech.build margin建造裕度
dril.build mud weight泥浆加重
tech.build number建造号【船】
dril.build on...基于.....建在...…之上
gen.build on基于
gen.build on依靠〔赖〕
gen.build on指望
dril.build on...基于.....依赖..
gen.build on建在…上
gen.build M on a slight slope把M铺〔筑〕成缓坡
securit.build, operate and transfer建造、经营和转让
busin.Build, operate, Own建造—经营—拥有
busin.Build, Operate, Own, Bust建造—经营—拥有—破产
econ.build-operate-own projects建造、运营和拥有项目
econ.build-operate-transfer project建造一运营一转让项目
fin.build-operate-transfer model建设-经营-移交模式 (简称"建设-经营-移交模式 (BOT model) ",指政府把急需建设而资金短缺的基础设施建设项目,通过招标与谈判,交由私营部门(多为国际私人财团)直接投资建设,并给予投资者在项目建成后一定时期内的特许权。投资者在此特许期内,通过经营收回投资并取得利润,特许期结束后把该项目完好的、无条件的移交给政府)
gen.build out扩〔增〕建
tech.build-out resistor匹配电阻
gen.build over盖满建筑物
securit.build, own, operate建造、拥有和经营
fin.build, own, operate and transfer建造、拥有、经营、转让
busin.Build, Own, Operate, Transfer建造—拥有—经营—转让
securit.build, own, operate, transfer建造、拥有、经营和转让
econ.build-own-operate-transfer projects建造、拥有、运营和转让项目
busin.build-own-operation contract建造—拥有—经营合同
consult.build reservoir兴建水库
tech.build road-bed铺道床
gen.build round用建筑物包围
dril.build-sail-drop configuration增斜-稳斜-降斜井眼轨迹
securit.build short position做空
dril.build tendency增斜趋势
agric.build terraces修筑梯田
China, polit.build the Party for the public and exercise power for the people立党为公、执政为民
China, polit.build the Party's capacity to govern加强党的执政能力建设
dril.build the pressure憋压
dril.build the pressure增压
tech.build the pressure形成压力
securit.build-transfer BT建造转让模式
securit.build-transfer BT模式
securit.build, transfer, operate建造、转让和经营
gen.build up建设
gen.build up制〔构,组,合〕成
gen.build up增高〔加,进,长〕升高
gen.build up更新
gen.build up振〔复〕兴
gen.build up拟订
gen.build up焊上
gen.build up堵塞〔上〕
avia.build up形成
avia.build up增长
avia.build up集结
ecol.build-up累积污染物的 (of pollutants)
sport.build up增进健康
dril.build up编制
dril.build up增斜
dril.build up积累
dril.build up拟定
dril.build up堆焊
dril.build up增高
dril.build up装配
dril.build up组成
dril.build up安装
dril.build up造斜
sport.build up逐步建立
sport.build up锻炼体质
avia.build up逐次增加
securit.build up树立逐步建立
econ.build up增大
econ.build up增进
econ.build up开辟
busin.build up使组合
chem.build up提升力
busin.build up使装配
agric.build-up Bu更新值指甘蔗
gen.build up熔接
gen.build up画出
gen.build up锻炼
gen.build up改建
gen.build up长成
gen.build up产生
gen.build up建造〔成,立〕
dril.build up堵塞
dril.build up增压
gen.build up树立
busin.build up a bank开银行
busin.build up a bank account设立银行往来账户
busin.build up a business开店
commer.build up a fund积累基金
tech.build up a joint连接起来
econ.build up a market开辟市场
econ.build up a market拓展市场
econ.build up a market建立市场
busin.build up a market开拓市场
commer.build up a new market开辟新市场
busin.build up a reputation建立商誉
gen.build up a stockpile of strategic metals贮存战略性金属物资
busin.build up an account建账户
gen.build-up and delay distortion起振与时延引起的失真
dril.build-up angle造斜
dril.build-up angle增斜
tech.build up budget编制预算
econ.build up business开商店
nautic., tech.build-up crankshaft组合曲轴
dril.build-up curve增斜曲线
dril.build-up curve增压曲线
tech.build up curve压力恢复曲线
tech.build-up effect聚集效应
tech.build-up electrode堆焊焊条
tech.build-up factor复合系数
tech.build-up factor积累因子
desert.build up factor积累因子
busin.build up family fortune发家致富
China, lawbuild up fields造田
tech.build-up flow绿灯尾续车流
agric.build-up flow增殖期流蜜指春季蜂群发展期出现的小流蜜期
tech.build-up flow道口尾续车流
tech.build-up in the borehole埋钻
tech.build-up in the borehole钻孔堵塞
tech.build-up in the hole埋钻
tech.build-up in the hole钻孔堵塞
gen.build up M into把M 组合聚合,堆积,形成N (N)
tech.build-up lag增长滞后
avia.build-up low-cost advanced titanium structure组件式低价先进钛结构 (钛加上超级塑料等,用于发动机制造)
tech.build-up member装配
tech.build-up member拼装
construct.build-up member装配部件
tech.build-up member装配
adv.build-up method累积预算法
tech.build-up mica人造云母
tech.build-up of administration建立管理机构
tech.build-up of cash现金滞留
consult.build up of connections建立各种联系
fin.build-up of dollar assets美元资产的累积
tech.build-up of dust尘末聚积
tech.build-up of fluid液面升高
tech.build-up of material物料结块
tech.build-up of material物料积聚
tech.build-up of material材料堆积
tech.build-up of pollutants污染物的累积
tech.build-up of pressure压力升 (高)
tech.build-up of pressure压力积聚
tech.build-up of pressure造成压力
tech.build-up of pressure建立造成压力
tech.build-up of pulse脉冲增长
expl.build-up of stress应力加大
expl.build-up of stress应力积累
tech.build-up of stress应力增大
gen.build up our country through diligence and frugality勤俭建国
sport.build up people's health增强人民体质
tech.build-up pressure增大压力
tech.build-up pressure survey测恢复压力
dril.build-up process增斜方法
dril.build-up process增斜过程
dril.build-up process增斜步骤
dril.build-up process增斜程序
tech.build-up radiation累积辐射
dril.build-up rate增斜率
dril.build up rate增斜率
dril.build up rate造斜率
dril.build-up rate造斜率
dril.build up rates增斜率
dril.build up rates造斜率
dril.build-up section造斜井段
dril.build-up section增斜井段
tech.build-up sequence熔敷顺序
tech.build-up sequence焊道熔敷顺序
comp.build-up sequence组合顺序
econ., construct.build-up steel组合材
econ.build up the fund筹集资金
econ.build up the funds筹集资金
securit.build up the funds筹措资金
fin.build up the internal dynamism of economic recovery增强经济复苏的内在动力
tech.build-up the metal熔接金属
China, lawbuild up the people's physique增强人民体质
agric.build-up thickness拼装厚度
tech.build-up time of frequency stabilization稳定频率建立时间
inf.build up to使增加增长,积累
sport.build-up to a contest赛前强化训练
tech.build-up tolerance装配公差
tech.build-up tolerance累积公差
busin.build-up used in operation营业用建筑物
dril.build up…into…把...... 组合成......
gen.build M upon指望N (N)
gen.build M upon把M 寄托 依赖,依靠于N (N)
construct.build-virtual-machine program虚拟机构造程序
tech.build-virtual-machine program编制虚拟计算机程序
tech.build-virtual-machine programme编制虚拟计算机程序
econ.build water conservancy works on an extensive scale水利化
busin.buy-build-sell-lease transaction购—建—销—租业务
tech.buy-build-sell-lease transaction购一建一销一租业务
tech.carbon build-up积炭
tech.carbonate build-up trap碳酸盐岩隆圈闭
mil., air.def.central build-in test中央自检系统 (equipment)
tech.coal-tar epoxy build paint厚浆型环氧沥青漆
tech.coil build-up line拼卷作业线
tech.coil build-up line带卷端头焊接作业线
tech.condition of build mine surveying建矿条件调査
avia.configured build coordinator构型建立协调员
tech.consent to build建筑许可证
tech.consent to build施工执照
tech.consent to build同意建造
commer.contract to build a bridge承包建桥
tech.cylindric build package圆柱形卷装
tech.cylindrical build package圆柱形卷装
nautic., tech.date of build建造日期
tech.defective package build不良成型卷装
avia.defence build-up plan programme国防发展计划大纲 (日本)
avia.design and build设计与建造
construct.design-build experience设计施工经验
tech.design build experience设计施工经验
tech.design build process设计兼施工
avia.design build team设计建造组
avia.design-build team设计建造组
tech.design-and-build contract设计和施工合同
dril.double-adjustable-angle build motor两个角度可调井底造斜马达
tech.drift angle build up偏角增大
tech.elliptic build package椭圆形卷装
tech.elliptical build package椭圆形卷装
tech.energy reflection build-up factor能量反射积累因数
tech.energy transmission build-up factor能量透射积累因子
avia.engine build group发动机制造组
avia.engine build specification发动机制造规范
avia.engine build-up发动机装配
avia.engine build-up unit发动机装配装置
tech.equity build-up权益增加
tech.equity build-up资本增益
tech.extra high build epoxy bituminous paint超厚浆环氧沥青漆
tech.film build
tech.finite shield build-up factor有限屏蔽层积累因数
tech.flag build记号的形成
securit.funds to build key energy and transport projects能源交通重点建设资金
tech.glued build-up胶合结构
nautic., tech.goal new ship build standard目标型新船建造标准
tech.granite for build建筑用花岗岩
tech.heat build-up热积聚
chem.heat build-up生热性
chem.heat build up橡胶生热
tech.heat build-up发热 (性)
tech.heavy isotope build-up重同位素积累
tech.high build高成膜性
tech.high build成厚涂层性
tech.high build高固体性
tech.high build asbestos bituminous anti-corrosive paste厚浆型沥青石棉防腐浆
tech.high build coating多余涂层
chem.high build coating厚涂层涂料
tech.high build coating厚膜涂料
tech.high build coating厚膜凃层
tech.high build coating厚凃层涂料
tech.high build epoxy bituminous anti-corrosive paint环氧沥青厚浆型防腐漆
tech.high-build paint稠涂料
tech.high-build paint厚涂层漆
tech.high-build paint层涂料
tech.high build system厚涂层系统
tech.hysteresis heat build-up滞后生热性
avia.ice build-up on the…冰结在
agric.ice build-up tank制冰箱
refrig.ice build up tank结冰式水池
econ.In the end both parties contracted to build the airport最后双方签订了,建造机场的合同
tech.increment distance of outer track build-up外轨抬高递增距离
avia.integrated design and build team〔客〕综合设计和建筑队
avia.integrated design build team总体设计建筑队
China, polit.intensify efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government加大反腐倡廉力度
busin.inventory build-up存量增大
econ.It's important to build up good reputation树立良好的信誉非常重要
shipb.jerry build偷工减料地建造
tech.jointed build接笋船壳板
busin.land and build sinking fund房地产偿债基金
busin.land and build sinking fund房地产提存金
busin.land and build taxes房地产税
tech.layer-build cell分层电池
mil., air.def.local build-in test本地自检 (equipment)
tech.long lift build长程式成型
avia.maintenance build in test维修自检查
China, lawmake effort to build competent contingent of law-enforcing officer加强执法队伍建设
avia.manufacturing build and flow plan制造实施和流程计划
tech.metal build-up金属制成品
earth.sc.Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson build-up graphs米勒型处理压力恢复资料的图解法
consult.mortar build stone浆砌石
avia.multiple engine build-up list多发动机配套装配表
tech.normal concrete build element普通混凝土建筑构件
tech.out track build-up外轨抬高
tech.over-build section超额建断面
tech.parallel build平行成型
tech.parallel build package平行成型卷装
tech.payload build-up仪表装配
avia.power plant build-up动力装置组装
avia.power plant build-up manual动力装置安装手册
dril.pressure build-up关井后压力升高
tech.pressure build-up压力增长压力上升
tech.pressure build-up压力升高
energ.ind.pressure build-up压力封口
tech.pressure build-up curve压力增长曲线
tech.pressure build-up technique升压技术
tech.pressure build-up test升压试验
chem.pressure build-up vaporized汽化升压
chem.pressure build-up vaporized valve汽化升压阀
shipb.production build-up生产逐步上升
sport.Promote physical culture and sports to build up the people's health.发展体育运动,增强人民体质。
tech.pulse build-up time脉冲形成时间
tech.radioactivity build-up放射性积累
dril.rate of build增斜率
dril.rate of build造斜率
dril.rate of build up增斜率
dril.rate of build up造斜率
China, polit.relocation of people to build reservoirs水库移民
tech.rest and build up strength休养生息
tech.scrap build设备更新
tech.scrap build设备改造
tech.self-build housing society自建房屋协会
tech.short lift build短程式纱筒成形
dril.single adjustable angle build motor可调一个角度的造斜马达
avia.software build system软件构造系统
tech.special build-up welding特殊堆焊
fin.steady build-up in vulnerabilities脆弱性不断蓄积
tech.strain build-up应变积累
tech.stress build up应力聚集
fin.struggle to build on a fragile recovery疲于应对脆弱复苏
tech.system with ring-type build-up建立建筑系统
econ.The company contributed 10% of annual profits to help build a school该公司捐助年利润10%来建立学校
China, polit.the foundation on which we build our country立国之本
econ.They need a large amount of capital to build new containers and cranes他们需要大量资金来建造新的集装箱和起重设备
railw.three stage build-up分配阀三段升压
avia.thrust build-up time推力建立时间
gen.to build a model in plastic用塑料做个模型
tech.transformer build变量器构型
tech.ultra-high build coating超厚涂层
dril.verticle build up rate垂直造斜率
tech.voltage build-up rate电压增长率
econ.We are going to build an exhibition centre for the display of the merchandise produced by the companies我们打算建造一座展览馆,专门陈列各公司制造的商品
econ.We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergencies我们必须筹集储备基金以应付不测
fin.work together to build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership共同建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系
fin.work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系
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