
Terms for subject General containing Board | all forms | exact matches only
a strip of board纸〔布,板〕条
abdominal board腹肌锻炼机
above board公开地
above-board公开〔正〕 (的)
be above board光明正大的
be above board公开的
be above board在桌面上的
above board无欺骗地
across the board全面地
across the board包括一切地
across the board广播节目表
Admiralty Board海军部
Aerial Board of Control航空监察委员会
Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordinating Board NASA航空与航天协调委员会美国航空与航天局所属的
Air Board空军部
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board空军科学咨询委员会
Air Navigation Development Board航空发展委员答
Air Safety Board航空安全局
Aircraft Accident Board飞机事故调查委员会
aircraft operations board飞机配置标示盘指挥空战孭的
Aircraft Registration Board飞机注册局
Airways Modernization Board航空线路现代化委员会
American Board of Radiology美国辐射委员会
and board靠在一起的
and board船与船并排地
Armed Services Petroleum Board武装部队石油委员会
Army Air Defense Board陆军防空委员会
Army-Navy Explosives Safety Board陆海军炸药安全委员会
ascend with the board带板腾空
Atomic Energy Control Board原子能监察委员会英、加
bd bevel board斜角〔木〕板
bed and board膳宿
board-a-match scoring按副记分法
board checking挤贴
board checking板墙挤贴
board fade电视图像逐渐消失
board foot板英尺计量木板的单位,等于0.00236米3
board game棋类运动
board game
board in在寄宿处吃饭
board measure板材量度单位
board measure板英尺=1/12 英尺³
board measure板积计
board measure板英尺木材计量单位,等于1英尺 x 1英尺 x 1英寸
Board of Agriculture农业局
Board of Industrial Research and Development工业研究与发展委员会
Board of Investigation调査委员会
Board of Ordnance兵工署
Board of Ordnance军械署
Board of Trade商业部
Board of Trade unit英国商业部电能单位等于千瓦时
Board of Trade unit平衡-不平衡耦合变压器
Board of Trade unit of energy英国商业部电能单位等于千瓦时
Board of Trade Unit"电度"单位=1千瓦•时
Board of War Communications战时交通委员会
Board of Works〔建筑〕工程委员会
board out用木板围住〔钉起〕
board out在外面吃饭用栅木板阻断道路等
board out用板隔开
board pass界墙反弹传球
board pass反弹传球
board the plane登机
branching switch board并联复式交换机
bread board experiment试验板〔模拟板〕实验
bridge-board楼梯帮 (梁)
British joint Communication Board英国联合通信委员会
British Paper and Board Industry Research Association英国造纸与纸板〔工〕业研究协会
British Paper and Board Makers' Association英国造纸与纸板业协会
British Pressure Vessel Inspection Board英国压力容器检验局
British Rail Board英国铁路管理局
British Rubber Development Board英国橡胶发展委员会
British Waterways Board英国水路局
Building Research Advisory Board建筑科学研究咨询委员会美国国家科学研究委员会所属的
Buweps Industry Material Reliability Advisory Board海军武器局工业材料可靠性咨询委员会
Canadian Air Transport Board加拿大空运署
canal free-board渠岸出水高度
carrier on-board delivery货到付款
caution board警告牌〔标志,信号〕
Central Board of Irrigation and Power中央灌溉电力局印度
Central Electricity Board中央租力委员会
Central Electricity Generating Board中央堪力局
Central Flight Status Selection Board中央飞行人员选拔委员会
Central Intelligence Board中央情报委员会
check board loading交替棋盘式装载轻水堆堆芯的一种装载方法
Civil Aeronautics Board民用航空委员会
clip board夹纸
Combined Communications Board联合情稂交流处
control board控制板
co-ordinating board协调委员会
cut-out board装有保险丝的板
danger notice board危险警告牌
declined board下斜板
Defence Research Board国防研究委员会
distribution fuse board熔丝配线板
distribution fuse board带熔断器的配电板
division board区域板
double-clad board双面印制
dummy board哑席
dummy board虚设台
duplicate board复式桥牌盒
duplicating boards复制牌
Economic Stabilization Board经安会
end board端线界墙
Federal Maritime Board联邦海运局美国商业部所属的
Federal Specifications Board联邦技术规范局
Financial and Economical Board财政经济委员会北大西洋公约组织所属的
floor boards地板
Flying Evaluation Board飞行鉴定委员会
foot board measure板英尺木板计量单位,等于1英尺 x 1英尺 x 1英寸
fouled board插错牌
Free on board船上交货价格国际贸易的一种合同
free on board in harbour港口船上交货价格
Frequency Control Board频率管制委员会
Gas Research Board煤气研究委员会
Geophysical Research Board, National Research Council国家科委地球物理研究所美国
get on board上船〔车,飞机〕
go on board上船〔车,飞机〕
go up with the board带板腾空
have ...on board装〔载〕有
Hi. I'm here for flight 514 returning to Beijing, but the board shows there is a delay. How long of a delay is expected?你好。我要乘坐去北京的514号航班。信息牌显示航班延误。不知道要延误多长时间?
Highway Research Board公路研究委员会
Hydro-Electric Board联邦水电局美国
inclined board上斜板
Industry Evaluation Board工业生产评价委员会
International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions国际工业安全机构联合会
International Development Advisory Board国际发展咨询委员会
Iron and Steel Board钢铁局
ironing board熨衣板
Joint Air Defense Board联合防空委员会
Joint Air Photographic Intelligence Board联合航空摄影情报局
Joint Air Transportation Board联合空运委员会
Joint Army-Navy Munition Board陆海军联合军械委员会
Joint Atomic Weapons Publication Board联合原子武器出版委员会美; 其前身为 JSWPB
Joint Board联合委员会
Joint Research and Development Board联合研究与发展委员会
Joint Special Weapons Publication Board联合特种武器出版委员会美; JAWPB 的前身
Just check the flight display board above each carousel只要对照每个行李输送带上方的班次告示牌就可以了
logscale board foot原木板呎
London Electricity Board伦敦电业局
London Passenger Transport Board伦敦客运局
Materials Advisory Board材料咨询委员会美国国家科学研究委员会所属的
Midlands Electricity Board中部电业局
Military Communications-Electronics Board军事通信电子学委员会
Minerals and Metals Advisory Board of the National Research Council全国科学研究委员会矿物与金属咨询委员会
Mining Qualification Board采矿资格审查委员会
National Board of Fire Underwriters国家火灾保险局
National Coal Boardназв.комп. 英国煤炭局
National Energy Board国家能源委员会
National Industrial Recovery Board国家工业复兴委员会
National Labor Relations Board全国劳工关系委员会
National Maritime Board国家海运局
National Radiological Protection Board国家辐射防炉局
National Resources Board国家资源局
National Science Board国家科学委员会
National Security Resource Board国家战略资源委员会
National Transportation Safety Board国家运输安全委员会
Never cut or chop food directly on the worktop. Please use a chopping board勿直接在台面上切、剁料理食材,请务必于沾板上作业
North Eastern Electricity Board东北电业局
North Western Electricity Board西北电业局
Nuclear Standards Board原子能标准委员会
numerical reference to the boards参考标记数
Oklahoma Water Resources Board俄克拉何马水利资源委员会
on board靠在一起的
on board船与船并排地
on board在车〔船,机〕上
on board是其中一部分
on board工作上的联系
on board成并排〔列〕
on board上船
on board a ship在船上
on even board with在和…相同的条件下
Ordnance Board军械局
Our hotel has a meeting space of 700 meter squares, including a ball room, two board rooms and multipurpose meeting rooms我们酒店有700平方米的会议空间,包括一个宴会厅,两个董事会会议室和两个多功能会议室
Passengers requiring prescription medications should always carry them on board in their carry-on luggage需要服用处方药的乘客应在登机时把药放在随身携带的行李箱中
Petroleum Administrative Board石油事业管理局
printed circuit board印刷租路板
Provisional Frequency Board临时频率委员会 (ITU 所属的)
Publication Board出版局美国政府所属的,后改为 OTS
Publication Board reportPB 报告原由美国政府出版局出版、后由商业部技术服务处出版的技术报告
Publication Board reportsPB 报告原由美国政府出版局出版、后由商业部技术服务处出版的技术报告
puck tied up on the boards挤球至界墙
put a nail into a board把钉子钉进板里
Radio Research Board无线电研究局
Radio Technical Planning Board无线电技术发展规划委员会
repeater board中继机台
repeater board增音机架 (台)
Research and Development Board科学研究开.发局
Research and Development Board研究发展局美国
Research and Development Board科学研究发展局
Research Association for the Paper and Board, Printing and Packing Industries纸张印刷包装工业研究协会
Research Board of National Security国家安全研究委员会
run on board of攻击某人某事
run on board of撞着别船
Safety in Mines Research Board矿山安全研究委员会
saw boards out of a log把大木材锯成木板
Science Advisory Board科学研究咨询委员会
Scientific Advisory Board科学咨询局美国
side board边线界墙
So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late, but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case目前看来会延误两小时,不过,请多查看飞离航班信息牌,以防万一
sounding board共鸣〔共振〕板
South African Atomic Energy Board南非原子能局
South Eastern Electricity Board东南电业局
South Scotland Electricity Board南苏格兰电业局
South Wales Electricity Board南威尔斯电业局
South-Eastern Gas Board东南煤气局
Southern Electricity Board南部电业局
Space Science Board空间科学委员会
status board信息牌
stop board公交站牌
surface of board板面
Swedish State Power Board瑞典国家动力局
take... on board装载
tandem board汇接台
Technical Assistance Board技术援助局联合国所属的
Telecommunication Advisory Board电信咨询委员会
The detailed information is on the board. Please go and see it详细情况在那块利率牌上。请去那里看看吧
The ship is about to start. Let's go on board船就要开了,我们上船吧
there is a warp in the board这块板有点翘
thousand board feet千板英尺计量木板的单位,等于2.337米3
thousand mille board feet measure千板英尺
tread the boards当演员
tread the boards上舞台
treated hard pressed fibre board〔经过〕处理的硬压纤维板
United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国贸易发展理事会
United States Federal Specifications Board美国联邦技术规范局
untreated hard pressed fibre board未处理的硬压纤维板
walk the boards当演员
walk the boards上舞台
War Production Board战时生产委员会
Water Pollution Research Board水污染研究委员会
We are taking CA0001 for Beijing, China. Could you please tell me which gate I should get on board?我们要乘 CA0001前往中国北京,请问应该在几号登机口登机?
We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换
We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待
When should I board the train?我应该什么时候上车?
wrong board错误的一副牌
Your flight will take off soon. Please be quick to board the aircraft through Gate No 36. Thank you for your cooperation您的航班即将起飞,请迅速由36号登机口登机,谢谢合作